I've been quite ill for the past week...haven't been partisipating in anything except sleep...Feel like death is waiting over my bed & I imagine what my future is if I continue to keep my reckless ways...yeah I'm a shut in at the moment...got a lot on my plate...I feel horrible about life & want to start trying again...I'm no longer on a liquid diet or... Read More
Isn't it funny how getting written up can piss you off so bad? I've been written up before and I know the feeling, that "you can burn in hell" feeling. Hang in there, it's not the end of the world.
Watched the signal & slept with my water bottle...You never can be too safe unless ofcourse you are putting aluminum foil on your head to prevent mind reading*
So today I saw the girl from my anger management...she waaved goodbye & smiled as she drove off...she is so cute...huge breast and all...I wish I had the nerve to ask her out...I know we would be perfectly angry together at the whole world*
Ohyeah....these testimonials...for the people who took the time to write something nice...I luv you for it...I relize people have been really... Read More
So I felt I could trust her once again...She handed me this...her motives are pretty clear...this is sad because I know that she wants to continue to push me out...I should know better...when she is nice...she wants something...I don't have much to offer this person anymore...
Galen starts Kinder 9/3/03. Chendra starts preshool the following week. I feel that it is appropriate... Read More
She's my kindhearted lady...
She studies evil all the time...
Her front teeth are lined with gold...
She's gotta mortgage on my body...
Gotta line on my soul...
This weekend we went to the zoo & childrens musuem...I tought my kids new vocabulary words while waiting for taking the max home...Chendras word...Extravagant*...Galens word...Exquisite^...It amazes me how fast they learn...That's that matress man~!
take ME to the zoo!!! i haven't been in years. but you know what? they always end up making me sad. poor things all locked up. even if they have some dope habitat set up,it's still poopy.