Finally got to the P section of my CD library. I'm ripping them all to my laptop because I'm too lazy to change CDs. Who does that any more, anyway?
It reminds me of when I was at the doctor's office recently and a little girl was playing with one of the toys in the waiting room, the kind that has jack-in-the-box type figures that... Read More
I keep hearing people whining about the weather, but those who are complaining the loudest are those who haven't spent a winter in Ottawa. Every year Torontonians complain as though the world's coming to an end because there's a few centimetres of snow on the ground. They get snow days and no one shows up for work or school. In... Read More
Have you started your xmas shopping yet? I haven't! I'm also not planning on doing a lot of shopping anyway. Not only are we collectively broke, but I'm happy making gifts to give to people. I'm knitting my brother-in-law a Doctor Who scarf, but it won't be nearly as fancy as the one I made my husband. I'm thinking I'll do something fancy on photoshop... Read More
Argh... xmas shopping... nope... i need to get paid first... some people at my work had all their gifts sorted in september... thats just worrying. heh.
Scarfs are v. cool tho esp. Doctor Who! altho i think that if anyone was to make me anything i would love a pirate story like the one in your photos... that is soo cool - madness but cool
I have started work on designing my xmas cards however, so i'm not too bad...
I wish there was another word for cute... as it seems too many people have used it already... but that pic is lovely.
sorry i haven't been on AIM much...we'll have to get together next week for sure. Things have just been nuts around one thing after the other. How have things been for you guys?
ah..i feel ya. This is the first day I feel like I've had time to chill out a little. My computer has been crashing, keegans been pretty fussy and has his first episode of diaper rash...and the mister and I have been...'talking' a lot. hahah.
What do you say about next week?
Wow. I'm home all day and yet I never have time to do anything. Except for clean up after the baby, change the baby's diapers, feed the baby, put the baby down for a nap, entertain the baby, make sure the baby's not eating the plants, the cats, dirt, or trashing anything within reach. And then today my period finally started. I note this only... Read More
I went grey for about an hour last week, and was only grey for that long because I was running around after the wee one. I feel like I've been run over by a truck. Too bad it's going to take about twelve years for her to start sleeping in! I need a full-body massage (especially a foot rub) and I could do with... Read More
awww, poor girl! you should take Lisseth up on her offer and go to a Great American Backrub, they are the shiznit. And reasonably priced for a half hour massage.
Take it easy sweetie!
She is adorable and I have to say, it probably is harder for you as you didn't have the 9 months to get ready for it. I hope you get the massage you need and give that adorable baby all the kisses and hugs you can because, pretty soon, they start telling you things like "Mom, not here, people can see us"
You know when you meet someone for the first time and the first words out of your mouth are the wrong ones? I just did that yesterday with tmronin! It was red_vinyl's birthday dinner and said photographer came over to shoot a set with Lucy and Martini. I know I'm probably feeling worse about it than I should, as Steve's just as... Read More
I've had those moments at times. I meet someone I admire and can't for the life of me think of anything worth saying. I usually feel glad if I'm able to say something coherant.
The GirlSquirt group needs a new group image. I love the current image, but it's been up for a while, and I like variety. I don't have Photoshop, so I'm hoping one of you lovely people can help me out. If I add text to an image in MS Paint it ends up all grainy and looks awful. Some ideas below the cut.
A week without internet is a terrible, cruel thing for one such as I, who have been online for longer than many Myspacers have been alive. Scary, ain't it?
No baby yet. Red tape, paperwork, delays, bleh. Photos will be posted upon her arrival.
Steve Irwin is dead. It's sad, but not surprising. That crazy mo fo had it coming, cheating death for all those... Read More
Silent Hill is a scary, creepy movie. I finally saw it. Just now. And now I have to go to bed ... it's going to follow me into my sleep and invate my dreams. Did you know that Pyramidhead has a fanclub of girls who think he's sexy?
The little lady arrives Tuesday morning. I'm excited and a little freaked out. I can only imagine... Read More
I read your journal regularily, yet somehow I never knew you were adopting the baby.
That's so weird, but based on what other people have said in their comments, I'm not alone, which is reassuring, cuz otherwise I would have thought I had somehow missed something completely.
Good luck!! You really are wonderful, and you're very very lucky.
I'd love to have a child, and may end up looking to adopt.
? Dang was I away that long that you managed to have a little tacker? Watch out though they have evil cute powers, just like "stewie" of the family guy (it's true the tv never lies).