So I'm chilling with my X watching Qi and drinking tea and having an awesome time. Is it common for X's to get along well after a long relationship? Do you?
I honestly could not be more comfortable and straight up.. also Qi is amazing! I love this show..anything in particular you enjoy watching with your X (hopefully new close friend)
I've been doing a lot of femism reading recently specifically pertaining to South african women's poetry and I must say it's all a bit overwhelming. I mean if we as women are so truly and constantly oppressed even subconsciously in every facet of our lives how the hell are we supposed to separate what we do for ourselves and what we are intrinsically motivated to...
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I'm back boys and girls and this time to stay! I have a new set that I will be shooting with in this month and hope this one will do the trick! Love you all and I promise to log on at least every few days for a chat! MWAH
People leave as early as the week before the festival just to get a spot to camp in and then wait a week in the freezing cold(at night) and the boiling heat(during the day) in the dust,mud...
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My car set itself on fire due to my mechanic switching the markings on my battery terminals, so when my battery died and i tried to jump start my car I nearly burnt my hands off and managed to set fire to my battery. This was rather exciting considering it was...
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Either way though all is well that ends well and my little vehicle is up and running again and so am I! Second semester at Varsity is shaping up to be a tough one but challenging is not necessarily a bad thing!
Hope you all have a totally rad Thursday! At least the weekends almost here.

WATCH and let me know which is your fav:
As you guys might have noticed, I decided today will be directed at strange video's and things!

SO enjoy! and do something out of the ordinary if you can today. You know...
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WATCH IT GUYS!Its a little long and a little draining on your cap,but its very interesting.

I have been training my ass of and sleeping as much as possible as this seems to be the only natural ant-depressant anti-stresser out there. Also I think the amount of stress I am dealing with atm is just physically exhausting me..I guess between starting my third year,still dancing,working my ass off and trying to accomplish...
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As for games, Elder Scrolls, Dragon Age or Fallout are all immersive, and probably good for at least 100 hours each.

I AM BACK people!
I just came back from holiday, I went to cape town! Will be posting pics soon. I did come to the startling realisation while on holiday that going on holiday is not relaxing at all, I would much rather just stay at home and lounge. Going away is STRESSFUL, it was soooo much easier as...
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I just watched the most amazing documentary about David Bowie/ Ziggy Stardust..
Holy shit..The man is a total legend and even though I know he had to separate himself from Ziggy for his own sanity i sincerely wish I could have seen a Ziggy show...also I mean that whole movement of original Glam rock..The velvet underground,Ziggy even Iggy..Jesus why don't we produce artists like...
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plus, I love what you posted in the masturbation about porn
Personally I don't even think there should be a debate but I am keen to hear some opinions on this;
Who would you guys prefer to see or listen too? I figured seeing as SG has a really large international/alternative following it could be a great place to discuss this..
BTW if you guys don't know, Die Antwoord are a fringe pop/rap group...
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