I'm still in London. What did I do today? Well, let's see...
I got vomited on. And I was wearing the only jammies I packed, and they're my favorite ones at that.
I also went to a castle today, but I had to wait for everyone outside. There were too many steps to carry the stroller, and Scott is too heavy for me to carry... Read More
I'm in London. The weather is beautiful. I love this city. I love the accents. Everything is sweet.
Only not. Because one of the other nannies bailed at the last second. So now not only do I have to take care of a vomit-happy mentally and physically impaired 16-month-old, but now I'm stuck with a hyperactive 3-year-old brat as well.
My half-sister Becca is having her baby on Tuesday. Zadie! I love being an aunt.
The school year is almost over. The kids had their last day on Thursday and now we're just packing up the entire school because they're doing construction over the summer. I was sad to say goodbye to the little monsters, but I'm thrilled to... Read More
Spring is here! I love nature. Nature is to me what religion is to some people. It just helps me to stay grounded and keep my priorities straight. It gives me the perspective I need to make life worthwhile.
Also, flowers are pretty!
Tomorrow I leave for Santa Fe. I'll be there through Sunday. I'm excited, but I'm even more nervous. I'm going alone,... Read More