Metal Gear Solid 3? best game i have EVER played in probably ...welll probably since MGS2
Honestly Suikoden II, Final Fantasy VII (sorry all you VI fans but i just didnt think that game was monumental enough), MGS 2,3....hmm... well if im missing anything ill just update again
i cant think of any other games that reach that level. but the ones i mentioned? i...
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Honestly Suikoden II, Final Fantasy VII (sorry all you VI fans but i just didnt think that game was monumental enough), MGS 2,3....hmm... well if im missing anything ill just update again
i cant think of any other games that reach that level. but the ones i mentioned? i...
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I wrote to this one last night and had a reply this morning on my regular e-mail , her name is Victoria and her e-mail is
oh man icouldent stand looking at the crisco ass raping anymore blah...
who the fuck is Emailing me and offering me to jello wrestle in new haven ?! not that i mind the offer but damn can i atleast know whos sayin it? (i assume its probably someone on SG which is why im posting here)
usually if it gets sent from sg it says sent through your profile on sg. if you come to new haven to jello wrestle stop by and return my fucking lighter!
Ha ha ha ha on losing the fourty bucks , your gonna go jello wrestling , where do they do that ? and can I come and watch ? From what I've seen on tv there is usually two or three chicks and one guy who gets his but kicked

this way ill feel complimented like an absolute stranger decided to take the time to comment in my journal.
plus i can make top secret journal entries for me to vent without pissing off anyone.
plus i can make top secret journal entries for me to vent without pissing off anyone.
They didn't pluck you and stuff you and stick you in the oven did they

How much did you lose

This girl said she will have sex with you any day of the week

Hey thanx for letting us use your phone Sat night!! I had a nice little chat with a friend in Taiwan. I think some of the others had some 1-900 fun.
Nice to meet your new girl!!

Nice to meet your new girl!!

YES! ive made private e-2 !
well all i have to do is 52 situps in under 2 min to finish up my test....BUT i did finish the two mile run in 14:37 and you have to finish it by 15:54 and i did the 42 pushups in under two min.
*scratches his head*
i got all the enlisted and phonetic alphabet and first aid...
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well all i have to do is 52 situps in under 2 min to finish up my test....BUT i did finish the two mile run in 14:37 and you have to finish it by 15:54 and i did the 42 pushups in under two min.
*scratches his head*
i got all the enlisted and phonetic alphabet and first aid...
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hey baby! thanks for the compliment, sorry i was in the middle of a sentence when you typed at me!
how am i gonna keep in touch with you when you're gone?
how am i gonna keep in touch with you when you're gone?

Wouldn't cannon fodder , be a more appropriate name
right now im readin up on the first aid procedures in the army, fun stuff although i think im gonna have to get some friends to pretend injuries and judge my performance and correct order of procedures... any takers?
its pretty cool stuff... ive never wanted to study for anything before but here i am all excited about reading this shit.
im tryin to be...
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its pretty cool stuff... ive never wanted to study for anything before but here i am all excited about reading this shit.
im tryin to be...
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aiight son...i get out may 1st

hey i got new picts

meh i just signed up for awhile longer, figure ill wait till i absolutely have to go ... eh.. hows that?
p.s. is it just me? or are women just the dumbest pieces of shit ive ever seen exist as a living being in this ENTIRE WORLD?!
goddamn i cant wait to get the FUCK outaa here and learn to stop flippin out over love...
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p.s. is it just me? or are women just the dumbest pieces of shit ive ever seen exist as a living being in this ENTIRE WORLD?!
goddamn i cant wait to get the FUCK outaa here and learn to stop flippin out over love...
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good luck in the army maybe we will meet someday, you might get stationed in dc.
going to miss u while u are in boot.
hope u get good job.
going to miss u while u are in boot.
hope u get good job.

Perhaps you should change your dating profile above so that way you're no longer looking for women...

at the end of this month my account will be inactive so i dont know who will see this.. but it was nice knowing you
i am now officialy private amenta, i was sworn in this mornin.
wish me luck if you need to get in touch.
i am now officialy private amenta, i was sworn in this mornin.
wish me luck if you need to get in touch.
thanks elm, and salvatore amenta is someone im related to ONLY if he is a 40 year old who owns cromwell collision. but i dont think amenta is his last name...
sorry i never got a chance to meetcha vitaminion
granny i wish OTHERS would say things like that to me. your a cool chica, seriously!
sorry i never got a chance to meetcha vitaminion
granny i wish OTHERS would say things like that to me. your a cool chica, seriously!
I have a whole bunch of Amenta's as cousins
I quit my job, i have slowly dwindling funds... hmmm...
took my asvab and only got a 68 pssh... it pisses me off because i KNEW how to do some of that shit... or atleast i used to... : /
p.s. im shippin out nov. 18th
and umm ill be 63 bravo just like piskypixie hehe
took my asvab and only got a 68 pssh... it pisses me off because i KNEW how to do some of that shit... or atleast i used to... : /
p.s. im shippin out nov. 18th
and umm ill be 63 bravo just like piskypixie hehe
Asvab doesnt mean shit unless it holds you from getting an MOS you want or become an officer
They have courses to raise your score if you need to. Hope you come tonight so i can give you some advice, people are sheisty as hell in the Army.

They have courses to raise your score if you need to. Hope you come tonight so i can give you some advice, people are sheisty as hell in the Army.
hi! yer not here @ EcD's and that makes me sad!
hope everything is all sparkley and stuffs
hope everything is all sparkley and stuffs

I cannot explain how stressed out i am.
i basically said goodbye to a relationship with sunni so that i dont have to long for her WHILE at basic at the same time. that would crush me....
but if she...still thinks as much of me after im out... and we actually get to meet on the 6th.... then id be more than happy to make...
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i basically said goodbye to a relationship with sunni so that i dont have to long for her WHILE at basic at the same time. that would crush me....
but if she...still thinks as much of me after im out... and we actually get to meet on the 6th.... then id be more than happy to make...
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i know this is going to sound totally psyco but you would be that 1 guy.

good meeting you last Wed. reading between the lines, it sounds like you're going into the service? best wishes either way.
people ever since the freakin 60's have been like "rock is dead" and im just thinkin to myself here in 2004 .... "hmmm if rock is dead then why are there tons of bands out there rocking right now as we speak and selling out?" ( i was listening to the doors version of Albinonis adagio in g minor and he says rock is dead...
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♥ x a million bagillion
such a horrible dream....
I was traveling with my cousin around here and there, there was this beautiful girl in some sort of... meeting place for the public? i guess they served food too i dunno, there was one long row of red leather seats an di was sittin on a part of it with my cous, then the girl sat next to me, she was silent but i looked at her, she was like "is something wrong?" and i said "no" but i said it really nervous and shaky. then she said "whats wrong?" and i said "nothing" in this totally nervous shaky near crying way. She became concerned, every now and then wed look back at each other, she would say somethin really nice, and it was going well until my nose started to bleed and i had to go fix it, when i came back she was talking to someone else.
alot of weird undescribable things happened... basically my whole family and relatives we were all in this gigantic house after that was basically my grandmas, but my mother kept following my trying to force something positive in my face, so i kept running up these stairs into different elaborate bedrooms in the house screaming at her to die and how much i hated her, how much i wanted her to stay the fuck away from me. Then my dad came in and was pumping out this gas stuff from a tank at me to punish me and i was trying to kill him, so he started putting it on my mom and i tried ot kill him while he was distracted.
They tried to cheer me up again by showing me a scene they made of me in the rain fighting some guy and winning, but i said "fuck you" to all of them and said "i am just going to lose in this movie, i always lose, i am a failure" and i walked off. everything turned into this gigantic sort of aquariam. it was all water in the middle but the left and right sides were more full of water and al these freaky lookin colored fish (i hate those fuckin fish like that) my mom was chasin me up and up these differnet levels of fish rooms like that and i kept trying to get away but secretly i wanted her to come up because i was scared of all these fish and got stuck in between the lil waterish walls that sepereated me from two really really freaky disgusting fish rooms.
then i dissapeared and i was awake during a japanese festival... everyone was dressed up like it was halloween but this was some celebratiojn they had jan 1st-11th... eveyone was dressed up in white paper sheet like costumes, with the paper lights, or in large pumpkin outfits.
There were many kids running up a steep hill in these costumes giggling. i became one of them in my pumpkin costuem running up with excitement. but i just realized i was now a child in japan running up with a new life as a kid all over again and everyone i knew was gone forever.
i started to burst into hard bitter tears as i smiled running up the hill that never ended. i cried so hard then i woke up.
I was traveling with my cousin around here and there, there was this beautiful girl in some sort of... meeting place for the public? i guess they served food too i dunno, there was one long row of red leather seats an di was sittin on a part of it with my cous, then the girl sat next to me, she was silent but i looked at her, she was like "is something wrong?" and i said "no" but i said it really nervous and shaky. then she said "whats wrong?" and i said "nothing" in this totally nervous shaky near crying way. She became concerned, every now and then wed look back at each other, she would say somethin really nice, and it was going well until my nose started to bleed and i had to go fix it, when i came back she was talking to someone else.
alot of weird undescribable things happened... basically my whole family and relatives we were all in this gigantic house after that was basically my grandmas, but my mother kept following my trying to force something positive in my face, so i kept running up these stairs into different elaborate bedrooms in the house screaming at her to die and how much i hated her, how much i wanted her to stay the fuck away from me. Then my dad came in and was pumping out this gas stuff from a tank at me to punish me and i was trying to kill him, so he started putting it on my mom and i tried ot kill him while he was distracted.
They tried to cheer me up again by showing me a scene they made of me in the rain fighting some guy and winning, but i said "fuck you" to all of them and said "i am just going to lose in this movie, i always lose, i am a failure" and i walked off. everything turned into this gigantic sort of aquariam. it was all water in the middle but the left and right sides were more full of water and al these freaky lookin colored fish (i hate those fuckin fish like that) my mom was chasin me up and up these differnet levels of fish rooms like that and i kept trying to get away but secretly i wanted her to come up because i was scared of all these fish and got stuck in between the lil waterish walls that sepereated me from two really really freaky disgusting fish rooms.
then i dissapeared and i was awake during a japanese festival... everyone was dressed up like it was halloween but this was some celebratiojn they had jan 1st-11th... eveyone was dressed up in white paper sheet like costumes, with the paper lights, or in large pumpkin outfits.
There were many kids running up a steep hill in these costumes giggling. i became one of them in my pumpkin costuem running up with excitement. but i just realized i was now a child in japan running up with a new life as a kid all over again and everyone i knew was gone forever.
i started to burst into hard bitter tears as i smiled running up the hill that never ended. i cried so hard then i woke up.
Hes not even my boss anymore and hes still getting in my face giving me a fuckin phone call with his "layin down the law" style BULLSHIT!!
Whats worse? hes fucking getting away with it and when i complain im made to feel guilty !!!
Fuck that, hes not even a boss hes just a fucking supervisor.
fuckin faggot....
Whats worse? hes fucking getting away with it and when i complain im made to feel guilty !!!
Fuck that, hes not even a boss hes just a fucking supervisor.
fuckin faggot....
All I want to do is touch your fluffy pur.
ahh, the insecure overcompensation of middle management. at least you get to laugh at what an ass he is. you comming down this week?