So much for rocking out with my Server-cock out
As of Monday I no longer work at BPs.
They gave me some shit excuse as to why they had to let me go.
I know its just cuz I wasnt what they were looking for (a dumb blond).
Their loss.
I have more places I can work, and still have a full time job.
I... Read More
Today at work I had a table of a mom a dad and two kids (one a baby and one a toddler). The toddler was screaming its lungs out the whole time it was there and the parents hardly did anything to get it to stop. I was a perfect server to their table and even went out of my way to help calm the... Read More
hmm I thought I commented on this journal already... anywas, ur an allstar, keep on rocking the tables of 35
I totally still owe you for those drinks.. I'll hafta take you out for drinks or lunch sumtime
Friends are breaking up with friends.
Life is full of drama. And I want no part in it!!
Therefore I will have none. The End.
Ive been feeling really negative lately.
Ive been trying to figure out what it is that is setting me off.
I think it is that Im dwelling on all the bad things that come my way and dont concentrate on... Read More
Drinking Green Drinks till my non-Irish roots hate me.
GBLURS Center for Gender Diversity presents:
Divas: Memoirs of a Gayshow
Saturday March 18th, 2006
Door open - 8pm ~~ Show starts 10ish.
@ The Lazy Owl @ the University of Regina
Then to the Outside nightclub for drinks and fun
Then, rave afterwards
Whos interested in going?
What does your weekend look like?
On a different note, I cant seem to get the aforementioned cute boy out of my head!
Id really like to hang out with him again. *sigh*
I think Im going to track him down and try to party/hang with him again soon. *crosses fingers*
In other news
Mr. Hamptone is getting old!
Come poke sticks at him on Saturday night at OHanlons!
Well... Read More
Last night was a blast!
I went down to OHanlons for a friends Bday party shenanigans and it started out quite boring seeing as I only knew 3 people there including the birthday boy, and he kept wandering around and mingling because the whole upstairs of OHanlons was mostly his friends the other two people I knew left due to boredom and I still had... Read More
Oh and about smoking, I perfectly fine with smoking on rare ocassion as long as it stays that way, there's the odd time when I enjoy the high I get from pot, but I don't want to depend on it for motivation, and I definatly do not want to be high in public settings anymore, not right for my mind
there has been someone around work (bp's) that has been stealing random shit from people lately. it was money out of a coat pocket last week, and smokes from someone else yesterday. i've been feeling paranoid, but i can't keep everything with me all the time.
yeah, like Applejax has kindly mentioned......before you take anything out of my fridge, better check it twice. I think that orange juice was evolving into another life form!
i'm so worn out!
who'da thought two jobs could be stressfull?
BP's is going good.
Source is going good.
and i even managed some time to go out and have some fun with my peeps.
i helped suitsme get into trouble and took his dance-floor virginity.
Of course I'll come visit one day and don't worry.....I still have stuff I need to get that will go with the thing I bought. I was thinking of underthings to wear
The beating of a dead horse, one week later...
(aka - what I should have wrote back)
When relationship rules aren't written in stone
When people bend and grow
When people decide that THEIR feelings are more important than another's
When one can't make up their mind as to what they want
When someone believes they are better than another
When one can't commit to... Read More
And yes, I think anywhere that you are would be madly fun to work at... I'm jealous of the regina establishments! grrrr...