Some ask what have you done to make a difference in your lifetime? This is my answer.
Some ask what have you done to make a difference in your lifetime? This is my answer.
...except tomorrow is a big day, especially if you live in Texas, Ohio, Vermont, or Rhode Island.
Last week the driver I was out with training in the arts of Coca Cola told me that a guy he knew leased a truck from someplace in western mass and got his loads off of He was able to pay his truck off in a year and now just works when he feels like it. This sort of thing sounds a little like a fairy tale now that I'm typing it out but I thought I'd ask if you knew of anyone who'd been successful with that business plan, O/O using loadfinder. I wonder whether it's actually just an online load broker. The friend he mentioned I'm pretty sure was also a flatbedder, which might just be inherently more lucrative but only marginally viable for someone with my lack of muscle mass. There might be a lot more competition and less money in dry van loads which is a complex as I want to get.
Coke isn't too bad, main thing that worries me is whether or not my back would hold up over the long term hauling the sodapop up stairs.
I didn't hate the road, I just really really hated trucking companies. I'm going to try taking a look at
For shizzle. 49 years old and still turning me on like she did back in the early 80s.
Despite the fact that I agree with the fundamental idea that Americans SHOULD have more than two candidate choices, in general, all you have done is make John McCain a very happy man. Despite your extreme ignorance when you denied responsibility for George W. Bush's election... the fact is that 2-3% --DOES-- make a big difference these days. The...
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It's an awesome feeling.
Obama might not carry my home state of Rhode Island, but unless Hillary wins all the remaining states by something like 15% this contest is over.
John Edwards is perhaps the best (and obvious) running-mate choice. Anyhow, Barack will need someone to balance out his perceived weaknesses. It sure wont...
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I think Obama is going to win the whole thing.
A Clinton or Bush has led this country for the past 20 years. Doesn't that make anyone else uncomfortable? 232 years ago we rejected the rule of dynasties.
Yeah, that got to me too. While we don't have a monarchy, the sound of Bush VIII scares the shit outta me.
I have more political stuff to discuss, but it'll have to wait. I'm tired and generally feeling furious with the state of Pennsylvania for the atrocious way they take care of their roads during the winter. PA is by far the most dangerous state that I travel though. Within the...
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Time for me to start making my money work for me!
And hey, If I had a little lady, I would have gladly spent more than $20 bucks on her. Since I don't, why not some random nice girl?
I dunno. I tip like a mad man though. I know what it is like to work for I appreciate a great tipper ever now and then....
PS - I think Pittsburgh is FUCKING RAD! My bro lives there and we alway have SOO much fun! But then again, we take cabs everywhere, so we don't drive much.....
I guess she thinks your vote is irrelevant if you live in 2/3 of the rest of America that voted for Obama so far.
And I'm predicting three more wins...
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Responding to questions about the potential impact of superdelegates, Clinton rejected any notion that those delegates should back the candidate who has won the most pledged delegates through elections, as Senator Obama has suggested. "We have a system," Clinton said. She added "I respect their judgment, a lot of time they have first hand knowledge of the candidates."
If this doesn't...
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Sometimes 7 nights in a row like this last week!
Tonight though, I am gonna toast to you!
I heard a rumor that the hometown is flooded again, they should just level that place and start over!
This is just a different form of it not being democratic.
2) Bill Clinton stated on Tuesday that Obama was the "establishment candidate".
Both of these developments are significant. And both indicate that the Clinton campaign is scared. The first one... loaning herself the money... because she clearly expected that "Super Tuesday" would propel her to a decisive lead for the democratic nomination. Never in...
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I really want it to be different than that.
So if I had to vote between Hilary and McCain. I still dislike Hilary very very much. I think there really is something dark and wrong about her.
Weird to think about.
I am just really rooting for Obama. Please Please Please. Oh and I really hope that he is who he seems to be.