I flipping hate Strep!!!!! And the person who gave it to me whomever you may be I will cough on you many many times. If only I knew who.
I've got my anti biotics, my faithful friend which is tea w/ lemon and honey. I am awaiting my mom to come home with some ginger
I <3 ginger. She also said she was going to...
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I've got my anti biotics, my faithful friend which is tea w/ lemon and honey. I am awaiting my mom to come home with some ginger

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macs boggle my brain. ive had mine for about 4 months now and im still lost
*cough* *gag* *wheeze*
dangnamit I am sick.
I was doing perfectly fine all day Saturday and then the hangover on Sunday morning and then I went to see a friend and all of the sudden half way through Sunday I started having trouble swallowing. I thought I good nights sleep with some neo citron would help. But now I am worse.
I had to cancel...
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dangnamit I am sick.
I was doing perfectly fine all day Saturday and then the hangover on Sunday morning and then I went to see a friend and all of the sudden half way through Sunday I started having trouble swallowing. I thought I good nights sleep with some neo citron would help. But now I am worse.
I had to cancel...
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I think I'm getting sick too. I hope you get better soon hun!
Hope you all partied hard and are dealing well with killer hangovers like me lol. I am trying to down orange juice with a couple dashes of cayenne pepper and a dash of salt because I heard it helps.
Actually there is a great cure for those who need it:
But I don't have all that stuff.
I went out to...
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Hope you all partied hard and are dealing well with killer hangovers like me lol. I am trying to down orange juice with a couple dashes of cayenne pepper and a dash of salt because I heard it helps.
Actually there is a great cure for those who need it:
But I don't have all that stuff.
I went out to...
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Glad you had a great night!! I was supposed to work last night but ended up closing our 24 hour store lol. so i got to go out at 12:30... Have a great hangover
none here

Glad you had fun. 

"today is the first day of the rest of your life" is what was said to me by my co-worker Sean.
I laughed it was sweet.
I am touching base to let people who may be worried about me know that I am actually doing alright. I am surprised with how well I am coping with the breakup. Even though I initiated it it was...
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I laughed it was sweet.
I am touching base to let people who may be worried about me know that I am actually doing alright. I am surprised with how well I am coping with the breakup. Even though I initiated it it was...
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me and lex have date nights on tues. it be nice to do things somtimes
Hey!!! Long time no see
Sorry about your break-up with whom ever. How have you been other wise? Have a good day 
p.s- don't forget to vouch for me so i can get into the SG Canada east Group

p.s- don't forget to vouch for me so i can get into the SG Canada east Group

I did something last night that hurt excruciatingly bad. I hate that it had to happen and come to this.
For my well being, and for the mere fact that I want someone to love me, I broke up with Kale.
So this is what it feels like for my heart to actually completely break in half.
This sucks.
For my well being, and for the mere fact that I want someone to love me, I broke up with Kale.
So this is what it feels like for my heart to actually completely break in half.
This sucks.
i'm sorry lady...
if you need to talk i'm here.
if you need to talk i'm here.
I am so happy with my hair
I got my hair bleached by Valdis and then I got a cut from a student I was interested in for cutting my hair (sorry Valdis she is just cheaper). She did a great job.
I am not so happy with the 4-5 page paper I have due on Monday and I only have maybe a page of...
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I am not so happy with the 4-5 page paper I have due on Monday and I only have maybe a page of...
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When did you come back!? I took you off my friends list you were grey for sooooooo long!
Pics of new hair?

Pics of new hair?

Hey, look who's back!
Thanks to the guy from Switzerland who bought me my account, 'twas nice... don't know why you did it, but thanks!
Today was a long long day but got a lot done. Work was good, half day with kids and then worked on programs pretty simple. Then I went straight to Ryerson where I read articles for my debate before getting together with my group...
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Today was a long long day but got a lot done. Work was good, half day with kids and then worked on programs pretty simple. Then I went straight to Ryerson where I read articles for my debate before getting together with my group...
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Whoo! Glad to see you back 

yaaaaay a great yidish to you..... or somthing... good to have you back!!!
see you tomorrow?
see you tomorrow?
Thanks to the user who reactivated me, I still have yet to check your account or if I know you :/ But thanks.
So I have been gone for 2 years now which is nutty, it hasn't felt like that mainly because I would still see Toronto SG friends and go to events.
New to my...
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Thanks to the user who reactivated me, I still have yet to check your account or if I know you :/ But thanks.
So I have been gone for 2 years now which is nutty, it hasn't felt like that mainly because I would still see Toronto SG friends and go to events.
New to my...
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WOOT you should probably find out who hooked you up.
thank you from me as well!
thank you from me as well!
Last night I went to Velvet Underground with 2Low.....
....we are in the parking lot across from the club and 2 guys approach me asking me if I have a pipe.
I didn't realize who either of these guys were but they looked familiar... *smacks head* PARRY FERREL fucking asked me if I had a pipe!
.. I believe him and the guitarist from his...
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....we are in the parking lot across from the club and 2 guys approach me asking me if I have a pipe.
I didn't realize who either of these guys were but they looked familiar... *smacks head* PARRY FERREL fucking asked me if I had a pipe!
.. I believe him and the guitarist from his...
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Parry Ferrell? Luckkyyy. That's awesome. Did you have a pipe?
wow thats so awesome!
my latest celeb encounter only involves Kevin G from Mean Girls. So lame.
my latest celeb encounter only involves Kevin G from Mean Girls. So lame.
look at title
fun halloween stuff
Someone come with me to the Alternative Fashion Week:
October 18th to the Distillery District.
The photographer gallery is between 12:00 and 7pm then the fashion show is at 8pm. So I wanted to catch the gallery around 6pm, then the fashion show @ 8pm! Who wants to come with me? It's $10 cover for the fashion show but it will rock, theme is "seduction"...
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October 18th to the Distillery District.
The photographer gallery is between 12:00 and 7pm then the fashion show is at 8pm. So I wanted to catch the gallery around 6pm, then the fashion show @ 8pm! Who wants to come with me? It's $10 cover for the fashion show but it will rock, theme is "seduction"...
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I'll already be there, doing makeup for the show!
i'll come with you, i dont work tomorrow!