I just learned that the son of one of my friends in China was killed in a auto accident. On a very bad road that I've travelled a few times. He was my friend's only child. Lots of reflection today. Much pain for Yu Zhijun and his wife. I'm going there in 3 weeks, but with the realization that I can do nothing to console...
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Sorry to hear about your loss and that of your friends child. That is the worst. They say loisig your spouse and losing your kid is the #1 cause of Psycological despair that an individual can survice. I hope that you and they are doing as best as can be expected. Life is oh too short and it hurts when it is even shorter than it should be
I send you healing energy and prayers. I take it you have already gone there by now so I hope that it was affirming to be with them even with the pain of loss.
Be well

Of course something like that is going to be awkward and painful, so I admire you for facing it. I hope things are better for you now.
I saw the re-release of Lucas's THX 1138 at a first-run theater tonight, and about half way through I became quite conscious of my fidgeting. I left my hopes of being awed in the empty popcorn bag. I'm going to give away the ending, not just because it is patently obvious well before the conclusion (I won't use the word climax), but because it is...
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Booty for I says I! Yaharr!

So many Movies
SO little time. I just watched the original Thunderbirds tv shows from the 70's and it was like my inner child died and went to heaven. biggrin I have been looking for anybody who knew about those shows my whole life. oh Silly one there is always the internet. At anyrate I must be living under a rock. i am reliving the wonder of them all over again. SOOOO Sad to hear about the movie remaike with actual PEOPLE *gasp* and SOO HAPPY that Mat and Trey are making TEAM AMERICA in true marionette style. Ahhhh. I can not wait. In the mean time I am missing all these new releases and Iam trying to catch up on some old ones I missed. i finally saw Donny DArko. skull MAN that movie kicks ass. Sorry for the movie banter.
Hope all is well in your world.
Tonight I went to a temple, a god spoke to me, and I was spellbound. I left the cinema, got into my car, and drove as fast as I could on the most dangerous road in the city. The film is over 40 years old, but for me it is as vibrant and topical as any art created today. It draws the mind to an...
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Never seen it. Recently saw "That Obscure Object of Desire" on the big screen in an LA revival house. That and "Last Tango in Paris" are the two best films I've seen in years. I'll take your recommendation and see Dolce.
I went on a cinema binge this week, and it felt good. Collateral, Garden State, Confidences trop intimes, and The Manchurian Candidate. Best performance: Denzel Washington. I really enjoy his acting, and his craft in MC is reminiscent of the talents he displayed in Man on Fire.

MC is highly programmed, paced, spliced, and formulaic in the current style of Hollywood, which I think...
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And 42? frown

That's hilarious. Thanks. biggrin
Success !

If my goal had been to make myself physically and mentally exhausted, lose 10 pounds, alter my natural sleep patterns, and suppress all desires, then one could say I had indeed succeeded. In the past 30 days, I've worked every day, and my logbook shows 354 hours worked. I'm shattered, but quite intact, and it's a feeling I generally enjoy and savor.

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Hey Maike
Geesh Now I know who to cal when I need help ot of a bind.
'I gots Peoples"
Thanks for the B-day Cake
Gosh you Shouldnt have!
Hope it was good
Will write when its not 3 am
Have to wake early tomorrow and I am on tokyo time.
Must make myself sleep
0-yasumi nasai
( good night)

Love Storms
and being able to appreciate them
Not bustling off with papergoods under my arm fighting off the invitable pulp it could become. layers of tracing paper sketches and drafts rolled and Protected for a spinkle at best. Then the build and fullness of a mighty good rain and a full out umbrella just left there by the train.(really) A look and a dart and its soon aloft, prividing dryness in just one little spot. Finally home to the roof to watch it full on. Electricity flashes I am drenched to the bone, more flashes and shivers, with thundering booms, then as quick as it came the whole thing is gone

Yes pictures pictures pictures
Hope you brushed your teeth after all that cake
Thanks so much for the note. I look forward to checking out this group!

Also, you describe travel beautifully. I haven't traveled much, but I absolutely wish that I could (a desire mostly manifested in my newfound love of Globe Trekker, sadly enough).

The farthest I've been recently is Ohio, to see the SITI company. Not exactly a far-off land, but absolutely worth it.
Globe Trekker is a show on PBS in which this completely loony man travels all over the world, often without a translator, staying with people he meets along the way.

How I can I even describe Death and the Ploughman? First, it is some of the most intricate and beautiful text I've ever heard. The author (I can't think of his name) wrote it in one night, and it's unbelievable. Next, the production itself was completely physical. Every move was specific, and the actors threw themselves into it. By the end, both the actors and the audience were completely drained. I felt purified. The set was minimal, consisting of two metal benches and a scrim with a phtograph of a cathedral. The only props were an umbrella and a briefcase, neither of which were ever opened.

I think they're going to be in New York late this year. If you can, you should check it out. It was the most intense artisitc experience I have ever had.
Going Home...

That's a good title for this entry. The past three weeks have been 9 flights and 4 overnight train trips, and the highpoint was a visit to a small town were I lived for almost two years. I don't have a particular place that I consider to be my "home" anymore, at least in the common meaning of the word, since I'm quite...
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very coool ... i have heard good things about Berlin ..
It worked : )
Hope that you are enjoying whatever Spring weather you are having. Let me know if you seee that flick. id be curious to see how you like it.
Another day in another world

Yesterday was really one of the best days in a long time. In the morning walked around London, just miles and miles of people watching, one of my favorite hobbies. The underground is great for this. In the afternoon, more by chance than any real plan, ended up at the Tate Modern and spent quite a bit of time in...
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Great pcs of this installation at the TATE
More interesting than the Biennial that I went to last night. Although I must say going to the opening party is not really about the art. More about the people watching anyway. I love that too. So much fun. Especially at an ostentatious event like that. Will have to make time to check out the art in more detail soon. Its the show that everyone loves to hate but frankly I have already seen more Actual painting and drawing in the show than many many biennials past. So manybe there is hope still...
I have been so busy and next week i finally leave for my trip. Now I am going to St Maarten and I cant wait. Looking forward to saoking my bones in the sea and gazing out at the sunrise from my dads boat moored at various points as the wind wills carring us around the isles. Ahhhh..... I will post some pics when i return.
Thanks for the Jamaican Morning picture....
A little more inviting than the desolate one of St paul Island but I dont really go for the cold too much. Desolation and expansive reaches of Profoundly untouched Earth in any way shape or form YES!
I think I will actually be going to Granada now and wont get to go till Early April. Maybe will still get to go to Cuba in the Fall. not sure yet. You were in Jamaica for 2 months thats a good streatch of time. How fun!
lucky dog...
Jealous!!!! shocked shocked
Sounds georgeous!
Yes more to come on the writing front. Thanks for the appreciative words. Glad that it fell not onto deaf ears.I wish that past entries could be accessed from the journals. But oh well I guess it doesnt work that way.
Enjoy and dont forget to wear sunscreen
Happy Valentines Day!

[Edited on Feb 14, 2004 12:48PM]
Samadhi is truly from heaven and i am convinced he is an advanced soul. I am so blessed.
Hes named more from the Patanjali realm.
maybe that should be his middle name....
Hoping to go to Cuba or jamaica soon so i will have to brave the sun as well. Sounds like you had fun.
oh and I didnt know about the journal button. Thats a good thing to know