
I went to Togo's yesterday and the sandwich girl commented on my tattoos.

She asked the usual, "Did that hurt?"

I answer, "Sort of, but I just go to my zen place and it doesn't hurt really."

She replies, "Oh, where is that? Is that where you got tattooed?"

Um...no sandwich-making retard, do you not know what "zen" is? I stopped myself before I...
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Hey there
2 years damn i remember when when that happened.
Remember when Monopoly was just a game? Well, heres Wreck the Nation!!!! . How scary, and so true.

I am going to try to do updates more frequently. Ive been writing them at work (where we have no internet access) and posting them later. It seems to work well.

I am really getting frustrated about my physical pain. I would say its a pain in...
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thank you and yes we have seen one another go through alot of changes the last few years but who knows I may be back before to long i am just dont like it at the moment. My addy is K_Nine88@yahoo.com plus I have a spot on my space not that it is much better. wink
i'd try autotrader.com or one of those websites that you can look up all different new/used cars in yr area.
i know there is a honda civic hatchback, which may not be a bad idea.

good luck.
Again, I feel like I havent updated in a long time. Maybe because I have become a shell of myself since starting this new job.


Yes, I need the job. I need the money. I cant seem to figure out how to hold a full-time job AND not have my spirit crushed into a million pieces. How do people do this every day? I...
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Latest News About Bush

Donald Rumsfeld briefed the President this morning. He reported to Bush
that 3 Brazilian soldiers had been killed in Iraq.

To everyone's amazement, all of the color ran from Bush's face, then he
collapsed onto his desk, head in hands, visibly shaken, almost whimpering.

Finally, he composed himself and asked Rumsfeld,
"Just exactly how many is a brazillion?"


-quotes this

that my dear was hilerious biggrin

hhahaha that fucking funny
I was too sleepy to go to poetry tonight. That sucks. Now I will miss my McGee hugs for a very long time while he flits around Europe and such. (I am getting in on the postcard thing though!).

I can't believe it's already almost time for bed.

It was nuts today at work and I almost threw a tantrum because I was so frustrated....
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hope youre getting your rest.
sorry to hear work is being a bitch.

heh hell yeah i miss
being able to curl up with a good book myself.
It feels like its been forever since Ive updated my journal! Ive been extremely tired since I started working the new job.

Here is the lowdownI am now working full-time after only working from home part-time for the past 13 months or so. I got a job at a call center for a security system monitoring station. Think places like Crime Alert, Bay Alarm, RFI,...
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So, I got the job and I start tomorrow morning. Now, if I can only conquer my insomnia tonight and my social anxiety tomorrow, I will be snazzy.

Wish me luck! miao!!
How's the job been going? Hi by the way. kiss
hehe yeah, he draws biff. smile

he is on here... sunflowers

[Edited on May 19, 2006 8:26PM]
I am a stress case.

I interviewed for a job last week. The pay and hours would be perfect. So, the lady calls me back (earlier than she said she would, which is a good sign) and says that I need to go there this Wednesday and fill out paperwork (fine), get a criminal background done (also fine) and get the instructions/location for my drug...
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-hugs tight-
what he said
stress lonliness poverty age time memories and friends or the lack thereof all SUCK

glad to hear there is at least a bit of good news financially on your end heavens knows you could use it smile
hope the yoga works well foryou
and the new bed biggrin

you should get a docs statement saying you need certain medications and such might cause a false positive
(ive had a false positive before when id never done anything and im like huh... probie officer blew it off told me to come back and i came out clean. it happens)

the universe really sucks dear -hugs-
I hope no news is good news and you landed the job? (Keepin' my fingers crossed for ya'. biggrin )
(X-posted in the Kitties Group)

Thanks everyone, for your thoughts and good wishes.

So, I talked to the Vet and it looks like my boy is okay (as he can be). All his bloods came back normal except his uric acid levels in his blood (aka kidney issues). The doc said "normal" is 35 and Beau is at 60, which is only 1 point higher...
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outta curiosity, if you don't mind my asking - what food does the vet have him on? sometimes, well-meaning and well-educated vets jump straight to science diet as a result of being trained in vet school to do so, when it's not actually always that great of a food. (pet foods are a bit of a "speciality" of mine - i've researched the crap outta the subject.) by all means trust your vet (and that's awesome that you've got her pager number, btw) but i can offer a second, less official opinion if you'd like smile

and wow - your feeding schedule is even worse than mine! we've got three cats, one of which is allergic to chicken and so requires special food and must be physically separated from the other two during feeding time lest she steal their food (she's also mentally retarded and doesn't meow, so we have to be extra careful to remember to let her out when she's done eating since she can't remind us), and then we've also got two dogs, one of which is an adult and the other is a puppy, so they have different foods too, which we also occassionally supplement with raw. and they are a breed which characteristically doesn't really like to eat (amazing, huh - nature's anorexia, i swear), so we have to watch them and encourage them to make sure they actually do. and -then- we've also got ferrets, though they are free fed. but we've got four seperate feeding bins of different foods and an in-depth routine to make sure everyone eats what's theirs. it's madness.
ps - i just looked at your photo album and saw all your pics of your cats with the antlers, which cracked me up cos here's mine:

tongue (that's isobel, our eldest)
(Posted in the Kitties Group, but I feel like I should post it here too.)

My kitty, Beau, is so old. He's had a great life with me and I with him. He is acting really weird today. I've been dealing with health issues for a few years now (due to old age) and I am scared to say that it may be getting near...
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i had to put a kitten i had down, becuase she got really sick.. and had a disease i didnt know about... it was heartbreaking.. but in the end, i know i did the right thing.

i think you'll know what to do when the time comes.
good luck hunny! kiss
Dental news:

Oh joy, oh rapture!

Thanks again to everyone who gave me recommendations for dentists. I went to an appt. yesterday to Dr. Don Goudy (www.smile-designs.com) and he is the shiznit!!! First of all, the office is all classy (i.e. super nice dcor). Secondly, the office staff are angels. Thirdly, the doctor kicks ass. He is very skilled AND extremely attentive to my anxiety....
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hey - I wish you were closer. my work needs anew cocktail watress. there are good shifts open. you'd make about $100 per shift or more, but only work 2 or pssibly 3 shifts a week. if you are desperate, let me know.