It's a good person who will take an unwanted dog into their homes. I read a book called "Why Dogs Never Lie About Love." It breaks my heart to see a dog without someone to care for it.
I like judging - I just don't do anything about it since I'm always guilty of the same thing - but I still judge. But like I said, I can never give the sentence.
I was planning on writing somethin specific but I forgot what it was that I was going to write. o well
Switching to Babble Mode:
Today in my Anatomy Lab my class had to disect a fetal pig. It was so sad. It wasnt even born into the world yet and it was ripped from its mom to be a college class science project. I... Read More
I woke up this morning and I was seeing white splotches. My vision was blurred and I couldnt see straight. I was trying to read something and my eyes wouldnt focus. I had to go to school today because I had to give a speech in my public speaking class. So I showed up, did the speach, hung around for 15 minutes, and left class... Read More
Like expected, the whole monroe piercing did not go over well at all with the parental figures. My mom started hysterical crying. All she kept saying was "you're exquisate. You're so beautiful. Why would you do that to your face?" Meanwhile my dad said nothing at first then steam came shooting out of his ears as he requested, no no, DEMANDED that I take it... Read More
Oi Oi Oi
I'm sorry to hear about that - parents can be a little wacky about what is important ya know?
Well - eventually you'll finish school, get your own job and get it done again. And when your mom cries and your dad steams you can smile politely and tell them its your life and your rules.
but for now yeah, it does suck. Especially since it was so cute. But look on the bright side - I'll think of you with the monroe when I think naughty thoughts of you
You're very welcome. I hope it was useful. "Want to go for a car ride?" has always been one of the lines that gets my dogs to perk up their ears and bounce around...
Yay! I got my monoroe pierced last night. I must savor every minute of it before my parents come up from Florida on Saturday and start bitching about it. Damn! Parents just dont understand.
Last night my piercer brought up a good point: Marilyn Monroe's mole was on the side of her chin so why do we call the upper lip piercing a Monroe? Why... Read More
A horned skull vomiting a penis? Oh my christ that is strange. Thanks, but I'll stick to the barber pole; it's less disturbing!
I might just get my balls pierced with a rusty nail...
Oh my christ , NO!
dig your new monore.
I had one only once and it was on the subway in NY. I was with Chrislikewhoa. I think he thought i was a total freak. I started crying even. It sucked.
This new pics thing isnt working for me. Im trying to create a new folder for my puppy pics but all the photos are coming up as x's. Seeing how almost the only pictures I ever post are of her and broken sinks I figured Id give her her own place to hang. lol Im so cheesy. Does anyone know how this thing works?
You look even cuter with your Monroe done. I already need to replace one sink, why not go for two. Well hope your face is feeling ok, talk to you later.
I have no idea what a Monroe is. Considering that matt says "you look even cuter" with it, I'm assuming it's not too . . . personal. Unless matt has an interesting idea of how things get "cuter." But, he has more access to classified information than I do.
And the whole poiint of going to Chicago was that I am avoiding getting a local girl, which would be a bg time requirement. Well, I guess it would be nice, but I've got too much going on at the moment.
There. Some love has been shown.
Im in the library at school killing time between classes. I just finish my 58 question Anatomy Exam in 20 minutes. I kick ass. I was also just stuck in the elevator with a guy on his cell phone talking to (i suppose) his girlfriend. He kept saying over and over 'I love you baby, I love you, you know I do, dont make me... Read More
I thought there was a no penetration rule?? I went to Volume lastnight in Williamsburg and watched SG Magazine shoot via live video feed. There was one girl taking pics with a dude while flipped up-side-down and giving a blowjob. Like someone else said, I wanted to be on the site/magazine but after seeing that Im not so sure anymore.
I like judging - I just don't do anything about it since I'm always guilty of the same thing - but I still judge. But like I said, I can never give the sentence.