Guys!! 😍
First off- thank you so much for your love on my new set "Spa Queen For a Day". But don't leave yet! ❤
My lovely friend and fellow Hopeful, @jacqui_daniels and I have a set, that will melt your hearts, dropping in under 22 hours! 😍
Make sure you're following us both so you don't miss it!
This was such a fun shoot!
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😍😍 I hope you guys are ready! My next set goes live in MR in 2 more hours. 💦💦
Can't wait to read what you all think. ❤
First off- thank you guys for all your support! And HUGE thank you to the wonderful people that have been leaving tips! ❤✨ It warms my heart each time.
The feed back on the Multi set @daredevy and I shot with @johngoyer has been great- I'm happy you guys are enjoying it! This woman really is amazing. She even came to hang out with me
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There's so much I can say about @daredevy and why I think she's such a great woman... She's definitely my SGH crush and I'm so happy our set drops soon.
Not only is she gorgeous to look at, comforting to hold and has the sweetest kisses- but her heart matches all of it.
❤✨ Her personality is gorgeous, comforting and sweet. I adore her....
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Blog time, guys! 💖
A few of the New Mexico Hopefuls and myself got together (in Abq and Santa Fe) for promo of the upcoming Blackheart Burlesque show!
@adorn and @daredevy hung fliers for Santa Fe's show- Sept 11th
While @jacqui_daniels (Abq captain) @etherbunny @carolinehellcat vs. @vulgxr and I had Burque. September 12th.
@etherbunny and @carolinehellcat were the victors in the scavenger hunt during our
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Thank you @Rambo and @Missy
8/3: What is your favorite season and why?
My favorite season is right around the corner- Autumn!
What's not to love about it?
The air is crisp and fresh- fog blankets the morning ground. All the colours change- and Idk about you, but Northern New Mexico is breathtaking come mid-October.
I get to decorate for Halloween/Samhain too! (Which is...
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Thank you @Rambo and @Missy
7/15 If money was no object, what would you do all day?
If money was no object, the first thing I would do is quit work and pull my children out of school. There's nothing more in this world, right now, that I would want to do more. Home schooling and traveling the world with my children. 💖
Secondly, I...
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Guys! 😱😍 My next set "De Colores" goes live in MR in 2 days! Eeek. 📷@johngoyer.
John and I shot this set and our last "Weekend in T or C"- you guessed it! In Truth or Consequences, New Mexico. The town of natural hot springs!
I was incredibly sick the entire weekend- regardless these sets are both lovely and the hot springs were healing. Plus,
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