I guess it's just been a bad week. The kind that leans over from the passenger seat and pulls straight down on the side of the wheel it's closest to, slamming you head-on through the guardrail and sailing into the busiest junction of the cloverleaf below, while it laughs and laughs and laughs.

I'm beginning to wonder if there's any point to doing the show...
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I can not even begin to understand how frustrating this must be for you, but I really hope that you don't push the big red button.

The cavalry is coming, good sir. It will be there every second Monday. smile
People suck. If you can't stand being around them, you have to do something in your life that doesn't revolve around them. This is why I am unemployed whatever

You should try writing, you do it so well and I'd love to see what else comes out of that brain of yours. You keep me reading anyways smile
First, thanks to all that have been reading my journal so regularly and leaving comments. There's sort of a limbo we all sit in between the time we "save entry" and the time we see the first comment, as though the catharsis of writing builds up fluid just under the dermis, and the pleasure is held in escrow until a kind reader comments, piercing the...
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I am looking foward to monday
I associate mondays with fun now smile
i am TOTALLY going to punch you RIGHT in the mouth.
Monday. Three point show? You tell me. I know a couple of people got the wrong end of the rotation, and for that I am sorry- I promise I'll take care of you when next you tune in. Sometimes slips get lost, and sometimes God himself steps in to save our ears from being used as noise-toilets. I'm hoping I can get more of you...
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Yeah if I were you I'd be embarassed with that picture. What the hell is with that face Pete hahahahahaha surreal
Ok crushjunkie...that was going too far tongue

Bad songs, and the spoken word versions of them were just painful...
It's been a busy week. The private party on Friday night went as well as such a thing could possibly go. We sang, on someone's back deck (in the Velvet Underground area, for those who knows) until well after 3:00 am, and nobody called the cops, not even when I did Take Me Out (with the volume ca-ranked). No paper slips, no bullshit, just a...
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And believe me... it was greatly, greatly appreciated. Many laughs were had by all.

Thanks again for another great show; I had an excellent time last night. smile

I also appreciate the invitation to your friends list, good sir. Thanks.

[Edited on Sep 07, 2005 12:18AM]
Tonight's show, for those that are counting, was a three point show. Songs I sang tonight (in order, as best as I can remember):

+ Gerry Rafferty - Baker Street
+ Tragically Hip - New Orleans Is Sinking (har har)
+ The Beatles - Come Together
+ Sheriff - When I'm With You
+ Radiohead - Karma Police
+ Chris Isaak - Wicked Game

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I promise not to
a)harass the karaoke man
b)chose a song I don't know
c)do anymore obnoxious screaming
Wow, I think I've broken all of these rules at least once.
I'll behave nest time, I promise.
When I write about how the show went, I imagine people could make the mistake of confusing MY point of view on the show with how a listener would see it. You see, my idea of what makes the show good for me is much different than what would constitute a good show for one of the listeners. For regular readers of this journal, it's...
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I think you do a great job keeping yourself out of the show while running it and being entertaining at the same time. Somebody once said a perfect (soccer) referee is one you don't even notice. You are an impressive karaoke referee. May you have many stars in your future.
...Weird and crosseyed?

Okay. Tonight's show was something more like I'm used to. It was nice to see all of you, and get a little more cozy. You're all super nice, and it's an incredible difference between you and... Well, the internet can be a small place, so I'll mind my words just this once. If you want to know, you can ask me. smile

Our girl Oryx decided...
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Dude you're the awesomest! I know it's not even a word..... and I'll bet that that's eating at you EL SUICIDO LOCO
yup yer fuked
Wez cumin often.

Dude your show was great I had lots of fun.
Bad show tonight. Don't even really want to talk about it, but it suffices to say that I can't remember a show I wanted out of worse than the one I did tonight. Hopefully Monday will be good and wash the bitter taste out of my mouth.
See you Monday smile (hope we don't cause you too much trouble)
You rocked the Black. Good job.

You really should educate yourself in the line of Lynyrd Skynyrd songs, though. Clidna and I were sad you didn't know what Freebird was.

Next time you're singing Killer Queen. biggrin kiss
Just a note, gang: Show tonight at the Fox and Fiddle on Bloor St. (at St. George). Gonna be lots of people, and lots of cursing. Be there or be a bag of douche. Details at FuckKaraoke.com.
The sofa-woman came back.

Unhappy that her ranting at the show last Tuesday and her subsequent telephone calls did NOT result in my summary dismissal, this genetic disaster decided to lodge in the ladies' WC and break the lid to the cistern in her stall. I guess being in a stall for so long offers a natural comfort to someone with such equine proportions. Just...
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Such words need to come out. That fat thing is an idiot and needs to be shown it more often.

I applaud the " I don't care" line. Her reaction is about as much as you could have expected.

And the request system you have setup is fairly standard .-.
You need not apologize for the long-windedness.

I appreciate how you dealt with the damn fool; lord knows that I probably would have blown my top in the same situation.
Last night's show was pretty good, I guess. I'm not even sure anymore... I mean, the only time I'm really sure about anything is when it's a bad show. When it's good, I'm just kind of relieved. All in all, I guess it's fair to say it was a three-point show, but it's probably just a temporary trend as summer winds to a close... The...
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most of the time when i finish a journal entry i think that, but then again, i don't really write for other people.
Haha welcome to the two comment club. The only way to get responses from people is to post like mad and have three million friends on your list. But Oryx its right, I think I write for me (minus the personal details I'd rather write in a personal journal)

I dig the art b.t.w I should've scanned in some pics a long time ago but I never really put too much effort into this page. I get upset with the internet and 'net people' quite frequently. (Hope that was punctuated correctly..... haha god knows I put some effort into that seeing as I'm allergic and all.)