Well, English 102 is officially over. Yay! Organic chemistry... I'll be retaking that in the fall. I'm done trying with a fucked up professor. It's ok. I still have three finals in two classes. Almost done for the semester. And then I have less than a week off before starting summer classes, woohoo!
I'll be taking Physics, Speech, and History. Good lord talk about boredom....
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Today: Organic Chemistry Lab Final; six page English paper due
05/25: Lab Animal Care Lab Final
05/29: English Final (essay format, woo)
05/30: Organic Chemistry Lecture Final
06/01: Lab Animal Care Lecture Final
06/04: Large Animal Nursing Lab and Lecture Finals
And can I just say that I've lost all motivation and have sunken into some weird mini depression? My OChem lab final is in...
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05/25: Lab Animal Care Lab Final
05/29: English Final (essay format, woo)
05/30: Organic Chemistry Lecture Final
06/01: Lab Animal Care Lecture Final
06/04: Large Animal Nursing Lab and Lecture Finals
And can I just say that I've lost all motivation and have sunken into some weird mini depression? My OChem lab final is in...
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Good luck with everything! I'm sure you will do well. *Sending tons of motivation vibes your way* 

Phone tag sucks. We should do something about that.
this pic is sooo amazin, like a fairytale....

That is so exciting! I am so happy that you have found love!
Congratulations, deary!
That is so exciting! I am so happy that you have found love!
Congratulations, deary!
I've had pretty much the most horrible day ever. No, I don't wanna tell you about it because I'll cry.
Make me feel better by commenting on these videos. Just watching them helps me to smile a bit...
It's my man, macbastard, and my boss's newest edition. She's an 8 week old capuchin named Kaya.
Make me feel better by commenting on these videos. Just watching them helps me to smile a bit...

That's adoration for the chicken that everyone had been feeding him. 

yeah, Coleridge is awesome. In college, a bunch of us theater geeks would sit around, smoking hash, and reading aloud from Coleridge--we thought we were so romantic and bohemian.
Organic chemistry, while fun and interesting and amazing, is currently the bane of my existence. Do you see how late it is?! And I still have at least another hour of work. I have to be up at 7am.
I'm so glad architects don't have to take orgo.
I remember organic chemistry being fun as well.... the second time I took it. The first time was more like your experience, except I gave into the urge to sleep a little too often for my GPA to appreciate.
1. YAY COLTS!! You can just suck it, Mr. Brady.
2. I placed my very first IV catheter tonight.

3. My best friend who I haven't seen in over a year is here visiting, yay! I have to be up five hours from now for breakfast.
4. I have two new awesome friends -- Cree the bobcat and Luna the capuchin monkey. You should be...
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2. I placed my very first IV catheter tonight.

3. My best friend who I haven't seen in over a year is here visiting, yay! I have to be up five hours from now for breakfast.
4. I have two new awesome friends -- Cree the bobcat and Luna the capuchin monkey. You should be...
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I cannot picture you liking football. Wait........no, I still can't.
it was nice meeting you last night!
Hi! It's been almost two months since I've updated! Wow. I guess that's what happens when you're in school full time and working 45+ hours a week!
But now I'm on break from school and in Ohio for the holidays. I know it's "punk" and "hard core" to hate Christmas and all, but I love it! I'm here in Ohio, it's all cold and wintery...
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But now I'm on break from school and in Ohio for the holidays. I know it's "punk" and "hard core" to hate Christmas and all, but I love it! I'm here in Ohio, it's all cold and wintery...
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Oh my god - you would be the hottest vet ever!
Makes me wish I had a kitten. Stupid boyfriend and his supid allergies...

I'm really glad to hear that things are going well. Congratulations.
(I bet this gets more comments than my last journal... I guess people don't wanna read about puppies dieing. Next time I'll talk about the concerts I go to and how wasted I get and that I make out with all my hot girlfriends all the time!)
PS - To those who didn't get it, the last sentence in the parenthesis is sarcasm
(I bet this gets more comments than my last journal... I guess people don't wanna read about puppies dieing. Next time I'll talk about the concerts I go to and how wasted I get and that I make out with all my hot girlfriends all the time!)
PS - To those who didn't get it, the last sentence in the parenthesis is sarcasm

I didn't realize how much I missed seasons either, until I was driving through the foothills. I'm hoping one day I can have a little place away from LA where you actually have to wear sweaters and scrape the ice off your car windshield in the morning.
And it seems to me you've accomplished a lot. You've found something you love in working with animals and are taking steps to learn and improve your knowledge in the field. That's a heckuva an accomplishment to me.
And it seems to me you've accomplished a lot. You've found something you love in working with animals and are taking steps to learn and improve your knowledge in the field. That's a heckuva an accomplishment to me.

I'm curious - what was the infamous The Photo. I wonder if you could send me a copy of it just so I can see what all the fuss was about, way back when.
I'm curious - what was the infamous The Photo. I wonder if you could send me a copy of it just so I can see what all the fuss was about, way back when.
Thanks for the congrats in my last journal
It feels absolutely amazing that I'm finally doing what I want with my life.
Friday was my first night. My very first patient as a working technician died on the table while we were trying to save him. He was a 2-day old puppy. It was horribly heart-breaking and really put a damper on the night and...
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Friday was my first night. My very first patient as a working technician died on the table while we were trying to save him. He was a 2-day old puppy. It was horribly heart-breaking and really put a damper on the night and...
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Wow, that is pretty intense, but I bet very rewarding as well. Isn't it nice to finally be working at a job you love? 

Aghhhhhhh that is so sad. I would be wrecked.
I just got my first paying veterinary technician job!! Well, technically, I'm a technician in training, but still!! No one reading this can understand how important and amazing this is. It really is the best thing to ever happen to me
But of course now my time is beyond strained. Here's the breakdown:
Vet tech job: 21 hours a week
Job that pays bills:...
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I just got my first paying veterinary technician job!! Well, technically, I'm a technician in training, but still!! No one reading this can understand how important and amazing this is. It really is the best thing to ever happen to me

Vet tech job: 21 hours a week
Job that pays bills:...
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Believe me, I can sympathize.
Congrats on your career

I had my wisdom teeth taken out this past Friday. One of the sockets (for some reason I hate that word) has been very painful ever since. Especially yesterday and today, ow. I went today for a recheck... the verdict is in... DRY SOCKET! Woooo!
So they packed it with meds and I have to go back Saturday, Monday, and Wednesday! God damn. Getting these...
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So they packed it with meds and I have to go back Saturday, Monday, and Wednesday! God damn. Getting these...
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YAY!! I will be there at 10am sharp, maybe a few minutes early to get a good table. 

Wisdom teeth = yikes. I'm supposed to have mine removed at some point, but I am avoiding that aspect of reality.
How is school kicking your ass if you are kicking it with A's?
That wildlife thing sounds awesome. I want to work with cute widdle foxes and other critters.
I think a fox may be my spirit guide.
How is school kicking your ass if you are kicking it with A's?
That wildlife thing sounds awesome. I want to work with cute widdle foxes and other critters.
I think a fox may be my spirit guide.

Apparently my last journal upset some people. Let me explain myself futher.
I know that there are people on this site who consider me their friend and who I consider my friend. But I was thinking about really deep, really connected friendship. I was feeling extremely lonely and down, and I went through my phone and there wasn't a single person in there who I...
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I know that there are people on this site who consider me their friend and who I consider my friend. But I was thinking about really deep, really connected friendship. I was feeling extremely lonely and down, and I went through my phone and there wasn't a single person in there who I...
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Thank you, darling!!!

I want you to come and see me!
Good luck with exams, hope it all goes perfectly for ya.