Hey, almost three years have passed and the powers-that-be have decided to let me back in to have a looksie. I see that the foundation is still quite firm and the paint is ever so fresh. Since I have been given the green light, I haven't snooped around to see who from "the golden age" is still limping about. If you're still here, I hope...
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Finally...done with work for a few days. Going to do my damnedest to relax. I suggest you do the same. Go on....sit down and have a drink. That wasn't so hard, was it? Cheers to you.
You might have thought that I was dead or had skipped town by the way the newspapers had piled up on the porch. Hardly. I have been running on that lil' hamster treadmill we so pleasantly call "life". Ah, it hasn't been that bad. The only thing that really sucks is the job. Spending day upon day in a box being judged by Christian conservatives...
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UGH! My annual sickness dropped on me like a ton o' bricks this past week. This was a bad week for it, since I had to work overtime every Goddamn day. Fortunately, my nose is a-blowin' like an AK47 and I'm soon to return to my sparky disposition.
For the past two months or so, I've been looking at this house in hopes of buying...
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For the past two months or so, I've been looking at this house in hopes of buying...
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It's amazing how a job can take away so much screwing around on the computer time! So far, I really like the job. Basically, I'm on another planet: this is a BIG company, hundreds of people in the office, office mentality, etc. People get envious of your office supplies, etc. It's great! I always joked about shit like this, and now I'm in the middle...
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Our anniversary is next week. Party saturday at my house. You're coming right?
I need to find a job, the economy ate mine.

Yes, it's true. I got the job. My advice to you is to go into your interview with your fly agape! Much more subtle than banging it on the desk, but equally as effective! I start on Monday. Should be cool: casual attire, you can listen to your own music, good...
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Yes, it's true. I got the job. My advice to you is to go into your interview with your fly agape! Much more subtle than banging it on the desk, but equally as effective! I start on Monday. Should be cool: casual attire, you can listen to your own music, good...
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Awesome mang!
Did you catch the Top Chef reunion show?
I have an interview today with a headhunting company. Supposedly, THEY are going to find me the right job. Most of yesterday was spent doing a bunch of tests and whatnot. I am no CPA by any means. They might tell me to go back to retail management. I got a lot of action out of my resume yesterday. Calls and emails. Too bad most...
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Was that a guy or a chick doing your interview? If it's the latter, maybe you should open the zipper wider 

What's up for that job you interviewed for? Any news?
So I had my interview today. I got myself all prepared well in advance. This place is WAY up North, so I Googled a map for the place. With my monkey suit on, I left with plenty of time to spare. The problem was that the map was totally wrong! In Texas, where every road has 5 names, there were no signs, exits or any...
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I hope you get it! Paws crossed. 

Spreadsheets aren't that complicated but it's hard to be interested in this kind of stuff that can be very boring at times...
Fingers crossed and all that
Fingers crossed and all that

Hey! Glad you could make it. You really need to get a watch. Their iced tea kicks ASS! I've already had 8 of 'em. So I hope you had a great V-Day and all that crap. Mine was good. I ate way too much Japanese food. From the sushi to the dessert, it was all quite tasty! Asahi beer and fried bananas go great together....
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Hope the job thing works out for you.
I don't know about Phoenix. He seems somewhat genuine (for a "movie star") but that's far from enough to guarantee his being a good musician. Haven't seen the Cash movie, got to put that on my list.
Not much to talk about either on my side. I enjoyed the 3-day weekend and tomorrow is already mid-(work)-week. Time just flies. It never ceases to amaze me.
I don't know about Phoenix. He seems somewhat genuine (for a "movie star") but that's far from enough to guarantee his being a good musician. Haven't seen the Cash movie, got to put that on my list.
Not much to talk about either on my side. I enjoyed the 3-day weekend and tomorrow is already mid-(work)-week. Time just flies. It never ceases to amaze me.
I was texting with Jesus yesterday. Don't quote me on this, but I think I got him to end winter in Austin a few weeks early. Of course, I didn't THINK to ask him for a job or anything! I'm such a dumbass. Had to take the cat to the vet yesterday, which is always a major hullaballoo. It was actually pretty funny, cuz she...
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Well hello! How are you these days?
as long as I can keep the SPAM
Oh, there you are. I'm going to be brief, because I really don't have much to say. I told the "Blues Hammer" guy that I wasn't interested. Christ, it felt like I was breaking up with him. We'll see if he acts all butt hurt tomorrow, when I go a function in which he will be attending. So far, my catchphrase for '09 is "FUCK!...
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Those German bastards!
I wish I was being chased by a hot dog...I would wrestle it, throw kraut on its belly and go to town.
I hope you can get your job back! Enjoy the rest of your weekend, too.
I wish I was being chased by a hot dog...I would wrestle it, throw kraut on its belly and go to town.
I hope you can get your job back! Enjoy the rest of your weekend, too.

Haven't been listening to much rock'n'roll for a while... and Hanoi Rocks has actually disbanded again for reasons they only know of. As you said, actually I've read that both Mike & Andy would face drug charges or stuff like that if they visited the US. There's certainly a part of truth because many Hanoi fans were screaming for them to play in the US and it never happened.
It's rare for a chick to be disgusting when it comes to hygiene. I would have ran for my life
It's rare for a chick to be disgusting when it comes to hygiene. I would have ran for my life

Ho-lee crap! Last night was so much doggone fun! Went to the rollerderby with the lovely Ms. JACX. That kicked so much ASS! They had the after party at The Ritz, which was also a great time. Spadez met up with us there. Yes, indeed it was the best time I've had in quite a while! Unfortunately, I didn't get to meet up with...
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why doesn't the clock work? are you sure it isn't the clock? i don't know. but wait on feedback and you can request Ebay to intervene (sp?) if this seller is a deadbeat. how much did you pay?
anyhoo, the lesbian sex might actually go to SGtheMag if they take it. i have yet to type it in, cross your fingers!!!
i don't remember what else-OH! Prince today. there was a song on his last bizarre album called "She Loves Me For Me" that would make stop and collapse. i would kill to hear it again.
anyhoo, the lesbian sex might actually go to SGtheMag if they take it. i have yet to type it in, cross your fingers!!!
i don't remember what else-OH! Prince today. there was a song on his last bizarre album called "She Loves Me For Me" that would make stop and collapse. i would kill to hear it again.
so it looks like the date is officially set... i'll get to meet you in a couple weeks!! finally! and for your birthday too! what a pleasure....... see you there.. you WILL be there right?!