That confirms it. Downtime is a necessary thing. I did not realize how fried I was and how much I needed to just have a few days of not doing anything more constructive than warming up leftovers. I can tell because when I went back to work today, I had my usual crazy-assed schedule with new "emergencies", meetings out the wazoo, and no time to...
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Whew. December felt like two months jammed into one. Mostly good, just freakin' busy. Here's the rundown on the holiday:
Since Schiavona and my sister couldn't take off work, I took this past week off (also had to burn some vacation time--I am NOT about to lose vacation time just because work can't seem to leave me alone). Had a bunch of stuff going on...
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Since Schiavona and my sister couldn't take off work, I took this past week off (also had to burn some vacation time--I am NOT about to lose vacation time just because work can't seem to leave me alone). Had a bunch of stuff going on...
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Phew. I'm looking forward to some relaxation. And your sexy underwear.

Hope you have a wonderful New Year

So, I've been in this progressively worsening situation which finally came to a head last week at work. The head of a bunch of my studies is this somewhat flaky but intelligent person who I've worked with for about three years or so--we'll call her Jane. She's completely opposite to the head of all our NIH studies, who is one of those "directive" personalities (aka....
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Oddly enough, one of my favorite tv shows had a story similar to this in it just recently .. where a nice fellow friend colleague took the place of his position and vice versa. It can definitely make you feel really bad for them, but at the end of the day .. it wasnt *your* decision, it was the boss who made it. I hope that things between you and your friend remain pleasant.
I have a *horrible* time with ppl like "Dick" and trying to keep my mouth shut when I feel there is injustice. At least therapy helps you make better decisions with your life and builds techniques to help you cope with hardships like this, right? I've always been a firm believer in therapy.
Perfect timing for the holidays, this issue, eh?
I have a *horrible* time with ppl like "Dick" and trying to keep my mouth shut when I feel there is injustice. At least therapy helps you make better decisions with your life and builds techniques to help you cope with hardships like this, right? I've always been a firm believer in therapy.

Perfect timing for the holidays, this issue, eh?

thank you thank you thank you for the christmas card! getting mail rules.
Testing. Testing.
I am embracing change. I am not irritated with change. I am flexible, like a sapling in the wind. . .
Mostly, I'm grumpy about other things and having one of those days where things are harder than they should be and the new "feed" isn't helping. Perhaps I'll just go back to looking at porn. . .
I am embracing change. I am not irritated with change. I am flexible, like a sapling in the wind. . .
Mostly, I'm grumpy about other things and having one of those days where things are harder than they should be and the new "feed" isn't helping. Perhaps I'll just go back to looking at porn. . .
Sapling in the wind, huh?
love you!

love you!

Congrats on the promotion
You totally deserve some praise - you work waaaay too hard not to
No trick or treating for the kitties but they were proud to show off their costumes to the trick or treaters that came to the house all night long

No trick or treating for the kitties but they were proud to show off their costumes to the trick or treaters that came to the house all night long

I've decided that I have a bad attitude about being able to do my job from home. I probably should be happy that I can do this occationally, but this week it means that even when I take a sick day, I end up working for four or five hours anyways. And TV during the day sucks, too. I only got to watch one CSI...
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I sent Chris an email but I just wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! You know why
It came on the day my broken heart needed mending so thank you thank you thank you. What did I do to deserve such friends like you guys??

It came on the day my broken heart needed mending so thank you thank you thank you. What did I do to deserve such friends like you guys??


Did you knit him? He's SOOO cute!
Hi Everybody!
I know, I know, I'm a horrible human being for not posting for 6 months. First it was work and then my sibling hurt her back and I've just been crazy since then. No, really, certifiable. I swear.
First, it was really good to see everybody in Charlotte--Marksie, Sadista, SouthernBelle, you're all wonderful hosts! And WhiteWidow, it was good to finally meet you,...
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I know, I know, I'm a horrible human being for not posting for 6 months. First it was work and then my sibling hurt her back and I've just been crazy since then. No, really, certifiable. I swear.
First, it was really good to see everybody in Charlotte--Marksie, Sadista, SouthernBelle, you're all wonderful hosts! And WhiteWidow, it was good to finally meet you,...
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::hugs:: [...runs off to stare dejectedly at all the crap he has to do]
Work sucks.
I'm sorry I haven't been posting or reading or doing anything on SG. I've been being a cat-toy for the NIH. I miss you all and Schiavona is keeping me up to date on some stuff, but I promise I'll be back soon. Heck, I might be completely off one of my big projects and then I'll have much more time for SG.
I'm sorry I haven't been posting or reading or doing anything on SG. I've been being a cat-toy for the NIH. I miss you all and Schiavona is keeping me up to date on some stuff, but I promise I'll be back soon. Heck, I might be completely off one of my big projects and then I'll have much more time for SG.
Thank you so much for the comment on my set
I got the outfit at Fredricks of Hollywood - my new favorite place to shop
I hope that all is well

I got the outfit at Fredricks of Hollywood - my new favorite place to shop

I hope that all is well

Thanks for having us over, we will do it again soon!
Thanks for having us over, we will do it again soon!

Saw Punxytawney Phil this weekend. Let me assure you that if you haven't waited for hours in sub-freezing temperatures with 25,000+ other loons in order to see a dozen old white guys in tuxedos and top hats talk to a groundhog about the weather, you haven't lived. The whole thing is pretty cute--it's just a silly event that has been hyped into something pretty big....
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thx for the awesome tulips! omg those hats are adorable!
Hope V-day was sweet for you, you got a very loving marriage.
Hope V-day was sweet for you, you got a very loving marriage.
I miss you guys already!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish I could have been there for breakfast. Damn train times!
very funny ;o)
Discovery of the day--wine and surfing porn on SG is a good warm up for the Jeopardy online challenge. I feel that I did much better this time around. Not that I expect the nice people from Jeopardy to call and want me to do the in-person test. I have a feeling that you have to get all 50 of the answers correct to get...
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Hahaha, the questions are optional, my fair lady, u may answer as u see fit. I put them in every time I update because, well, I genuinely want to know abt ppl and the way they work. I just love people, they are too fascinating for their own good
Or did u mean space
this? lol Im not sure. It could be either way.
Gah, weight loss is damn near impossible for me when my man doesnt give two craps abt what goes into his body, what can I say? I have NO will power!!! Besides, I like blaming others for my lack of ability to lose weight, hahaha. JK of course, I need to get it together, baby!

Or did u mean space
this? lol Im not sure. It could be either way.
Gah, weight loss is damn near impossible for me when my man doesnt give two craps abt what goes into his body, what can I say? I have NO will power!!! Besides, I like blaming others for my lack of ability to lose weight, hahaha. JK of course, I need to get it together, baby!
I know what you mean - I didn't really put any thought into the height of Disney princesses at the parks but I guess I can see where they are coming from....they have to be bigger than the little girls that follow them everywhere
Have a great weekend

Have a great weekend

Thank you, thank you for the fab birthday greetings. I've decided that the birthday this year is just going to be a continual celebration. We started w/the tattoo and then last Tuesday had a Happy Hour (mostly because of the hour and half all company meeting to roll out the new "strategic plan"). Wednesday, Schiavona took me out to a really nice steakhouse and we...
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Us bellydancers are everywhere, we're very subversive
Yeah, I figured since I had to learn the lesson, maybe others could learn from it too........
Hopefully next time I'll be smarter and more patient!

Yeah, I figured since I had to learn the lesson, maybe others could learn from it too........
Hopefully next time I'll be smarter and more patient!

Hrm. My birthday this year is going to be a little shitty I'm afraid. Our resupply ship, the American Tern, is now going to be late to port, which means it is going to fuck up my birthday yet again. So....guesses are I will be working with the rest of the town, and not drinking really since the bars, the store, everywhere will be closed until we get through this damned boat. *shrug* Not that I care much, but still it would be nice to celebrate with people I like rather than co-workers. *le sigh*
Glad your party was a dandy!
Take care love.
Glad your party was a dandy!
Take care love.
Tattoo pics (for those who missed them) are moved to the album.
Does anyone have some motivation in a can? We were supposed to take down holiday decorations today and do all sorts of constructive stuff, and I haven't gotten shit done. Okay, I did help my sibling clean up and rearrange her guest room (she's got a hurt shoulder and can't lift heavy objects)...
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Does anyone have some motivation in a can? We were supposed to take down holiday decorations today and do all sorts of constructive stuff, and I haven't gotten shit done. Okay, I did help my sibling clean up and rearrange her guest room (she's got a hurt shoulder and can't lift heavy objects)...
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OOOOPSY! I totally missed your b-day! I hope you had a great one, Sweetie!
I have no idea where to find the motivation in a can, but I wish I could find some, too! If I find any I'll get an extra can for you! (o; I have soooo much I need to do, but I'm the queen of procrastination...if you look it up in the dictionary you'll see my pic beside it!!!
All of my pics are public, but I'm a little exhibitionist!

I have no idea where to find the motivation in a can, but I wish I could find some, too! If I find any I'll get an extra can for you! (o; I have soooo much I need to do, but I'm the queen of procrastination...if you look it up in the dictionary you'll see my pic beside it!!!
All of my pics are public, but I'm a little exhibitionist!

I'm sorry I missed your birthday! Hope you had a lovely one!

Okay it's not quite a dinosaur...but this is one of my fave sets from long long ago...from an SG who is sadly now extinct from this site.
Ciel : vs. Godzilla

Okay it's not quite a dinosaur...but this is one of my fave sets from long long ago...from an SG who is sadly now extinct from this site.
Ciel : vs. Godzilla

I would write more but I have a thousand things to do before then
Update later......