So day 5 of not playing wow..... Big thing for me seeing as I havent had a break this long in 5 years lol, Im already finding my focus is shifting to sorting out driving lessons, my degree and getting better at my job. I just didnt have time to think about these things before let alone do them! Ive also decided to try giving...
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5 years of wow. Man. I was seriously hooked for like 2 months, once I got my pally up to 80 though it has slowly started to lose interest for me.
Wow Rammstein were fucking amazing last night- awesome live show!
Highlights of the evening included, dead babies with green laser eyes, monkey brains, giant jizzing cock cannons, a shit load of fire and the very camp men who threw their handbags on the floor and totally rocked out to system in the village after
Highlights of the evening included, dead babies with green laser eyes, monkey brains, giant jizzing cock cannons, a shit load of fire and the very camp men who threw their handbags on the floor and totally rocked out to system in the village after

Is it wrong to 'forget' an anniversary to raid new content? Comon, Its not like boys know when it is until they are reminded!!
I forget stuff all the time 
Thankfully I usually put important stuff like anniversary and birthdays in my phone so it reminds me

Thankfully I usually put important stuff like anniversary and birthdays in my phone so it reminds me

Last night was supposed to be Curry Sleepover night with my bezzy Katie, I finished work in the afternoon and headed straight round. Cracked open a few beers to start with and decided that drinking would actually make the curry even better hehe. So when we were picking up our coriander et al we nabbed ourselves a nice big bottle of Captain Morgans. Half a...
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Definately the rum- curry was never made!!
the red looks good.xx
Well Hi all! Thought I would start documenting bits and pieces down here for when the time comes in a few years when I drank too much to remember what happened yesterday..... well ok thats now...... so maybe can remind myself what I am doing next week?!!
I love lists! so here Is my first!
-I love reggae reggae sauce, totally sick, just had it...
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I love lists! so here Is my first!
-I love reggae reggae sauce, totally sick, just had it...
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You should try Reggae Reggae Ketchup, amazing stuff...
Reggae Reggae is the shizzle. I also recommend Nando's piri piri which I can usally only find in a Morrisons.
was leeds 08 - messy messy time! That was day 1 as well- it got worse!!