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I'm going to Australia! Woooo! Specifically, Sydney for about a week. This will be my first trip to Australia and it will be in the middle of winter there so I'm guessing it's going to be great. I'm guessing I won't be able to visit the Great Barrier Reef on this trip. :/
I've started reading Rat Queens and I like it so much that I'm a little annoyed at people who haven't recommended it to me sooner. Now I'm starting to wonder if I should be reading The Wicked + The Divine (which if you've read it you're probably going to tell me I should be reading it).
Having purchased the Disney Blu-Ray of My Neighbor Totoro a few months ago I have only just now actually opened it and started watching. I have to say that I am really not a fan of this version of the dub. Perhaps if I hadn't grown so fond of the original English dub from the 90s I wouldn't care so much but I can't NOT...
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For some reason it matters to me, who the drunk driver was at SxSW. I'll probably never know him, I just looked through the names injured and deceased and I don't know any of them either.
I'm sure he now realizes the gravity of what he did, but god, that was majorly fucking stupid/horrible/insane. I've never been drunk so I don't know what it's like....
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1. status updates from high school friends, who are now conservative or Republican, regarding Osama Bin Laden, President Obama, or general politics are making me annoyed, then angry because I don't want to get into a debate, then stressed because I keep thinking about it.
2. wall posts from friends about how...
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also, facebook is the devil.
and another thing:

Timing is very important. both need to jump together or the landing will be hard.

In my opinion that means he never has been... I think you can be in long term relationships and love someone but not necessarily be in love with them. I think when he meets the one he'll know.
I'm sort of terrible at making the right decisions. Not that I have made any particularly bad ones, I just feel that if I had made multiple right ones I would be...
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Tron Soundtrack + Most Snow At Any Ski Resort = Awesome. If that's douchey, you can go ahead and start calling me Summer's Eve. IDONTGIVEAFUCK!!
Also, making the right decisions can sometimes have little to do with getting you to the right place, unfortunately. I still hope you get there. The grounds shift on us all.

Bridal Shower
Matt & Kim
Dim Sum
Oct 9/10
Bachelorette Party
Bachelorette Brunch
Oct 16/17
Visit parents
Post zombiewalk party
Oct 23-25
Lake Tahoe trip
Oct 29-31
Halloween Party
Sneaky Nietzsche
Nov 6/7
Santa Cruz trip
Nov 13/14
Rehearsal Dinner
(a different wedding) Reception
Nov 20/21
San Francisco trip
Nov 25 - 28
Thanksgiving at parents'
One day I...
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he is a Miniature Australian Shepherd, we have allot of dogs in our log yard, and male egos to go with it, you can pat on your chest and get Maynard run up your leg and catch him, then i carry him around like a baby because it pisses off his owner. i took this picture this morning to be able to tell that fact. Then this afternoon Maynard almost got killed by a malamute husky named Hank and an american boxer named Caleb, he has a napoleon complex and is always growling at these big dogs, and i heard a week yelp and he was in the two of theirs mouths, had to kick booth of them, to get Maynard out, he is getting some stitches and rest. almost didn't get to get a picture to tell you i do carry around small dogs
Manhattan, I miss you.
Seattle, I miss you.
Disposable income, I miss you.
Nothing better than a weekday with rain and no work. Cozy times!
did you notice how your maps of love are all shredable places, just an fyi
I'm just glad I don't use this site to actually talk about my feelings and personal life anymore, everything in the past, well, it can stay there. And, you know, I AM making this journal...
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Very well spoken and I feel the same way on a few of the key points that you brought up. I joined SG in 2002 because I have never felt like I belonged to anything, anywhere, and I was looking for a community of outcasts, or just plain freaks. This site has got more mainstream over the years (which is ok with me), and I still enjoy it for various reasons such as the groups, community, and blogs from members that I like. It doesn't hurt that there are beautiful naked girls on the site. The longer I am here though, the less that really matters to me, and the people have become the best aspect. Tuffy comes to mind, he cracks me up a lot with his dry sense of humor. You are also someone that I enjoy reading too, thanks for being here.
...you know i've been around for a good while... don't like or understand the buttons..
how ya been?