Holy crap!
It's been three and a half months since I posted something.
Hopefully all of you still remember who I am. Not sure why I haven't posted anything. And not reading your blog entries. The worst part is that when I don't keep up with my friends' blogs is that I fall further and further behind. Then it starts to seem overwhelming to...
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It's been three and a half months since I posted something.
Hopefully all of you still remember who I am. Not sure why I haven't posted anything. And not reading your blog entries. The worst part is that when I don't keep up with my friends' blogs is that I fall further and further behind. Then it starts to seem overwhelming to...
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Oops! I went through the whole month of August without posting anything.
I had hoped I would do better, but I haven't been feeling very socialable I guess. The medication change a couple months ago has helped, insomuch as I don't feel blah or affectless. Now I feel depressed. If nothing else, it's a familiar feeling.
It makes it hard to be friendly, if that...
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I had hoped I would do better, but I haven't been feeling very socialable I guess. The medication change a couple months ago has helped, insomuch as I don't feel blah or affectless. Now I feel depressed. If nothing else, it's a familiar feeling.
It makes it hard to be friendly, if that...
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Hey man you okay, you've been rather quiet lately?
smooch, smooch. Are you doing ok lately?
So.... I'm now 41 years old.
I'm tempted to say "Yikes!" But I don't really feel that way. Which is a great relief since some of you may recall that my last birthday was stressful mentally. Normally I barely notice my birthday, but last year was different. I felt very stressed by it.
So I'm glad that I'm back to not really caring.
I had...
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I'm tempted to say "Yikes!" But I don't really feel that way. Which is a great relief since some of you may recall that my last birthday was stressful mentally. Normally I barely notice my birthday, but last year was different. I felt very stressed by it.
So I'm glad that I'm back to not really caring.
I had...
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I appreciate your thoughful comment, good sir, and you make a lot of valid points.
Things have certainly changed, and I just have to learn to accept that, despite my inherent stubborn nature. Haha.
Things have certainly changed, and I just have to learn to accept that, despite my inherent stubborn nature. Haha.
where you been stranger? hope you've been enjoying the summer...it seems like it's almost over 

I got back from the gala a few hours ago. I'm very tired, but my brain won't stop until I write this entry.
And, as with other recent entries, it'll be shorter than past gala recaps.
It was nice being able to stay in downtown Toronto, near the gala, for a change. Didn't have to worry about traffic getting there.
One minor hiccup before going...
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And, as with other recent entries, it'll be shorter than past gala recaps.
It was nice being able to stay in downtown Toronto, near the gala, for a change. Didn't have to worry about traffic getting there.
One minor hiccup before going...
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His music always puts me in a good mood.
How are you???

How are you???
Happy belated Birthday!!!!!! I feel like an ass for missing it. Mmm fish and chips and watermelon sounds awesome. Simple things are always best...I find them so comforting.
Im doing really well. Yes, I am still a non smoker it was 2 months on the 11th.
Im doing really well. Yes, I am still a non smoker it was 2 months on the 11th.

Just wanted to update everyone about the Grade 9 math course I was taking.
(I talked about in my last entry. If you missed it, then you have to go read it. Seriously, by reading this, you've committed to going back and reading the previous entry
I was nervous as anything about writing the exam. It was one thing to do the homework with...
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(I talked about in my last entry. If you missed it, then you have to go read it. Seriously, by reading this, you've committed to going back and reading the previous entry

I was nervous as anything about writing the exam. It was one thing to do the homework with...
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Yay is right, Mister. 

thank you <3
Hey there!
Well, it's been awhile, as usual, since my last update.
Not a lot to report though. My mood is still blah. I wish I could tell you that I was feeling good, but at least I'm not feeling awful. Just blah.
I will let you in on a little secret though. A few years ago, I decided to take high school math again....
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Well, it's been awhile, as usual, since my last update.
Not a lot to report though. My mood is still blah. I wish I could tell you that I was feeling good, but at least I'm not feeling awful. Just blah.
I will let you in on a little secret though. A few years ago, I decided to take high school math again....
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Looks like it!
We've moved on from the Sookie Stackhouse novels (finished all ten) to the Harry Potter books too! 

My last entry was more than two months ago.
Sorry to anyone looking at it recently and having to put up with a very out-of-date "Merry Christmas" message from me.
I'm not going to talk about myself too much this time. Suffice to say I still feel blah. If I had the money, I could try a couple new anti-depressants that have hit the...
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My last entry was more than two months ago.
Sorry to anyone looking at it recently and having to put up with a very out-of-date "Merry Christmas" message from me.
I'm not going to talk about myself too much this time. Suffice to say I still feel blah. If I had the money, I could try a couple new anti-depressants that have hit the...
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So I'm going to Nottingham this week to meet a bunch of people, I'm equal parts sheer blind terror and looking forward to it at the moment.
Hope you're doing okay.

...you're right on the ball, aren't you? 
Thank you, good sir. I really appreciate it.

Thank you, good sir. I really appreciate it.
Remember me?
I know I've been away for a long time, but I'm amazed it's actually been more than 3 months since I've posted a blog entry. Yikes!
I'll be honest, I was feeling like crap. Very depressed. I'm feeling somewhat better, but mostly just really blah. Seriously, blah is a good word for it. I feel like I have almost no emotional ups or...
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I know I've been away for a long time, but I'm amazed it's actually been more than 3 months since I've posted a blog entry. Yikes!
I'll be honest, I was feeling like crap. Very depressed. I'm feeling somewhat better, but mostly just really blah. Seriously, blah is a good word for it. I feel like I have almost no emotional ups or...
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yes i figured as such...but i didn't want to break any hearts just in case someone did renew it for me

Hey how's things you've been rather quiet as of late.
Okay, well, it seems I haven't posted a blog entry for almost two months. That's a long time, even for me.
Not sure why I haven't posted anything. I guess I feel like I don't have much to say. Or maybe just not anything new or interesting.
I'm feeling okay. Not great, but not awful either. It's actually a strange feeling, sort of empty. Sort...
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Not sure why I haven't posted anything. I guess I feel like I don't have much to say. Or maybe just not anything new or interesting.
I'm feeling okay. Not great, but not awful either. It's actually a strange feeling, sort of empty. Sort...
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Thank you! *hugs* 

Haven't seen you around here in awhile and I just thought I would pop in to say hello. I hope meeting your nephew went well! Talk to you soon!
I have to post an update for a few reasons. One, I need to stop looking at the previous entry. It's just very sad.
Thank you so much to everyone who left messages of condolence. I'm feeling okay now. For the first few days, I was numb I think. Just couldn't understand how it all happened so quickly.
I'm feeling okay now, but I still...
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Thank you so much to everyone who left messages of condolence. I'm feeling okay now. For the first few days, I was numb I think. Just couldn't understand how it all happened so quickly.
I'm feeling okay now, but I still...
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breaks are good...too bad i couldnt take a break from working too haha
It was, as always, a pleasure to see you - and thank you again for all of your help. I really appreciate it, even if I think that you do too much. 

For some reason, I woke up at 7:30 this morning. A few minutes after
I woke, I discovered that my cat, Tigger, was having trouble walking.
She was dragging her rear legs around. I called the vet and left a
message. He called back a few minutes later, and said I could bring
her in.
I got the carrier from the basement, and, as happens...
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I woke, I discovered that my cat, Tigger, was having trouble walking.
She was dragging her rear legs around. I called the vet and left a
message. He called back a few minutes later, and said I could bring
her in.
I got the carrier from the basement, and, as happens...
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That's pretty brutal man sorry to hear that.
Our cat got in a fight with another cat at some point and got some pretty nasty puncture wounds on it's head which we didn't even know about 'cause they were obscured with fur, we only found out after taking him to the vet when he stopped eating, turns out they were pretty badly infected so we had to keep him indoors for a week while he was on anti-biotics.
As for the millenium bug, it was never going to do most of the things associated with it but reporters were feeding off each others disinformation which is why it saturated the news so much. The original article back in '93 said it "might" be a problem but that part got lost in the shuffle due to the distortion.

As for the millenium bug, it was never going to do most of the things associated with it but reporters were feeding off each others disinformation which is why it saturated the news so much. The original article back in '93 said it "might" be a problem but that part got lost in the shuffle due to the distortion.
I am so sorry to hear about your cat. You did the right thing.
Slightly less than a month since my last entry, and here I am with another.
I saw the surgeon in Toronto for a fill for my gastric band. That was at the end of April. For the first week or so, I had trouble keeping anything down, but thankfully my stomach settled, and I can eat in moderation again.
On the drive back from...
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Slightly less than a month since my last entry, and here I am with another.
I saw the surgeon in Toronto for a fill for my gastric band. That was at the end of April. For the first week or so, I had trouble keeping anything down, but thankfully my stomach settled, and I can eat in moderation again.
On the drive back from...
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There's an amazing Mexican food place a block away that rocks our socks off. We've had dinner there almost more than at home. And we've ordered pizza at least once a week since we got here.
At least I've got the gf hooked on Mexitaco instead of McDonalds, right?
At least I've got the gf hooked on Mexitaco instead of McDonalds, right?

I wonder what other words I can spell with my name.
Crazy... oh well..