Yes, I am still alive. Everything in my world has been crazy lately. I have been out of town and running around over the weekends, work has been nuts, school has been nuts, I have been having personal problems, friends have been having personal problems, I had papers and projects due, and now it's finals week.
I am so stressed and out of it that...
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I am so stressed and out of it that...
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I cannot even imagine giving birth to 19 babies let alone 69.. That is scary...
I totally just watched that episode of Man vs Food. Whiel watching it all I could think was "Do I know anyone that lives in San Fran....". That challenge has my name written all over it 

I am back from my far-too-short road trip to the Jersey and Maryland shores and finally settled back in. Coming back from vacation is so hard...there's always so much to catch up on and you don't really want to be back anyway. I have pictures on my camera...but I can't find my cable to plug it into the computer, so maybe next time...
I got...
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I got...
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Yeah I'm way too chicken to ever ever actually hit on a waitress or somebody working in a store cause I used to work retail and had a few random people hit on me and it was always immensely weird.

I love that show!!
I have been so stuck on romantic, sexy country music lately...I think my brain is finally starting to move from the "ZOMG!!! ASH IS SO SAD!!!" feeling taking the main focus to something more like "I wonder what is out there for me...maybe there's real romance out there..." I do a lot of things that are completely and totally un-ladylike. But deep down, I want...
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Those videos don't allow embedding my darling, if you care. I'm glad you are feeling a bit better though. And don't you dare be ashamed of Blink! Those were the 1st concert tickets I ever bought and Doni and I are going to the Cleveland show on 9-2. Who is with them in Detroit? FoB and Panic or Weezer and TBS? I'm pretty excited that we got Weezer and TBS. Enjoy the show and your trip!
And yes, I really liked that routine too! I have found so many songs I love off of that show this year.
And yes, I really liked that routine too! I have found so many songs I love off of that show this year.
You should check out Jace Everett...he did the theme song for "True Blood" but the rest of his stuff is really good too. Reminds me of a country version of Chris Isaak. I dig it!
Another day spent working at home in the afternoon. Hooray!
Let me be a little girly for a minute. I got flowers from a friend today.
I had a Facebook status up last week about how I wished the flower delivery man at the office was there for me. Well, he came to my house today instead.
It was the first time in a long...
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Let me be a little girly for a minute. I got flowers from a friend today.

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Drunken Irish fest should be fun.Blurry fun.Blurry stumbling fun.
Flowers rock but palm trees are cooler.
Flowers rock but palm trees are cooler.

I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to text you back the other phone was on silent all day by accident and I didn't check it till like 4am and I forgot to respond...I'm an ass.
Thanks for the kind words...I've decided that by this time next year it's fight or flight time for me...if I'm not doing something that I really want to do, I'm picking up everything, taking every cent I have in the bank and moving out west. I've always wanted to live in California or Las Vegas, so I'm just going to pick up and go!

Thanks for the kind words...I've decided that by this time next year it's fight or flight time for me...if I'm not doing something that I really want to do, I'm picking up everything, taking every cent I have in the bank and moving out west. I've always wanted to live in California or Las Vegas, so I'm just going to pick up and go!
I am working from home for a little while this afternoon since I had to be on-site for a conference this morning at 6:30AM. I do not want to go back to the office. So, I will get the important "work" of updating my blog done.
I really need to thank everyone who was at Oz_the_Vamp's on Saturday. I haven't had that much fun...
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I really need to thank everyone who was at Oz_the_Vamp's on Saturday. I haven't had that much fun...
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New theme song!
whats the part time job you're taking?
I am mildly addicted to "So You Think You Can Dance?". I was watching it a couple weeks ago and heard a song that I liked...but kind of went "meh"...and forgot about it. They were doing little recaps tonight and the song came on again and I actually started to catch it. I looked it up and started listening and just started bawling
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Its funny how clips of songs can turn you on to a whole artist.Like when Pinaapple Express ads had MIA on them with a 3 year old song boom they get big.
Hope the no touch feeling isnt affecting woody.Hed be a pretty sad puppy if it did.
Tats rocks.More so when you have no idea what your going to get.
Hope the no touch feeling isnt affecting woody.Hed be a pretty sad puppy if it did.
Tats rocks.More so when you have no idea what your going to get.
I love that song and SYTYCD. I've gotten a ton of songs I love off of that show. I hope you let me see the new work soon! I'm sorry your transition is so tough on you. I hope you feel yourself again soon, gimmie a call if I can help or distract.
I know I have ignored most of you for the past couple weeks. Allow me to explain why...I have 3 conferences this week. I also had 3 midterms on Thursday and Friday of last week. Oh, and Dustin moved out last weekend. So, everything has been really busy and my apartment is really messy and I feel a little nutty right now. I just want...
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A fine arts dealer who does online dating?Sounds kinda odd but if thats what makes her happy.Any reason he cant come here for a weekend?I mean if given the choice visit europe or Ohio.Id say Europe, but only for a bit.Couldnt stay there more than a week.Time to bust out the UV light to get rid of all the boy
So what's the plan?
I had an absolutely awesome day today. At the funeral last week, Chief's grandson (who has been my friend for the last 25 years - literally - he came to the hospital with his mom the day I was born) and I started doing a little networking. He works at a teamwork and leadership development camp that has conferencing facilities and I am a conference...
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Don't tell anyone but I was approved to adopt him! I should be bringing him home tomorrow

She wanted to paint it dark pink, with light pink flames.
I thought about it for a second and then realized the flurry of gay jokes i would have to deal with, seeing as that i am in the middle of redneckville.
No pink. ever.
Glad to see your life is coming back around.
I thought about it for a second and then realized the flurry of gay jokes i would have to deal with, seeing as that i am in the middle of redneckville.
No pink. ever.
Glad to see your life is coming back around.
My 4th of July weekend was spent in Nashville with old friends from college. I've missed them so much. I have awesome friends now...but those were the happiest days of my life...when I was all worry-free and in's super nice to have a weekend to relive that every once in a while.
There was copious amounts of drinking in downtown Nashville on Friday night...about...
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There was copious amounts of drinking in downtown Nashville on Friday night...about...
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That's cool, have fun with your friend! Yeung ling is in bottles, not on tap, I corrected Patch too lol.
^ Please tell me you do not drink Yuengling. I went to college with great-grandson(?) Barry, and the guy was a douche. Ever since, I've refused to drink Yuenglng, and try to convince everyone else of the same.
I know I just posted yesterday, but Dustin ended things late last night. He is looking for an apartment. He said he couldn't keep putting a burden on me and no matter how much I protested, he said he had to set me free. Had to let me find a man who could give me everything I wanted and needed rather than a man who...
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damn hate to hear that
I always hate to see you hit another bump in the road of life
I will not placate you with all the simple platitudes that most people give at times like these as you are dealing with so many things so I will simply sayv to you to try and stay strong and I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers
I always hate to see you hit another bump in the road of life
I will not placate you with all the simple platitudes that most people give at times like these as you are dealing with so many things so I will simply sayv to you to try and stay strong and I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers
awww hun, i'm so sorry. if you need someone to talk to or just need to get out and hang out, hit me up. life can be a rollercoaster at times, ya know?
My membership here is up tomorrow. I am still trying to decide whether or not to renew.
I have made some awesome friends here and all of you know how to get a hold of me outside of SG. So, if I don't renew, just make sure to not be strangers!
Love you all!
I have made some awesome friends here and all of you know how to get a hold of me outside of SG. So, if I don't renew, just make sure to not be strangers!
Love you all!

You are back!!
That's because everyone lurves you!
I'll be watching the game on Saturday night and although there is no chance in hell I'll actually see you in the stands, I'll know that you're there rooting for the Bucks!
But I will be at my favorite place ever so be a little jealous there.HAHA