A weekend of matzah and gefilte fish and awkward family banter = Passover. Somehow the conversation is always about diseases or Nazis. Oh and they told me I was not leaving their house until I played piano for them, and would i please play billy joel... i obliged them with some Elvis instead.

What is gefilte fish? ..an amalgamation of 3rd rate fishes (carp, etc.)...
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hey there, again. just wanted to say, have a good weekend.
Why thank you kind sir. You don't see too many around these parts that appreciate Randy Newman.
I went to DisneyWorld yesterday. I was in Florida visiting my bro for his birthday and he really loves Disney so we went. I hadn't been there since i was a kid. Man has it lost its magic since i was 8. There were cobwebs on the Small World ride, and Space Mountain's 1980 vision of the future is really hysterical. Splash Mountain is still...
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I'm doing really well, mister.
How about yourself? Will you send me a link to your site again? I want to check out the new album.

thanks for your comment.. its suprising sometimes.. how nice complete strangers can be smile
saw Sonic Youth tonight at this Spanish rock club in my neighborhood. it's amazing to hear them still making such awesome noise. and in this little local club above a gym in queens with only a couple hundred peoples there. it was a great night. i think i want to do a concert there.
oh yeah and it was 70 fucking degrees today here and...
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Thanks a lot.

I saw Hank 3 live in portland, one of the best shows ever. If you get a chance to ever see him live, do it.
hey you, thanks for your email. ARRR!!!

how's your weekend?
After a many months away from you, I am back.
Come talk to me again.
we finished mastering our album, "Horror" , this week and it's fucking awesome. It'll be out early november (the website will be updated by then too...right now it's got songs and pictures from like 2 years ago).

i've been watching the debates and all that shit and it's pretty much starting to take up most of my thoughts during the day. i'm usually not terribly...
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hey. thanks for the email, always fun to get something other than spam! i'd love to see springsteen AND to go to new jersey, some people say it's similar to sweden in some ways, um. i don't know about that but.... anyway. hell-o back!
thanx! blush smile
busy summer, recording our album is taking a long time but it should be done by september. Otherwise, playing raquetball, going to mexican movies, shining my stars.
I'm planning a possible little tour down through carolinas, georgia, florida at the end of the summer.
last week i drove for hours to the beach by myself just so i could walk in the ocean for a...
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sounding very productive...i'm jelous frown

plus good luck on the tour!
how ya doing, mister?
Can't wait to hear the album. I guess you never made it to pontiac this summer. whatever happened with that?
today we played country at a restaurant in brooklyn for 4 hrs and ate shrimp there. Last night i went to my first Yankees game . this week is "recital week" at the dance studio where i play piano, which means lots of 4 yr olds in tutus being butterflies and shit. this is my life now.
butterflies are cool
I was a PA for the WB at Madison Square Garden the past coupla days. I got to see lots of very mildly famous tv stars like steve harvey, jeff foxworthy, amanda bynes, treat williams, etc.. I missed meeting Lenny Kravitz though. He was being quite the diva. It was pretty funny to watch all these sorta celebrities with all their hangers-on around them like...
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sounds like a cool position to be in. how's everything else? i was actually in your neck of the woods the other night
So apparrently I had something like Scarlet Fever last week, which is like strep throat with red spots all over you. I looked pink and they took some skin from my neck and put some stiches that look like i got a heinous hickey.

My band the Shadow Boys is playing this Sunday at Continental at 10:30. We're headlining an event called the Downtown Opry...
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maybe i'll come check you guys out
sweet new pic
Damn I have a cold. I play piano 2 days a week at a kids dance studio so i may have gotten it from them...or from kissing girls.

One of my music students today told me that he doesn't like the Beatles and couldn't name any member . I didn't know what to say.

Our album is going well, and I should be able to...
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i used to have a friend who told me he hated the beatles. after george died, they did the whole tribute thing on Q104.3 and every 2 seconds "this is the beatles???? i love this song."
I added pics of me from december, recording some stuff in our house. it's weird to do vocals while someone's taking your picture.

i didn't do anything today. only left the house to buy orange juice. and i only taught one 1-hr. lesson. shit i think i'm starting to get stir crazy. i just started cleaning the whole apartment, scrubbing the floors and everything. that's...
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orange juice rocks! and you look great infront of an instrument.
that weird balerina is from an alice in chains albaum and i've been in love with it since i was i think 12, she is the next tattoo on my agenda, probably the first thing on my agenda after i move out of mom's house...she doesn't know nor would she want to knwo about the 2 tats i have now.

no job? what do u do in your spare time anyway??????
What a great day...I taught a piano lesson, then played raquetball for 2 hours, then went to see Touch of Evil tonight. Such a great film. Tomorrow recording, then going home to jersey to visit mom and dad for the weekend and get fed.

The only frustration of the day was members of my band getting impatient and unhappy about us not having a steady...
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nah, probably not.
I wouldn't have heard then if not for my friend Rachel. I don't listen to alot of hip hop at all but it should be a lot of fun tonight.

what is Touch of Evil?