i had a meeting yesterday with a good friend who works for a major los angeles radio station and a woman he works with. the woman produces one of the evening shows on the station. the meeting went well and was incredibly productive...and next week we will be recording a pilot episode for a talk show on HD Radio. if this all pans out and the people in charge like our show, i will be employed by CBS.
holy crap, this is awesome! this is the closest i've ever been to actually seeing my lifelong dream realized. needless to say, i'm pretty excited. and the whole thing just fell out of the sky and landed right in my lap.
it's not 100% though...if our personalities don't mesh or the higher-ups at the station don't like the show the whole thing will most likely be scrapped. but i have a good feeling about it. i've been doing small time radio for 10 years now. i am totally ready for this.
keep your fingers crossed and think good thoughts for me.
i'm setting this entry for friends only, so please keep this info on the down low for now.

holy crap, this is awesome! this is the closest i've ever been to actually seeing my lifelong dream realized. needless to say, i'm pretty excited. and the whole thing just fell out of the sky and landed right in my lap.
it's not 100% though...if our personalities don't mesh or the higher-ups at the station don't like the show the whole thing will most likely be scrapped. but i have a good feeling about it. i've been doing small time radio for 10 years now. i am totally ready for this.
keep your fingers crossed and think good thoughts for me.
i'm setting this entry for friends only, so please keep this info on the down low for now.

Am I remembering that correctly? At the end of the book, isn't he sitting at a table and she walks in and puts her hand on his shoulder and says "darling..." and that's the ending?
My favorite King book is "The Shining", I've read it a few times over the years. Imagine my disappointment when the movie came out and only covered about a 10th of the book.
I think it's a really well made film, but I was still disappointed. And don't even get my started on the mediocrity of the miniseries!!