Just thought I’d drop in and say hello. It’s been another tough year, but 2025 is just around the corner and I feel some BIG life changes coming! Nothing bad of course! Hope life is treating everybody good. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!!!
I’m doing some spring cleaning and these shirts either don’t fit or I just don’t wear them anymore. They are either sizes XL or XXL. None of these are in the SG shop anymore. Sell them $10 each, plus shipping. PM me!
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Another year has passed so I thought it was time for another update. June 4th, 2018 was my anniversary on SG making it 16 years for me. How crazy is that? Not much else is new, just living life.
Well it's 2017, which means it's been over a year since I updated this thing. Way too long in my opinion! I remember back in the day when I used to update this journal like once a week. I just don't have the time to do that anymore! Another year has passed and not much has changed, just another year older. Life is good! Work,...
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Gosh, it's been ages since I've got on SG and I don't even remember when I last posted. Anyways, I'm still alive and fine. I'm enjoying married life! I do miss getting on here and interacting with everybody! Hope everybody out there in SGland is doing good!!!

I think this song is about Tracy and me:
I love this song ALOT!
~I am sooo in love with my AMAZING girlfriend, Tracy.

~She is coming back to 1st shift starting tommorrow, so we'll be on the same shift again.

~I am moving in with her when my lease is up on my apartment on December 1st.
~And hopefully getting married...
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well I was going to ask how you met, but i'm guessing you met at work, it will be nice to work together i'm betting.
Congratulations on getting marred next year.
That is a pretty good song.
Does anybody know how you can find out the date when you first joined SG? My first journal entry was May 24th, 2003, but I'm pretty sure I may have joined back in 2002 and didn't really start becoming active on the site until 2003. Either way though, that means I've been a member of SG for right around 10 years now....
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