Contrary to what Kaite the SG says, Head Automatica is NOT the best band ever, but they are pretty darn good. I only liked the first four songs when I bought it yesterday, but listening today, I like them all. Funny how first impressions don't always work. Maybe that works with people too? I dunno. Give people and music a second chance, you never know...
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Wooohooooo! I finally found the nerve today to ask the girl at the convenience store for Eh. To a girl, is that the same as asking her for her phone number? I dunno. Like, will she get the same impression from me as if I asked for her number? She gave it to me and said that no one has ever asked her for...
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it doesnt look like you were happy to be driving. it looks like you were crazed and driving.
I voted weeks ago. :b I can only hope that he raises the national minimum. Heh.
Hi to you, too. :B
Hi to you, too. :B
I am 15 days into my super diet, and I haven't weighed myself yet. I'm afraid to. I think I'll do better waiting another two weeks, that way I will have lost a significant enough amount to feel good enough to continue. I'm tired.
I'm sure you'll do great!
and where you at on aim, dawg?
and where you at on aim, dawg?
I had a dream that my cousin was being ripped apart by a polar bear in the woods behind my old house, while I was trapped in a tree by another polar bear, while my uncle just stood there watching. Why weren't the bears trying to kill him? What does this dream mean? Then last night I had a dream I was in the woods...
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indeed i did. i'm not sure when we're going up there yet. no exact date.
My favorite is Uncle Sam.
not as much fun as hobo jack.
Bought the new Faint album today, and loved it. I think it's more rockable than the Danse Macabre, but that's just me. Um...this dude I was checking in at work today said to me "I haven't been here in a long time, and you've got a hair cut and gained weight and blah blah...." I was pissed by that. I didn't need to hear his...
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I use to stick rubber snakes in my moms bed
It was awesome! I should do that again sometime.

why thank ya

Okay, so I have a kinda new friend that I met by the person I went to Iowa with, and her place to live when she moves back here to Savannah fell through at the last minute. So, being the gracious and most awesome person I am, I asked Chris, the person I live with, to let her stay here. And he said sure. So...
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I wish your visit to the doctor will be uneventful. With my recent bout with kidney stones, I had to go to a few doctors to make sure that I was healthy. Everything checked out okay with me. Again, I hope the same for you.
My new job is with a bankruptcy firm. I will be representing debtors that have fallen on hard times. I can still help people, but get paid for it. I am quite happy and excited.
My new job is with a bankruptcy firm. I will be representing debtors that have fallen on hard times. I can still help people, but get paid for it. I am quite happy and excited.
Good luck at the doctors. 'Scuse me while I steal your muffins, though.
Okay, so there is a phone cam pic of my hair starting to grow back after demolishing it with clippers. Hmm........I go to the doctor on Wednesday to find out what may be wrong with certain parts of my anatomy. Keep your evil little fingers crossed for me. Also, I've made so far about 370 bucks selling my cds on Ebay. Wooopeeee! I'm going to...
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Aww, thanks for the compliment!
That is a genius money making scheme. I need to start selling shit, I am broke. I like that idea about the soundsystem too... although for me it turns out that I just walk around humming and singing all day, much to the chagrin of others.
That is a genius money making scheme. I need to start selling shit, I am broke. I like that idea about the soundsystem too... although for me it turns out that I just walk around humming and singing all day, much to the chagrin of others.
I can't get this stupid ass camera phone to upload pictures to the site. SG sent me a text message saying it wasn't able to send the file to my journal. What the hell? I'm pissed.
So I tried to get drunk last night and I couldn't. I had a slight headache all night and I just wasn't feeling it. Eh. I finally was able...
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So I tried to get drunk last night and I couldn't. I had a slight headache all night and I just wasn't feeling it. Eh. I finally was able...
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A friend I made in Iowa called me today. I feel for her sometimes, because she gets sad a lot and is kind of a depressive person, but I don't know what to do to help her. BUT, rin had a very insightful journal entry I read before writing this, and maybe I shouldn't try and help or fix people. We all have problems right?...
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wow, i'm glad you liked my journal entry!!i like yours too. we are definitely on the same path. just be there for her when she needs you. that is the best kind of friend.
I'll hunt you down, find your phone number, and call you. Then you can have two Iowans that get sad and depressive calling you.
I wish you the best, as well. :B
I wish you the best, as well. :B
Finally got a camera phone, bwahahaha!!
Now I can take even more stupid pictures!
I saw this girl today I used to know a few years ago. She was pretty, skinny, and I asked her out back then. Today, she was wrinkled and really large. She looked me in the eyes and quickly turned her gaze and walked past. Ha. Good thing she turned me...
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Now I can take even more stupid pictures!
I saw this girl today I used to know a few years ago. She was pretty, skinny, and I asked her out back then. Today, she was wrinkled and really large. She looked me in the eyes and quickly turned her gaze and walked past. Ha. Good thing she turned me...
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you took those on a camera phone??
also, now that i know your weakness, i am going to steal an ice cream truck in a heist and drive around your neighbourhood blasting bananaphone.
also, now that i know your weakness, i am going to steal an ice cream truck in a heist and drive around your neighbourhood blasting bananaphone.
poverty is condusive to skinny rin

He's good. Drinking, blacksmithing, playing dirty country.
The usual.
You should come down for the show on saturday. I may missa good chunk of it since I hafta work until 11:30.
I can't see most of the comic.
The usual.
You should come down for the show on saturday. I may missa good chunk of it since I hafta work until 11:30.
I can't see most of the comic.