How I got into the sex industry
From a very young age I developed the idea that a womens greatest power was her looks. Lets not bullshit-looks matter. Looks matter in our society in particular, where beauty is seen as a more desirable quality then, oh lets say kindness. Oh it's true-statistics prove so. In one survey I once read, it reported that kids in...
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From a very young age I developed the idea that a womens greatest power was her looks. Lets not bullshit-looks matter. Looks matter in our society in particular, where beauty is seen as a more desirable quality then, oh lets say kindness. Oh it's true-statistics prove so. In one survey I once read, it reported that kids in...
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The past twenty four hours has been a first for me-I have used my kitchen to cook in all by myself. I have a gas stove, and I am sorta scared of it because a few years back, the boy I was dating caught himself on fire via stove. Now, he didn't have a gas stove, but the fact I can see the flames always...
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why havent u been dancing?
i cant go a week without dancing somwhere!
i'm always dancing at home though
i cant go a week without dancing somwhere!
i'm always dancing at home though
when are u gonna become an SG
Sometimes I think about my family, really think about my family.
I love my family, even though sometimes they make me feel like I am going to cry.
I think they think that I am a loser.
I am not a loser-at least not for the reasons they think I am.
It makes me want to cry only because they don't know, they don't see...
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I love my family, even though sometimes they make me feel like I am going to cry.
I think they think that I am a loser.
I am not a loser-at least not for the reasons they think I am.
It makes me want to cry only because they don't know, they don't see...
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You are on my shoulder
and I am still so fucking stoned
You make my cells itch, but it doesn't bother me when my lungs are filled with 'dro.
Dedicated to my cat Pandora
and I am still so fucking stoned
You make my cells itch, but it doesn't bother me when my lungs are filled with 'dro.
Dedicated to my cat Pandora

Today I have too much shit to do
I have to work, go to the dmv, go to the post office, must workout, must speak to trainer, must pick up car, must go to school and sign up.
Mmy birthday is coming soon-yeah, and sorta scary. I wonder what 22 shall give way to. My few years in the twenteis have been..."eventful"
20-moved from folks,...
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I have to work, go to the dmv, go to the post office, must workout, must speak to trainer, must pick up car, must go to school and sign up.
Mmy birthday is coming soon-yeah, and sorta scary. I wonder what 22 shall give way to. My few years in the twenteis have been..."eventful"
20-moved from folks,...
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I just wanted to give a big props to Godsmoker. I read his journal and I recieved such a sweet mention, and if it wasn't for him I highly doubt I would of even met the rest of you, so heres to Godsmoker!
Everyone raise their glasses,blunts,lighters,or whatever the fuck people raise these days.
Mad Love

Mad Love

This is what I did since my cars been gone.
Since Lulu (my honda civic) was abducted, I have called the phone company and had my cell phone shut off temporarily. I am really upset about that, cause my phone books were also in the car, so I do not have anyones number, and I can't reach anyone cept through e-mail, and ..... Plus, if...
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Since Lulu (my honda civic) was abducted, I have called the phone company and had my cell phone shut off temporarily. I am really upset about that, cause my phone books were also in the car, so I do not have anyones number, and I can't reach anyone cept through e-mail, and ..... Plus, if...
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Its raining here and its bitter cold.
Last night I went to say bye to one of my gals who is of now on the road back to school. I will be making a trip to see her in a few weeks for her 21st birthday. I am broke and really can't afford the trip, but your 21st must be the bomb, so I will...
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Last night I went to say bye to one of my gals who is of now on the road back to school. I will be making a trip to see her in a few weeks for her 21st birthday. I am broke and really can't afford the trip, but your 21st must be the bomb, so I will...
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What up kids!!!
I have spent three glorious days being a kid, and not doing one adult thing.
Tuesday the Lost boy came over a bit after 10 pm, and we spent the night watching movies, and being retarded. Wednesday we attempted to make breakfast (side by side) I add, Bacon and eggs-how atkins. Then later when my sweetheart had to go to what Ii...
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I have spent three glorious days being a kid, and not doing one adult thing.
Tuesday the Lost boy came over a bit after 10 pm, and we spent the night watching movies, and being retarded. Wednesday we attempted to make breakfast (side by side) I add, Bacon and eggs-how atkins. Then later when my sweetheart had to go to what Ii...
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All my pleasures are guilty!
I'd would not be opposed to you running the world, now gimme my blunt!
I'd have to say my #1 would be fantasizing about some of my female co-workers. A lot of them are so fine, especially the black girls, and I'd never have a chance in hell!

I'd would not be opposed to you running the world, now gimme my blunt!

I'd have to say my #1 would be fantasizing about some of my female co-workers. A lot of them are so fine, especially the black girls, and I'd never have a chance in hell!
You won't hear any objections from me! I'd love to meet ya and smoke a big fat 'L'.

What up!
Rumor has it that snow is a'comin tomorrow morning around 6 am. I hate the snow. It really isn't as nice to me now that I do not go to grade school. Community college never closes.
Today was really fuckin busy for me, and I should be tired but all I am is hyper hyper hyper. Maybe it is all the coffe I...
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Rumor has it that snow is a'comin tomorrow morning around 6 am. I hate the snow. It really isn't as nice to me now that I do not go to grade school. Community college never closes.
Today was really fuckin busy for me, and I should be tired but all I am is hyper hyper hyper. Maybe it is all the coffe I...
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Snow is great!
There's nothing wrong with being a sex addict.... Oh, and smoke some green for me too!

There's nothing wrong with being a sex addict.... Oh, and smoke some green for me too!
What up kids!!!
I have spent three glorious days being a kid, and not doing one adult thing.
Tuesday the Lost boy came over a bit after 10 pm, and we spent the night watching movies, and being retarded. Wednesday we attempted to make breakfast (side by side) I add, Bacon and eggs-how atkins. Then later when my sweetheart had to go to what Ii refer to the nastiest strip club in the world aka his job, I picked up my sister who needed some advice and a listening ear on her relationship with her man of 8 years, which is not going well at all. There was a snow storm that night, so ofcourse my car was stuck three times in mounds of fucking snow yesterday. I did not get to wrok out which really sucked because that was day two without hitting the treadmill and eating corn chips with abandon.. Oh well
Now its friday, and I have to try to get this whole school thing in motion, plus put in a lot of hours for work, so I can make a 40 hour pay period and work out, and wrapped my girls x-mas present.
I am obsessed with the new J.Lo video-DON'T LAUGH!! J.Lo is one of my guilty pleasures. Ooh Ii have a idea. Everyone, list your top ten guilty pleasures-do it now!!! Remember, sharing is caring!
1.VH1 Specials on celebs shopping sprees,diet secrets,and living habits-it's like watching animal planet to me.
2. Xtina, after she became Dirty!!!!ooh yeah! and ofcourse J.Lo, not the actress but the video ho turned Diva.
3.Top Model reruns
4.Anything smothered in mayo or ranch dressing or both!!!Mmm yummy!!
5.Downloading electronic techno dance music
6.Learning the newest dances via BET AND MTV, and forcing Pandora (my cat) to watch.
7.Showing up late to appointments because I just had to spend an hour "relating"to myself.
8.Watching wedding shows such as "Bridezillas"
9.Shopping for houses all around the world as if I am ever going to own a villa in Brazil.
10.Concocting elaborate fantasies of World domination where me and my closest friends run everything-BLUNTS for all mankind!!
[Edited on Jan 07, 2005 6:18AM]
I have spent three glorious days being a kid, and not doing one adult thing.
Tuesday the Lost boy came over a bit after 10 pm, and we spent the night watching movies, and being retarded. Wednesday we attempted to make breakfast (side by side) I add, Bacon and eggs-how atkins. Then later when my sweetheart had to go to what Ii refer to the nastiest strip club in the world aka his job, I picked up my sister who needed some advice and a listening ear on her relationship with her man of 8 years, which is not going well at all. There was a snow storm that night, so ofcourse my car was stuck three times in mounds of fucking snow yesterday. I did not get to wrok out which really sucked because that was day two without hitting the treadmill and eating corn chips with abandon.. Oh well

I am obsessed with the new J.Lo video-DON'T LAUGH!! J.Lo is one of my guilty pleasures. Ooh Ii have a idea. Everyone, list your top ten guilty pleasures-do it now!!! Remember, sharing is caring!
1.VH1 Specials on celebs shopping sprees,diet secrets,and living habits-it's like watching animal planet to me.
2. Xtina, after she became Dirty!!!!ooh yeah! and ofcourse J.Lo, not the actress but the video ho turned Diva.
3.Top Model reruns
4.Anything smothered in mayo or ranch dressing or both!!!Mmm yummy!!
5.Downloading electronic techno dance music
6.Learning the newest dances via BET AND MTV, and forcing Pandora (my cat) to watch.
7.Showing up late to appointments because I just had to spend an hour "relating"to myself.
8.Watching wedding shows such as "Bridezillas"
9.Shopping for houses all around the world as if I am ever going to own a villa in Brazil.
10.Concocting elaborate fantasies of World domination where me and my closest friends run everything-BLUNTS for all mankind!!
[Edited on Jan 07, 2005 6:18AM]

I am trying to register on-line for one stupid class, and Ii can't. The computer will not do what I tell it. This confirms my previous suspisions that computers will eventually take over our planet and force us into submission!!
Not to be beaten by web registration I tried to register by touvh tone phone---blast, the computers must have sent out the...
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Alright ... lemme teach you.
The world we live in since 1700.
People fought stupid wars, there was strife and famine, the average length of skirt went from below ankle to pretty much right below labia, amazing things like clean water and fluffernutter were invented, stupid things like wireless internet at bus stops and George Bush were also discovered, the world changed from flat to round, people of different colours strived to be like everyone else ... and pretty much won ... only to realize that being like everyone else kinda sucked ass.
Fuck ... the world since 1700 ... is it something that you need for what you want to carry on with, or is it just something that seemed interesting to you? History kinda blows really ... isn't there something interesting like "The Simpsons And Its Impact On The 21st Century Society" or "How To Tell What Century We Are In So You Can Say Something Stupid To A Random Person On The Internet"?
Sadly, I've never seen your profile before, I just happened to run past a comment in a lovely persons journal that you left about Rasputina and was impressed that you liked them. So I came by to say hi. And then I got on a brain tangent ... sorry.
Really ... all I wanted to say was yay Rasputina.
The world we live in since 1700.
People fought stupid wars, there was strife and famine, the average length of skirt went from below ankle to pretty much right below labia, amazing things like clean water and fluffernutter were invented, stupid things like wireless internet at bus stops and George Bush were also discovered, the world changed from flat to round, people of different colours strived to be like everyone else ... and pretty much won ... only to realize that being like everyone else kinda sucked ass.
Fuck ... the world since 1700 ... is it something that you need for what you want to carry on with, or is it just something that seemed interesting to you? History kinda blows really ... isn't there something interesting like "The Simpsons And Its Impact On The 21st Century Society" or "How To Tell What Century We Are In So You Can Say Something Stupid To A Random Person On The Internet"?
Sadly, I've never seen your profile before, I just happened to run past a comment in a lovely persons journal that you left about Rasputina and was impressed that you liked them. So I came by to say hi. And then I got on a brain tangent ... sorry.
Really ... all I wanted to say was yay Rasputina.
Aww, how sad.
I love Rasputina to pieces, my favorite is their cover of "You Don't Own Me".
I love Rasputina to pieces, my favorite is their cover of "You Don't Own Me".
I feel exactly the same
i dont know why i feel thtat way though
i get turned on just by the idea of people fantasising about me
that is why i love SG
when i meet guys in real life that know me on here
i feel like i have this power over them
and i like it
is that bad????
and i've always had a thing for guys 2-3 years younger then me
just because i know that they think it's hot to be with a chick older...
isn't that wierd
i like to make people's fantasy's come true
not that everyone wants me.....
but i've alwyas been overly confident about my outward appearance
and i'm horrible when it comes to sharing how i feel
i could go on forever.... i'm gonna post this in my journal and tell everyone to come read yours too!!!!
and about stripping
i'm not doing it for money
i'm doing on the side of doing hair
it's not gonna be my main job..
i'd do it 3 night a week at most
i'm sorry i dont want to be rude
but i just dont agree with you on everything
not everyone in the sex industry is that fucked up
i was never abused in any way
but ever since i can remember i have always been a very sexual person
it just seems like u are slamming the entire business
not everyone does it cause they were ruined
and have fun
dance the night AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!
I am sorry that shit has been so rough for you. I understand a lot of what you are talking about and comend you for being brave enough to share it with us.
I don't know if it will be helpful for you, but I have always tried to just look at unfortunant, nay, horrible things that happen as a way to learn about the people who are more common and ignorant then myself. I hate hearing the old everything happens for a reason speel myself and do not believe it happens for any reason other then some sick persons idea of a good time. Just take what you can from the fucked upd situation and walk away from it. Use it to make yourself the tough bad ass chick I know you are anyway!
If you feel uncomfortable in the sex industry just stay away from it. Many people who share siimilar issues find it to be both a trigger and a trap.
As far as the drug thing... You know what you have to do to help yourself. Let me know if you need any help.
I think you are a smart, caring girl who deserves all the happiness life could give... Sometimes you just have to get out there and find it.