I had this lady one time, she started talking to me about her life. And I quickly figured out she was fucked up on something, it may have been when she grabbed my hands and told me I had wonderful healing energy. As soon as she touched me she said she could see this great white orb coming from my hands. I love talking to...
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the brothers dracul : check out my homies if you go to txrenfaire.
Here are some photos from Hell City!!!
I had the most fun with Wit, who totally ruined the Game of Thrones Theme song for me!!! hahaha!!
AND introduced me to
Pivotal moments in my life, Truly.
King Is the most adorable person I have ever met in my life! She's found a perfect balance between sexy and...
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Love your new set Namaste!!!

Have an excellent year!

I love it!
what have i been doing?
hmm.. working, working to pay bills.
but this month has started off so great! Apollo is officially a SuicideGirl! which is super awesome!
PLUS radeo AlissaSunshineFrolic are coming into town for a Halloween SG PARTY!!
We're supposed to...
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ninja35.. i want to also have ninja34, ninja36. @ somethingsomething.com
can we make this happen?
can i PLEASE alphabetize my friends list ?!!?
what makes people want their name to be someone something and then a number?
whats it mean to you?
your age?
lemme kno
yahoo email made me put a number after my name in my email addy... I don't have it here, though.
Sideshow_Freak12 (as in one also)
Sideshow_Freak678 (just consecutive jumble)