A friend of mine was asking whether or not I was still feeling like broccoli. I said I wasn't because I think I had figured out why I was feeling that way:
Yes. I have a whole theory about the broccoli-syndrome.
I think it has a lot to do with the smut-store. I think I was just surrounded women being portrayed at "sluts" and "whores"... Read More
Hang in there. Feelings are complicated things, sometimes they make decisions hard when they are not. I know how you feel in the "used" department. It's a dark pit. Try to look up and see it as you did your best as a friend and hoped for more but it didn't work out that way. Just know that sharing and giving are not bad things. We just have to be careful who we give and share to.
So, today was my second shadow shift at BPs.
I heart it. Im going to have so much fun there!
I know right now its all stressful cuz I know next to nothing, but its coming along there. Im proud of all the stuff Ive learned in the last week. I did my food test today and everything. I hope I did okay. Also, tonight... Read More
Cheap food rocks! Only thing better is free food and that's why I so love Costco and their samples . So now that you got past the food test are they going to set you loose with your own section?
Good to read that your not feeling like Broccoli anymore.
Well, in the last two days Ive been reading your comments and messages and thinking and I think I came up with the answer.
I think that being all bent out of shape about friends who you grow apart from isnt worth the time invested in it. People grow, and change and the people who are the real cool ones will be there in the... Read More
I wanted to post so I could tell the world nothing is new.
But there is some stuff that is new. I just dont feel like its worth writing about.
- Worked the first few shifts at BPs over the past few days. Like it so far. Start shadowing tables on Wednesday.
- Car is running fine. Happy!
- Cleaned house yesterday. Happy that its... Read More
I totally forgot about Dolpin Boy hahaha that was a good one.
I'm totally bummed that you don't have any episodes of the Sean Cullen show . However, I think a friend of mine may have at least one episode on his computer. I'll have to remember to ask if he stills has it.
I didn't feel like working today so dug around and found the following link for his radio show.
A businessman and his secretary, overcome by passion, retire to his house for what is popularly termed a "nooner." "Don't worry," he purrs. "My wife is out of town on a business trip, there's no risk." As one thing leads to another, the woman reaches into her purse and suddenly gasps, "We have to stop, I forgot to bring birth control!" "No problem," her lover... Read More
well I likely can't get you tickets but if your cool with the idea of hidding in a dusty corner on an I-beam sixty feet in the air I might be able to sneak you in...
I like your pictures...they make me smell wet grass...and that's a good thing, honest!
And bubbleybug, there's nothin wrong with bein wierd, it means your being yourself and that's one of the most awesome things you could ever do. Specially if you share with everyone you meet
Hmm.. well you have a very good point. That actually makes me feel a bit better. I *used* to believe that I should be going to school to take *blank*ology so I can become a *blank*ologist, but over the recent years I've realized that's not the way I should approach it. Right now I'm just taking whatever classes I think are interesting, but it's still a little hard to shake that old mentality.
But you're right, I'd rather have general experience in a variety of things then be chained to a certain job.
Now what do I owe? Remember I'm a student, money is scarce. wink wink nudge nudge :p
and I'm no longer bald (as of last night)
someone shaved my head, so I kinda look like a jarhead now, hahaa
I'm gonna have the mad, House Party 2 flat top going