Last night was yowza!
Started having sex like we usually do then the hubby did something that shocked me, he went down on me!
In the past he gave a few licks then stopped, this happened three times, but last night he went wild and crazy and really got into it. He even stopped during regular sex to do it some more.
This from a... Read More
poo plugs! I'm going to start refering to them as such from now on. haha.
also, nice going with the oral! but that's so strange that he's never been too into it. I mean a lot of guys aren't but it's your hubby. oh well. guess it just took him a bit of time to come around. certainly your gain now! hahaha.
Did 2 hikes this weekend
Saturday took Dude and Chico to check out the haunted forrest in Altadena
info here
Professor Thaddeus S. C. Lowe's mountain railway and resort was Southern California's must-visit attraction, drawing more than three million visitors from1896 to 1936. Echo Mountain (3207'), known as "The White City," was the heart of the resort with its elegant Echo Mountain House hotel, chalet,... Read More
As you may know the hubs and i have been a lot more frisky lately. Having sex more often and in new positions
Well last night we decided to try something different cause girl on top with my facing him was hard for us to get right. He sat in a chair (metal folding chair) and I was in front of him facing away. WE... Read More
I have been so unmotivated to knit or crochet.
I have lots of things I want to make but I am too lazy to do them.
I tried having my supplies in my room so I would always see them and maybe get started but nope.
Well I did make a bag, but it was supposed to be an infinity scarf
I have entries for... Read More
Its called the quick weight loss diet.Quick weight loss center I go to this place it's called the quick weight loss center and the give you a guide line on what to eat and how much and the give you supplements like vitamins essential fatty acid pills fat burners carb blockers and like protein snacks. And they counsel you and help you lose the weight you want. It's a little expensive but worth it they teach you how to keep it off it's a life style change so if you stick with It you can keep it. Off forever but if you go back to your old eating habits like I did after the first time I went threw this but this time I'm older and ready for the change and I want to actually be healthy not just get skinny fast. I think I wrote a blog about this a few months ago where I go more in to detail about the diet. I'm not sure if they have quick weight loss centers where you live or if it's just in Texas.
So Frustrated!!
I was at 309lbs, 14 more then I would like to be.
I have been working out for almost 2 weeks and I am now at 311 WTF!
M-F I do 30 minutes on the elliptical and then a workout. I am doing the Jan 30 day challenge.
Sure I can do my squats, sit ups and push ups then ever... Read More
also, nice going with the oral! but that's so strange that he's never been too into it. I mean a lot of guys aren't but it's your hubby. oh well. guess it just took him a bit of time to come around. certainly your gain now! hahaha.