Sounds fun (skittles??) Yes I do know some about herbal remedies for migraines, Jon gets some pretty bad ones. My standard in a 1:3 combo of rosemary and lavender tincture. For Jon I also add some other herbs including wild lettuce, california poppy, and peony. It works best for him if he can catch the migraine at the very first twinge. Let me know what's going on and I can bring you a formula, in exchange for hooka smokage (with skittles of course ).
i took a train ride before 6am sunday morning... to the B terminal at dia. was a little inebriated, which with the benadryl helped me sleep going to LAX. plane to maui was long, but as we all know the ability to zone out can be quite useful in any number of situations!
nothing here has doors. its very odd to me. doors are only... Read More
I adopted a dog. Her name is Baily, she is an English coonhound (some redtick and bluetick hound in her). She is about 3yo.
Saturday morning was interesting. I was one of the lucky people who heard about i70 and co40 before getting on them. avalanches basically killed all frontrange traffic to the ski resorts and more... Read More
Hey!! Good to hear from you again. It's been awhile. I was on the verge of getting your phone number from Andy and giving you a call just to see how you're doing.
I think the best way to go about looking at the coming year (if thats how you choose to do things) is by looking at last year.
2006 perks
-turning 21 and having a awesome time
-learning more about people and relationships ('course sometimes as humans we repeat mistakes)
-getting a titanium collar bone
-figuring out how to have more fun among all those... Read More
- Took a diver at WP in some crusted over powder. Right under the chair lift, fella gave me a 8.5 for the crash. I ended up digging my tips in to far, skis stop, I spring up form my momentum and both boots come free. bindings reset themselves and i do a faceplant 8 feet or so farther down. Awesome, i love that... Read More
I spent between an hour and a half and two hours driving home from boulder tonight, and probably should have tried to stay in boulder. Everyone was going about 10mph on roads that were mostly just wet. there were occasional patches of ice and snow pack but not much. people are stupid, i had one oncoming car swerve into my lane right in front of... Read More
Yeah, it took me 1 1/2 hours to get home last night from Longmont. I practically went up one hill sideways!! People are dumb though. They don't seem to get the concept that accelarating and decelarating are the problems, so you have to get up enough speed to make it up hills. They want to go 2 mph up hills, and then get stuck. Retards. The lot of them.