Cripes, it's been a long time since I've blogged on here. For some reason, even though I enjoy blogging, I often have a difficult time getting around to doing it.
I've had a good holiday season. My parents got me a lot of gift cards. I used one to purchase a short wave radio on Amazon. It's reasonably good, I also got a lot of...
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I've had a good holiday season. My parents got me a lot of gift cards. I used one to purchase a short wave radio on Amazon. It's reasonably good, I also got a lot of...
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Cripes, it's been a long time since I last blogged on this site. Between reading for exams and traveling, I haven't had much time to post.
It's been a busy summer, but I've gotten some progress on my work. My favorite parts of it, though, were going to camp in Illinois, and spending time with my aunt and grandmother in West Virginia. I've found that...
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It's been a busy summer, but I've gotten some progress on my work. My favorite parts of it, though, were going to camp in Illinois, and spending time with my aunt and grandmother in West Virginia. I've found that...
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gosh, I know how that is, I've been very noticably absent, college is insane.
thank you for the lovely comment
thank you for the lovely comment

I had the worst case of insomnia last night. I do not know why: usually I can trace it to something like eating too much sugar or caffeine, or having slept too late the previous morning, but there was nothing like that this time around. I ended up being awake until 4:00 A. M., which was a pain in the ass.
To make things worse,...
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To make things worse,...
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I recently got back from a trip to West Virginia to see some members of my family. Because I do not have a car, and my family lives in a somewhat remote part of the state, traveling to and from took two days each way. While I was traveling home, I ended up staying in one of the worst hotels I have ever encountered, even...
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Ugh, it's been a long time since I've posted to this blog. Inertia, I guess. I'll try to be more regular from now on.
I woke up this morning finding that New York narrowly escaped a terrorist attack, and is going to bed with the knowledge I'll be working my ass off tomorrow, probably into the wee hours. I am not certain which disturbs me more.
Sorry if I haven't been posting much lately. I've been really busy. The last few weeks in April and the beginning of May are hell for graduate students. I have to set up things with my advisors, and finish up papers. I have also had to grade papers for my undergraduate students. With all of this going on, I haven't really been in the mood...
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Why am I up at 2:00 A.M. on a Sunday night grading papers that I received close to two weeks ago?
I got sick this past week and was too out of it to grade them when I had originally planned to do so.
Does it look like I will be staying up late tomorrow night to do more grading?
You could say that.
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I got sick this past week and was too out of it to grade them when I had originally planned to do so.
Does it look like I will be staying up late tomorrow night to do more grading?
You could say that.
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I have not been feeling well for the past two days. Not at all. I don't mean "I have a headache" sick or "Been up too late on Saturday night" sick. I mean full blown sickness. It started on Monday afternoon or evening, when I felt very lethargic. At first, I just chalked it up to my allergies, as my sinuses were bugging me.
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Ugh. Had to give the World History lecture a miss today. Felt so out of it yesterday I wasn't able to do any work, as my sinuses were killing me. Although I'm feeling somewhat better today, I need all the time I can get to catch up on my work. I have to finish up one book so I can give my advisor a summary...
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Spring Break is over, far too quickly for my tastes. Time to get the comments written on the papers I've graded, and to get writing that essay due on Tuesday. (The essay is only five pages long, thank God.) I didn't get much work done tonight as I was feeling depressed, and tried to cheer myself up through relaxation. I woke up around eleven, today,...
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I've spent way too much time over the past twenty-four hours reading about the story of Constance McMillan, the Mississippi high schooler whose prom was cancelled because she wanted to bring her lesbian girlfriend to the prom with her. The whole thing pisses me off. It reminds me to a certain extent of the crap I had to deal with in high school. I went...
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