Two things happened to me today that were just kinda excellent.

1. At work i met this young boy/man probably no older than 15-16 and we hit it off really well. Feeling comfortable around me he started telling me about some of his hobbies and likes, and then began to show me magic tricks. Now i'm not saying magic tricks like, simple hidden coin or...
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I would never have thought that one could be a freelance bartender. But oh and behold i am one. I do jobs for companies that don't own a bartender but wish to serve liquor at there events. As of so far i have been blessed with being able to bartend for a handful of jazz music events and comedy stand up shows. Come november first...
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I think one of the COOLEST things about the new layout is that i can "favorite" (follow) more than 20 SG's. Totally epic change, i love being able to keep up to date on all the beauty this site has to offer. I'm still learning how to manage things on the site but for the most part, once you get the swing of things this...
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It's amazing to me how that by doing something that isn't expected, you can alter someones day completely.


I was my local grocery store waiting in line to get rung up. While i was waiting i was listening to the cashier talking to the lady she was ringing up about how she is going to indiana to meet her sister and see her sisters...
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That is awesome!  :D
WHOOOOO! what a weekend! Beer pong, movies, sex, cuddling, reading, going for a walk, Burger King, it was ALL awesome!
that seems so great hehehe!
It was! Hopefully your weekend will or was as equally great smile
exhausted after a long day at work, glad I can come home and enjoy the splendors of the internet!
It appears that my preferred online game is acting all wonky right now... i no longer have a time toilet i can flush hours into... I don't even know what to do with myself
what a let down, to find out that i can only have 250 fave pics....
OK, bear with me for a moment. There's a little background to this. I personally don't like flatulating in public, aka farting, and i hold it in until i either go home or find a restroom/bathroom that i can release it in. People make fun of me and giggle at the thought of a fartless wonder. I shrug them off and continue "acting civilized" by...
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Wassup community de la Femme!!! JesterDClown here giving a shout out to all you lovelies out there. I love talking to people i don't know and look forward to having some interesting conversations with anyone who's willing to talk.