yeah for paydays!!! now i can go back and write more checks to cover all the other checks that bounced.
yeah for me, last night i missed the party, instead i went to a back yard fire with the veterns, and at first there was all this stuff about boys vs, girls, then all the girls left except for me. then i stayed and drak way too much, but i did n't try to have sex with any one....even though bradly was there, which lead...
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what does it mean when your sex dreams are no longer sexy?[/I[
i dont think it means anything. or i hope it doesnt mean anything. i mean, i've had weird sex dreams where i was fucking a cabinet for christ sake.
i dont think the meaning of dreams are "what they're about" as much as how you feel about whatevers going on. or whatever.
i dont think it means anything. or i hope it doesnt mean anything. i mean, i've had weird sex dreams where i was fucking a cabinet for christ sake.
i dont think the meaning of dreams are "what they're about" as much as how you feel about whatevers going on. or whatever.
me too thats all i'm saying, we should pool our collective loathing
misery loves company, i guess.
misery loves company, i guess.
i don't ever want to go out again.....
this boy that i thought was "interested" was ....not, he was all over this other girl tonight, and then i realized that i've been barking up the wrong tree. this is what happens when i try to date boys that are uber young...( just turned 21) .
i feel angry and lonely and dissapointed. and i still...
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this boy that i thought was "interested" was ....not, he was all over this other girl tonight, and then i realized that i've been barking up the wrong tree. this is what happens when i try to date boys that are uber young...( just turned 21) .
i feel angry and lonely and dissapointed. and i still...
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who doesn't like ass sex?!?!?!
I have an appointment book and definite goals that will take up my time. i like this. i like keeping busy..i don't know if it just takes my mind off the other stuff i have to think about, or its just fun to have something to do. today i have a late night apointment with with a super groovy girl,...
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I have an appointment book and definite goals that will take up my time. i like this. i like keeping busy..i don't know if it just takes my mind off the other stuff i have to think about, or its just fun to have something to do. today i have a late night apointment with with a super groovy girl,...
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i saw the movie crash today, it made me think of several things,....
i like hip hop music, but it only collects and articulates the wrongs of racial injustice,
i have a friend named bradly who is always spouting off about...whatever. , you can check him out at,
but all of these things just point out the problems and their symptomns.
no one ever...
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i like hip hop music, but it only collects and articulates the wrongs of racial injustice,
i have a friend named bradly who is always spouting off about...whatever. , you can check him out at,
but all of these things just point out the problems and their symptomns.
no one ever...
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i'm throwing a fit, i'm laying in bed with the blankets pulled over my head kicking and screaming "i don't want to get out of bed, i don't want to go to school!!!" i hate world art, and philosphy!!! i don't want to go.
last night i had a study group for the gre which i will be taking in october. any pointers,
i feel...
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last night i had a study group for the gre which i will be taking in october. any pointers,
i feel...
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i actually get up three hours before i need to get up just to go back to sleep.
i still get test anxiety for no apparent reason.
oh, i got that meatplow disc today, give it to ya saturday.
[Edited on Sep 22, 2005 10:23PM]
i still get test anxiety for no apparent reason.
oh, i got that meatplow disc today, give it to ya saturday.
[Edited on Sep 22, 2005 10:23PM]
The GRE sucks. I am not good at that those tests, and it showed. Take a class. Everyone that I know that did well took the damned expensive class.
who do you pray to once a month...
i'll give you a hint, with out the m it spells idol
i'll give you a hint, with out the m it spells idol
atleast you found something to believe in!

i read something today that made me think.....
i am ugly...
i weigh 200 pounds...and i'm 5'9. i do not look like the women i see in positions of power.
i have had personal trainers, i have tried everything from diet pills to cocaine,
my skin is not smooth and white and beautiful. i could feel bad about myself or the social construct that places...
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i am ugly...
i weigh 200 pounds...and i'm 5'9. i do not look like the women i see in positions of power.
i have had personal trainers, i have tried everything from diet pills to cocaine,
my skin is not smooth and white and beautiful. i could feel bad about myself or the social construct that places...
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Who cares what Janes says? She always spits the same spit
I'd rather kill the radio and listen to the rain hit
Little sister needs seclusion some how she'll discover it through the pop music
Got used to the feeling of falling, but she'll never see her following
Bouncing back and forth between the healing and the hollering
Riding the outer ring of your own private saturn
Thoughts scattered all across the grey matter
She doesn't want to understand why I still come around
She look at the mirror she'd just see what I see
She holds no history of how precious she be
Lay your head on my chest, speak of the stress
Kick your feet up and rest, before we clean up the nest
I hate to see you upset it cramps the position
And if you didn't know you better listen
we still on for Amsterdam?
[Edited on Sep 19, 2005 7:27PM]
I'd rather kill the radio and listen to the rain hit
Little sister needs seclusion some how she'll discover it through the pop music
Got used to the feeling of falling, but she'll never see her following
Bouncing back and forth between the healing and the hollering
Riding the outer ring of your own private saturn
Thoughts scattered all across the grey matter
She doesn't want to understand why I still come around
She look at the mirror she'd just see what I see
She holds no history of how precious she be
Lay your head on my chest, speak of the stress
Kick your feet up and rest, before we clean up the nest
I hate to see you upset it cramps the position
And if you didn't know you better listen
we still on for Amsterdam?

[Edited on Sep 19, 2005 7:27PM]
Nil8 is gonna fucking rock this weekend!!!!
and i had a good time last night i went out with those new nice people and we had beers...and no one was man or snotty and noone tried to start shit. and there not stupid college brats, and it was soooo much fun..
tonight i'm off to see mad hott ballroom. tomorrow nil8!!! hellsfuckinyeah

and i had a good time last night i went out with those new nice people and we had beers...and no one was man or snotty and noone tried to start shit. and there not stupid college brats, and it was soooo much fun..
tonight i'm off to see mad hott ballroom. tomorrow nil8!!! hellsfuckinyeah
have a great time
they totally rocked, yo.
are you ready for this melissa...????
its gonna be ok. just because you still wake up at 2 in the morning in a cold sweat from nightmares about your former lova, does not render you stupid in the eyes of all others. no, i can do this
i will not fuck this one up!!!!!
ok so i'm going out to meet new people on...
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its gonna be ok. just because you still wake up at 2 in the morning in a cold sweat from nightmares about your former lova, does not render you stupid in the eyes of all others. no, i can do this
i will not fuck this one up!!!!!
ok so i'm going out to meet new people on...
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chill babydoll, it'll be okay. you just have to let it be
i dont get you sometimes. (sammy statement)
fuckum, damnit! if they dont get you they're not supposed to. be as obscure and esoteric and eccentric as possible, then when people accept you you know they're really accepting you, dig? that's my philosophy. i mean, you're a really cute, reasonably smart chick whose less socailly inept than i am. you're outgoing and all that--if your quirks get in the way of them accepting you, then would you really want them in yr life anyway?
but that's just me.
a laser gun
hormonal harmony
a puppy
an endless suply of ink
a passport that never expires,
and good friends that will help get my shit stright when i have my head stuck up my ass.
i can help with maybe one or two of those, but that's awefully lofty, yo.
fuckum, damnit! if they dont get you they're not supposed to. be as obscure and esoteric and eccentric as possible, then when people accept you you know they're really accepting you, dig? that's my philosophy. i mean, you're a really cute, reasonably smart chick whose less socailly inept than i am. you're outgoing and all that--if your quirks get in the way of them accepting you, then would you really want them in yr life anyway?
but that's just me.
a laser gun
hormonal harmony
a puppy
an endless suply of ink
a passport that never expires,
and good friends that will help get my shit stright when i have my head stuck up my ass.
i can help with maybe one or two of those, but that's awefully lofty, yo.
my brain is pregnant with stupidity !!!

when is she due

i'm so proud of myself, i went out last night, and i didn't drink too much, and i didn't try to pick up anyone, and didn't get into any bar fights or anything...yeah. now i just have to drink more milk and finish my homework.
today i have to call a girl in my stats class to see if she can help me, i'm...
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fuck sundays. that's been my motto forever. fuck sunday-thru-tuesday.
green is good.
green is good.
how is that fun to go out and not hit or hit on anyone... 

and fuck a bounced check, anyway.