The truck is gone. The accident was spectacular, both vehicles were creamed, the driver of the other one went to the hospital with damage, and I am left stranded without wheels in a big city and wondering what to do next.

One crisis at a time....
I had a dude back up into me once and that alone covered the cost of another car of the same model, haha. It's been dependable so I got another one.

So how much did you get from the insurance?
OMG, I used to love Night Breed, I haven't seen it years though.
$357 in repairs.

They have to take out the whole fuel system and replace the fuel pump.

You actually use gas? I just cover up.
Shit, that really sucks. I hate car repairs. They're never NOT cheap.

Maybe when they've repaired it you can hold hostages so you don't have to pay. I'll volunteer as long as you promise to not hurt me. wink
*pounds truck*
As weekends go, I'd like to give this one back.

So tonight I came from the memorial service to an incredibly long drive, and something about just the whole damn day had drained me. No bad to the service itself, in fact it was a rather positive affair. On a Sunday night everyone seemed to be busy or in the land of the...
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Damn, I feel for you. Things can only get better. Hopefully my post in SGATliens might help out. Good luck, chica!
I hate driving when I'm tired. It's like driving drunk without the good feelings.

I'm sorry about your truck. I know how you feel. I have the worst luck with cars. I hope your truck is doing better now!
There is an old Bloom County comic that comes to mind. It had an Ozzy character, and it showed him on stage just screaming the lyrics for all he was worth; "Death, Satan, Kill, Die!" That sort of thing. Then he goes stalking offstage, and it shows him hiding behind an amp or something, giving himself a pepe talk. "Its okay Ozzy 'ol boy, you...
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it's the rush of pushing yourself to do something that your body is against. some of the worst and most exciting moments are when you have to get in front of people.

introverted, extroverted...how about intro/extro? whatever

Vodka! I want some! biggrin
hhmm, interesting story and analogy. I think many people are not all that. I think all of the big stars have this side to them. I don't that stops them from being an extrovert. Cause if you are introvert you probably would go through with being on stage like that. Extroverted people find a way to deal with emotions to where they can actually get on a stage and look like the most confident people ever. I don't know, at least that's what I think. Oh, and Absolut is awesome. I am an alcoholic too. And I don't feel bad about it either. biggrin
Well fuck, I did it.

Going through the clothing, I kinda have to. I have too much, and half of it I hate. I got a few nice pieces today, which means I have to get rid of some. Not to mention the pile of clothes on my bed currently preventing sleep is a bit much, even for my standards. So....out it all goes.

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Ya know, I never started noticing this stuff until other people started looking at me cross-eyed, I really didnt.

Hells, I didnt notice today until someone bummed 60 cents off me, and I pulled it out of my bra. I mean, its a business suit--no pockets. Where else am I going to put the stuff I need to keep hold of? So I just got...
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I think it's time to get you a purse or some pockets. lol.

Are you going to see Rasputina tonight?! I am!
ASVABS today.

And I have proven that, beyond the shadow of a doubt, I am a GIIIRL. Were talking, then foor high neon letters in hot pink candy coloring with flourishes, loops, and even little hearts dottong all the i's.


There were 11 sections to the test. Only two had anything to do with vocabulary, one with pattern recognition. Of 11 sections (math, sciences,...
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I take no credit for anything between the lines:

Booze-flavoured ice cream chills activists
Sat Apr 3, 5:09 AM ET

SYDNEY (Reuters) - A new vodka-flavoured ice cream launched in Australia has provoked an outcry from groups worried it would give children a taste for alcohol.

The booze-flavoured Illicit Vodka Cranberry Magnum ice creams hit the shelves just months after biscuit-maker Arnott's new Tia...
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whyyyy thank you...you are too kind
Fuckin dog bit me. I now have a puncture through the meat of my hand. Thankfully, I'm only bleeding in two places. It could have been worse, damn dog was fuckin determined to take the whole hand. And then, he just stops, and seems to have no earthly clue what just happened and is the same lovable beast as ever.

Stupid dog.

Help me out...
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Make sure the dog always sees you coming. They hate it when you sneak up on them. Make sure anyone that is going to touch him gets his attention and lets him sniff the back of their hand before they touch him.

Also, when moving to pet him, go under the chin and work your way wherever you want to go. Don't ever reach out and put your hand on top of his head because dogs consider that a display of dominance and are more apt to try and defend themselves.

...and don't ever stare into his eyes. They interpret that as aggression.

I'm pretty good with animals, so if you have any questions, I'll help when I can.

Have you noticed that the dog only bites people he knows?
I don't know where you can send the dog. I wish I had some suggestion. Sorry...my gf's cat bit a few months ago. I had to get a shot b/c it got all infected. Damn that sucked.
Wow. I am of a state of tipsy and emotional equilibrium that I am likely to answer the oddest questions honestly. Limited time offer folks, ask me anything. Tomorrow I might defer. Now....

Quote of the Eve:

"The summerized version is my life hit hell, took a side road, wound up in a back alley through the ghetto, and I have only just now managed to find a getaway car, of which I am peeling out of hell in at top speed and hoping the happy demons with uzis dont catch my ass."

--Me on why I might...
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Don't join the military! That'll lead to nothing good right now. I have some friends that joined. and they're just not the same anymore.
If not for the fact that I have a family that I don't want to be seperated from for ungodly lengths of time, I'd be quite fired up to enlist in the air force...but there is no guarantee that I'd be able to take my family wherever they decided to station me and my brother, who was in the Air Force, has corrected me...it's four years, not two like I thought. That's more of my life than I'm willing to commit.
cant fall asleep with the TV on, though some nights I dearly wish I could. It isnt so much the pictures or the stories as just the solace of having other human voices around me. It makes me feel less alone somehow.

Tonight I have a new glory, Vienna Teng. She has the most beautiful voice, Evenescence not in tone, but in that breathtaking quality...
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I can't sleep with the Tv on either. It distracts me too much. Actually, I have a hard time sleeping when there is light. or I just have a hard time sleeping in general.

Good luck!