Funny thing about birthdays when you're unemployed and turning 31. They don't mean quite so much. I'm just another year older and deeper in debt...
Yes, I'm still depressed as hell. Normally my seasonal-affective disorder would've subsided by now, but considering the circumstances, is anyone really surprised? I could be using this downtime to work on my novel, but lately I've been feeling a bit... Read More
As one of our presidents used to say: "Ah feel yer pain!" Seriously I do. I've finally snapped out of my midwinter depression - with some help from Effexor - plus some relief from a full on financial emergency period in Dec.-Feb. These are still really tough times.
There are plans in the works for an SGSC gathering in Columbia in a few weeks. You should make plans!
So I paid a return visit to my old stomping grounds in Spartanburg last weekend. It was my friend's 35th birthday (yeah, I know, we're all getting old), and with 4/20 coming up and my birthday on the 29th, what was supposed to be an informal little get-together with a few close friends quickly morphed into a blowout celebration of all things April.
Oh, damn it! Remember that call-center job that I drove all the way to Hickory, NC this Monday to interview for?
I've already gotten their answer, in predictably form-letter format:
Thank you for your recent interest regarding employment opportunities with Convergys. After giving consideration to your background and our specific requirements, we have concluded we are unable to consider you further.
it has been a while since i have seen him, he left the boat and went to japan. last i heard of him he was well. i think that i am friends with him on myspace, if you need to get a hold of him.
So, I had an interview with the phone-bank people yesterday in North Carolina. I feel like it went really well. I should know in "a week or two" (according to the lady from human resources that interviewed me) whether or not I've got anything. It doesn't pay all that great, but it does come with a pretty good benefits package, so if I'm offered the... Read More
I was in Chicago last weekend for the Greenpeace interview. Yes, I had fun (even though I froze my ass off.) I made some great new friends too. But, alas, I didn't get the job. Another day, another generic "Dear Candidate" rejection what else is new?
Our Governor is still a douchebag. But at least we got some press coverage with... Read More
I've been unemployed since Election Day.
I'm back home living with my parents. again.
I'm getting old: I'm turning 31 next month. Shouldn't I have done something with my life by now?
My credit is shot.
I'm still single.
So, the conversation from the last blog post continued. I'm still waiting on the next "Red State" response...
...and this may be due to the fact that the last dispatch from United America is guaranteed to offend people on both sides of the cultural divide. I make no apologies for speaking the truth.
Dear Blue States,
Thank you again. It was a painful lesson... Read More
Well, at least I come by my political interests honestly, although the source of my particular affiliation is in question...
So my biological Dad (an independent-minded conservative) and I exchange political e-mails all the time. Normally I just chuckle and let them slide, but he sent one last night that I couldn't help but send a response to. Then he responded to my response, and... Read More
I know it's 3 am and I need to be asleep, but I need to get this thought down before my stream of consciousness wanders off somewhere else...
So I was having a discussion with Mom today about smart people, and I commented that some of the smartest people I've ever met work at some of the most pedestrian of jobs. A dishwasher at Huddle... Read More
I'M BACK! It looks like my on-again, off-again love affair with this website is officially back on...for the next three months, at least. So who missed me?
Apparently one of y'all did. I'm not sure who renewed my membership for me, but whoever it was....thank you.
So what have I missed?
(I shall return with a full update on all my shenanigans from the past... Read More
Update: My subscription to this website expires on January 22nd. But while I may "go grey" for a bit, I shall return. So don't delete me from your friends list just yet...
So I was screwing around on Facebook earlier, keeping track of the Richardson diaspora, and I found this gem. Maybe you, as an ordinary citizen, won't find this terribly amusing. I, as a... Read More
There are plans in the works for an SGSC gathering in Columbia in a few weeks. You should make plans!