This is the longest I've gone without posting a blog. Call me Captain Failsauce.
So I'm 29 now.
Still trying to get used to it. Not sure I'm digging it.
Also, I had my finals earlier this week.
Lately I've been addicted to this game called Terraria. Like 2D Minecraft with an adventure/RPG-ish twist. It's crazy fun.
I've also recently discovered some deliciously dorky music....
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So I'm 29 now.
Still trying to get used to it. Not sure I'm digging it.
Also, I had my finals earlier this week.
Lately I've been addicted to this game called Terraria. Like 2D Minecraft with an adventure/RPG-ish twist. It's crazy fun.
I've also recently discovered some deliciously dorky music....
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Last night's "Fashionably Awkward" party was fun. I'm still a little fuzzy on some of the details, but I think people took pictures, which may be available as soon I'm able to get my hands on 'em.
My legs are sore today, so I'm guessing I did a bunch of awkward dancing, though of course with me all dancing is awkward dancing.
<-- obligatory smiley...
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My legs are sore today, so I'm guessing I did a bunch of awkward dancing, though of course with me all dancing is awkward dancing.

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For cereal
your cool!

Why yes, I am still alive. No need to fear!
I've been spending most of my free time these days with friends and the continued job search. Nearly got a job at GameStop, but alas...
Started working out with my friend Jeff at his apartment's clubhouse three times a week, he's calling it "Operation Mansaurus", I just call it "Time to try not being fat"....
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I've been spending most of my free time these days with friends and the continued job search. Nearly got a job at GameStop, but alas...
Started working out with my friend Jeff at his apartment's clubhouse three times a week, he's calling it "Operation Mansaurus", I just call it "Time to try not being fat"....
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JEFFINB, Thank you so much love! I miss you, your energy, and your silly dances! 

well hello sexy, missurface2 <3
XoX Kairi
XoX Kairi
Been spending my lazy afternoon listening to some old school video game music, and I gotta say I'm not sure it gets more epic than the moon level from Capcom's Ducktales game for the NES,
Here's the song without all the distracting sounds,
Oh, but there's more! Turns out there are some amazing remixes to this song out there, here are three in a progressive...
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Here's the song without all the distracting sounds,
Oh, but there's more! Turns out there are some amazing remixes to this song out there, here are three in a progressive...
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I had the best dream EVER.
All my favorite people from Chat were there, then my friends from down here showed up, then two of my best friends from my home town showed up. Then we all went camping. Shit, if this had really happened, my life would have been complete. It was so fucking awesome.
All my favorite people from Chat were there, then my friends from down here showed up, then two of my best friends from my home town showed up. Then we all went camping. Shit, if this had really happened, my life would have been complete. It was so fucking awesome.
Make it happpppen.
What follows was written under the influence of much sugar and caffeine.
Dear Internet,
I know we haven't gotten along through all these years, though you've mostly been a faithful companion. We've had our ups and downs, I forgave you when you thrust tub girl upon me, and I can't blame you for lemonparty--the blame there belongs to others who abused you for their twisted...
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Dear Internet,
I know we haven't gotten along through all these years, though you've mostly been a faithful companion. We've had our ups and downs, I forgave you when you thrust tub girl upon me, and I can't blame you for lemonparty--the blame there belongs to others who abused you for their twisted...
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Dude, that was so amazingly written. People should win contests for writing like that.
Hahahah. I don't know if I can pull off the Peacock look.
Is it a shark? Is it an octopus? No, it's SHARKTOPUS!!!
It would seem I am now 28 years old. Woot.
Happy fuckin' birthday, broseph!
Happy belated by a few hours Birthday! 

I think I've been neglecting my chat duties as of late. I'll have to fix this pronto + BOOZE!!!!111oneoneeleven
"Eager to take advantage of Julius Caesar's anger toward Ptolemy, Cleopatra had herself smuggled secretly into the palace to meet with Caesar. One legend claims she entered past Ptolemy's guards rolled up in a carpet. She became Caesar's mistress, and nine months after their first meeting, in 47 BC, Cleopatra gave birth to their baby. He was named Ptolemy Caesar, and nicknamed Caesarion, which...
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You're stealing my thunder brah
This. Blows. My. Mind. -> Link
Oh I am having so much fun as Link!
Went in for a long over due eye exam yesterday. And--no surprise here--I'm nearsighted. So I now have a pair of glasses with which I can see things further out than 10 feet without everything becoming fuzzy. It's handy to be able to read street signs whilst driving.
yes must be nice. 

Ooh bet you're rocking the glasses 
When I close my left eye, all I can see are blurry colours. Myopia FTL.

When I close my left eye, all I can see are blurry colours. Myopia FTL.