well hello again!
someone reactivated my account and I have no idea who it was.
a ton has happened since I was last on here... here are my top 5 things in order
1. Orez and I got engaged
2. I got an awesome new job working in a public (non charter) school
3. I got pregnant
4. Orez and I bought a house
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someone reactivated my account and I have no idea who it was.
a ton has happened since I was last on here... here are my top 5 things in order
1. Orez and I got engaged
2. I got an awesome new job working in a public (non charter) school
3. I got pregnant
4. Orez and I bought a house
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hey you
hey you long time huh? how ya been
Top Fives episode 3 is up and ready to be heard. This weeks topic was favorite Kevin Smith movie moments in honor of the release of Clerks II. If you love Kevin Smith or even if you don't you need to listen to this episode.
This is our first episode available in both audio and video formats. (The video will be available soon.)
Visit our...
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This is our first episode available in both audio and video formats. (The video will be available soon.)
Visit our...
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eh, i'm just hoping it'll be alright its just been a short amount of time. we've only been dating 4 months. and there are things that freak me out about her, like a lot of guy friends. not that i'm jealous about it but its like why are hanging with a bunch of dudes all the time? i barely get to see her is another thing and some times we dont talk like not even a hi on the phone for days. she's kinda flakey sometimes. hmm..i think thats about all i got on what freaks me out....nope past drug use. thats it now. yea, sometimes i look at this like its really bad but other times i'm like fuck it jump in head first. whats the worst that could happen? plus side is she has a lot of the same goals and ideas about life and we get along really well.
you should come to skullys around 3ish tommorrow afternoon, or come to rollderderby, i'll be in town! come hang out if you aren't busy!
just as i promised on Episode 2 of my podcast, i have posted pictures of me in drag on Top Fives' website... liberty spikes and 'boy makeup' galore... check it out!!
and if you dont know what i am talking about that means that you have not yet listened to the coolest podcast in town... well what the hell are you waiting for subscribe now...
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and if you dont know what i am talking about that means that you have not yet listened to the coolest podcast in town... well what the hell are you waiting for subscribe now...
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awww thank you love
hehe.. I have been workin hard on loosin some extra lbs and gettin myself back to where I wanna be
weeeee! 11 days and my jordan is here!! I can't waittttt~ 

Whoa... podcast? Downloading now!! can't wait to hear your voice...

i am loving my new place... first time i have ever had air conditioning believe it or not and let me tell you it is fantastic... living with the boy is great... so nice to see him everyday and not only on wednesday and the weekends... and speaking of wednesday a new season of project runway started this week... you all have no idea how...
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y aknow i was looking through your photos and noticed you surely are a pretty chick

you should come to rollerderby on sunday, would be nice to see ya!
thanks....you're so sweet
has the cbus schools situation gotten any better? are you enjoying the summer time off?

has the cbus schools situation gotten any better? are you enjoying the summer time off?
yay yay yay yay i move on friday... i havent packed anything... i think that is a problem
*runs off to pack something*
*runs off to pack something*
you better get on it! so are you moving in with the boy then? i miss ya kellyjanice!!!
so the new sg is crazy nice... still trying to figure everything out it is so different... but as i figured it out a few years ago i will do so again... this will totally motivate me to be on more so i can get the hang of it...
i actually had to take a sick day yesterday... it was terrible one week before school...
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i actually had to take a sick day yesterday... it was terrible one week before school...
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Hope you're feeling better!
End of school = you hangin out more = yay!
Have fun moving, I'm soooooooo not looking forward to moving all my crap again.

End of school = you hangin out more = yay!
Have fun moving, I'm soooooooo not looking forward to moving all my crap again.

THank you so much, sweetheart!!!
Hope you are feeling better! Fingers are crossed for you on the J-O-B front!!!!

Hope you are feeling better! Fingers are crossed for you on the J-O-B front!!!!
fun shit...
my fucking classromm duh...
if you can't figure it out you need some help...
well i still can't get that thing out of my foot... i soaked it forever and i have no idea what it is... could be metal or wood maybe even plastic... i walk around barefoot all the time and my basement is not the cleanest of floors... i'm sure i got the splinter when i was painting... it is in there pretty deep and i...
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grrrr i woke up at 3 today.. and you all went out without me..
please tell me we are gettin together tonight...?!!!
fuckit.. if yall wanna bring beer we can meet at my place.. anyway.. im sad

please tell me we are gettin together tonight...?!!!
fuckit.. if yall wanna bring beer we can meet at my place.. anyway.. im sad

[my name is]: Nic A
[in the morning i am]: a complet fuck wad... me without sleep is a nuclear holocaust waiting to happen...
[all i need is]: water for my hangover or... pedialite
[love is]: hate minus the grievences... or everything i dont know
[im afraid of]: the dark... and being alone
[i dream about]: myself choking while i physically beat an unknown to a pulp..... never said i was nice
-H A V E .Y O U. E V E R . .
[pictured your crush naked?]: no
[actually seen your crush naked]: actually yes.. the best experiance ever
[fucked]:, yes
[had sex]: of course
[made love]: no...
[been in love]: yes
[cried when someone died]: my god daughter died 8 hours ago.. but .....
[lied]: i told my bio teach that i had a hernia...ewwwww
-W H I C H . I S . B E T T E R-
[coke or pepsi]: Coke and Donatos... mmmmmm
[flowers or candy]: ummm actaully ide like a flower every now and again
[tall or short]:i'm a tall big mutherfucker....
-W I T H .T H E. O P P O S I T E. S E X-
[what do you notice first?]: ass
[last person u slow danced with]:ex-girlfriend...
[worst question to ask]: so did you know the deceased?
-W H O-
[makes you laugh the most?]: justin(my best friend im not gay.. but if i was....)
[makes you smile]: monica
[gives you a funny feeling when you see them]: Muse25 .. hottest girl EVER.. but too i'm to shy...
[has a crush on you?]: muse25? ... i can
-D O. Y O U .E V E R-
[sit on the internet all day waiting for someone special to I.M. you?]: maybe... but.. okay she styill hasnt thanks for the update.. oh wait that might be her.....
[save aol/aim conversations]: read prior answer
[wish you were a member of the opposite sex]: i am soooo lazy pissing sitting down seems like a pleasure
-H A V E .Y O U .E V E R-
[fallen for your best friend]: yes
[been rejected]: twice , last time i stopped trying
[rejected someone]: yes... the wrong ones go for me
[used someone]: im a guy, thats my defense
[been cheated on]:no, which is good i guess
[done something you regret]: i always fall in love too fast.
-W H O .W A S .T H E .L A S T. P E R S O N-
[you talked to on the phone]: my ex
[hugged]: roommates girlfriend
[you instant messaged]: girl i would love to see...
[you laughed with]: my best friend when i said love is third in the list behind food and alcohol... and i dont need anyone else for them I can do them all alone...
-D O .Y O U-
[color your hair]: it used to be blue.. now i'm "normal"
[ever get off the damn computer]: i check shit once a week...
[habla espanol]: un poco para yo soy enebraitedador?
-D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U-
[smoke cigarettes]: ii quit but you got one?
[obsessive]: nah.. fuck it life is too short for... well wait... this questionaire is off beat and.....
[could you live without the computer?]: yes, no, yes, no, no
[how many peeps are on your buddylist?]: ummm i have all my colege buds for a grand total of 137
[what's your favorite food?]: mmm pasta and pizza and if they were combined it would be pastizza...
[whats ur favorite fruit?]:
rich gay men
[drink alchohol?]: ummm never will you see me without a drink in hand...
[like watching sunrises or sunset]: sunrisei work nights it means my shift is over
[what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?]: i love phyisacal and cant stand emotional
[trust others way too easily?]: never
-N U M B E R-
[of times i have had my heart broken? ]: more times than i have been in love...
[of hearts i have broken?] : one, and i regret it every day of my life....
[of boys i have kissed?] : ummm none?
[of girls i have kissed?] : more than i can count this week
[of continents i have lived in?] 3
[of drugs taken illegally?] : 4
[of tight friends?] : 1 thats all i need
[of cd's that i own?] : 432 cds and 579 albums (im a dj)
[of scars on my body?] : 37 alone from my car accident and many many more from college football...
[of things in my past that i regret?] : ever being born
I WANT: to pay off my loans
I HAVE: great arms
I WISH: i was still a big10 athlete
I HATE: michagen
I MISS: my 2nd virginity
I FEAR: nothing
I HEAR: mozarts shriull dempagne in the last 64th
I SEARCH:silence in my head
I WONDER: if dogs are going to overthrough the worldI REGRET: breathing
I LOVE: my family.. and my tongue
I ACHE: when i live gto hard
I CARE: always and too much
I ALWAYS: act pissed off
I DANCE: better than any other white boy
I SING: in a band waiting to be found
I CRY:when i watch rudy
I DO NOT ALWAYS: say goodbye
I WRITE: more shit than anyone will EVER read
I WIN: nothing im surrounded by women!
I CONFUSE: those who are friends and those who wnat to be... friends
I LISTEN: indy is overrated
I CAN USUALLY BE FOUND: drunk and angry
I NEED: a beer
I AM HAPPY ABOUT: a large penis limp from too many beers
[in the morning i am]: a complet fuck wad... me without sleep is a nuclear holocaust waiting to happen...
[all i need is]: water for my hangover or... pedialite
[love is]: hate minus the grievences... or everything i dont know
[im afraid of]: the dark... and being alone
[i dream about]: myself choking while i physically beat an unknown to a pulp..... never said i was nice
-H A V E .Y O U. E V E R . .
[pictured your crush naked?]: no
[actually seen your crush naked]: actually yes.. the best experiance ever
[fucked]:, yes
[had sex]: of course
[made love]: no...
[been in love]: yes
[cried when someone died]: my god daughter died 8 hours ago.. but .....
[lied]: i told my bio teach that i had a hernia...ewwwww
-W H I C H . I S . B E T T E R-
[coke or pepsi]: Coke and Donatos... mmmmmm
[flowers or candy]: ummm actaully ide like a flower every now and again
[tall or short]:i'm a tall big mutherfucker....
-W I T H .T H E. O P P O S I T E. S E X-
[what do you notice first?]: ass
[last person u slow danced with]:ex-girlfriend...
[worst question to ask]: so did you know the deceased?
-W H O-
[makes you laugh the most?]: justin(my best friend im not gay.. but if i was....)
[makes you smile]: monica
[gives you a funny feeling when you see them]: Muse25 .. hottest girl EVER.. but too i'm to shy...
[has a crush on you?]: muse25? ... i can
-D O. Y O U .E V E R-
[sit on the internet all day waiting for someone special to I.M. you?]: maybe... but.. okay she styill hasnt thanks for the update.. oh wait that might be her.....
[save aol/aim conversations]: read prior answer
[wish you were a member of the opposite sex]: i am soooo lazy pissing sitting down seems like a pleasure
-H A V E .Y O U .E V E R-
[fallen for your best friend]: yes
[been rejected]: twice , last time i stopped trying
[rejected someone]: yes... the wrong ones go for me
[used someone]: im a guy, thats my defense
[been cheated on]:no, which is good i guess
[done something you regret]: i always fall in love too fast.
-W H O .W A S .T H E .L A S T. P E R S O N-
[you talked to on the phone]: my ex
[hugged]: roommates girlfriend
[you instant messaged]: girl i would love to see...
[you laughed with]: my best friend when i said love is third in the list behind food and alcohol... and i dont need anyone else for them I can do them all alone...
-D O .Y O U-
[color your hair]: it used to be blue.. now i'm "normal"
[ever get off the damn computer]: i check shit once a week...
[habla espanol]: un poco para yo soy enebraitedador?
-D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U-
[smoke cigarettes]: ii quit but you got one?
[obsessive]: nah.. fuck it life is too short for... well wait... this questionaire is off beat and.....
[could you live without the computer?]: yes, no, yes, no, no
[how many peeps are on your buddylist?]: ummm i have all my colege buds for a grand total of 137
[what's your favorite food?]: mmm pasta and pizza and if they were combined it would be pastizza...
[whats ur favorite fruit?]:
rich gay men
[drink alchohol?]: ummm never will you see me without a drink in hand...
[like watching sunrises or sunset]: sunrisei work nights it means my shift is over
[what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?]: i love phyisacal and cant stand emotional
[trust others way too easily?]: never
-N U M B E R-
[of times i have had my heart broken? ]: more times than i have been in love...
[of hearts i have broken?] : one, and i regret it every day of my life....
[of boys i have kissed?] : ummm none?
[of girls i have kissed?] : more than i can count this week
[of continents i have lived in?] 3
[of drugs taken illegally?] : 4
[of tight friends?] : 1 thats all i need
[of cd's that i own?] : 432 cds and 579 albums (im a dj)
[of scars on my body?] : 37 alone from my car accident and many many more from college football...
[of things in my past that i regret?] : ever being born
I WANT: to pay off my loans
I HAVE: great arms
I WISH: i was still a big10 athlete
I HATE: michagen
I MISS: my 2nd virginity
I FEAR: nothing
I HEAR: mozarts shriull dempagne in the last 64th
I SEARCH:silence in my head
I WONDER: if dogs are going to overthrough the worldI REGRET: breathing
I LOVE: my family.. and my tongue
I ACHE: when i live gto hard
I CARE: always and too much
I ALWAYS: act pissed off
I DANCE: better than any other white boy
I SING: in a band waiting to be found
I CRY:when i watch rudy
I DO NOT ALWAYS: say goodbye
I WRITE: more shit than anyone will EVER read
I WIN: nothing im surrounded by women!
I CONFUSE: those who are friends and those who wnat to be... friends
I LISTEN: indy is overrated
I CAN USUALLY BE FOUND: drunk and angry
I NEED: a beer
I AM HAPPY ABOUT: a large penis limp from too many beers

i have this enormous thing stuck in the bottom of my foot... i have no idea what it is or when it got there but it hurst real bad and i can't dig it out... i am hurting myself more and more everytime i try to dig it out... i thought that i had just bruised the ball of my foot earlier and i gave...
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Well, shit.
That sounds like you've got to get serious. if it's a foreign object in your foot, it may get infected pretty fast.
That sounds like you've got to get serious. if it's a foreign object in your foot, it may get infected pretty fast.
Use a melon-baller. They work like magic.
But seriously, that sounds very not good...
And it'd be great if the cookout thing works out, I'd love to see everyone again (and meet some new folk)!

But seriously, that sounds very not good...
And it'd be great if the cookout thing works out, I'd love to see everyone again (and meet some new folk)!