Once again, I return to SG after a long hiatus. More than a year this time, wow. I missed this place so much!

A lot of stuff happened in that time frame. I moved TWICE, wooo. Just around the same place, but yea. Also, I left my job at the library (best decision I ever made...EVER) and start school for Culinary Arts. I still have...
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Welcome back!
Thanks guys. -^_^-
What do you think SG really stands for? Not the abbreviation, but what makes s Suicide Girl a Suicide Girl. In your opinion.

Why do I ask? Well...here's my feelings that led up to this blog...

I really hate some of the people on Facebook. Not anything on my own facebook, but just some of the rude things people say on facebook about the pictures...
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Same...I `m really pissed off of what i see sometimes on facebook...Some people treatened SG girls as sluts....And complaints about the weight or the scars on girls pictures.....It makes me feel really bad...An Sg is beauty, anyway. Maybe not your kind of beauty, but it is. Like every woman. I just don`t understand why these people continue to write about it....In my mind, if you don`t like what you see, turn the page and shut up your mouth.
most won't like my opinion on this.
SG use to stand for something. An alternative, strong woman.
I don't think it does anymore. Too many are an SG now that are not either or these. Most aren't even close to being strong or confident anymore. It's a shame.
But with that said, the comments on FB are ridiculous! Hate, hate, hate. Hence why I'm not a fan of SG on FB because it's like a daily dose of anger and hate.
Crazy. I tried to dye my hair bleach, white blonde. Yea, that didn't go so well.

I got this really kickass white-yellow color in the front, this kind of WTF orange-yellow-brown shit on the top and back and white-blonde again underneath....

I kinda looks cool. >.>

I am anticipating weird looks at work in a few hours. Gonna wake up, shower, and actually put on...
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So...today I bought a camera. It was a nice camera. I refer to it in saying WAS because I returned it less than an hour later. My reason? I needed gas money to get me to my job so that I can keep getting money.

I really want to begin taking pictures, practicing angle and lighting, even if it's just rough practice with a regular...
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I know. I regret it, but it was the responsible decision. I will get one eventually. Everything in due time.
Very responsible decision. Heartbreaking, yes. But you are looking at it realistically. All in due time. smile
So...I'm coming back to SG after a...like...8 months hiatus. I really missed it but I was just going through some tough shit, moving out and in with a bunch of psychos, moving out of there and in with my parents for a few months, celebrating my one year wedding anniversary, and then moving out and back in where I was living in the first place....
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Aw, that's awesome! Welcome back smile smile
Congrats to your promotion, I recently got one at work too biggrin

Maybe one day we can shoot together smile