thanks...things are a bit better now. my new year so far is pretty uneventful, which isn't exactly a bad thing. i just want to be done with school!! (only a few more months) how are things for you??
I have decided to get this D'ni script tattoo. I wanted to get it on my arm but its too big so I have to get it somewhere else and I believe I will go with my very lower stomach...
I think at this stage of the game it is a plan and a half... My new year is going swimmingly, how is yours going? well, I trust... Is that you in the picture on your proflie?
Haven't been here in a while.
How's everyone doing?
That is of coarse, if I still have freinds checking out my page.
Which leads me to wonder why anyone would anyway...
I'm not a naked hot chick
Well I guess naked hot chicks can't always talk to eachother and they are probably wearing clothes most of the time.
Or are they? Let me know
Tonight I'm going to see March of the penguins
Is it wrong to get excited about a movie like this.
They just look so damn cute. How could someone not love them.
Nevermind. The movie was changed to friday, because someone decided that it was more important to be responsible than seeing the peguins
Oh well...It is what it is
It is a beautiful day in Boston Not too humid or hot, but just right. I'd like to say hello to my new friends and thank you for your comments. You guys are the best
I hope everyones day is as nice as mine is
thanks for the concern. still no electricity. the first thing that the roommates did was change the fuses. no idea what's wrong, and everyone's just sitting on their asses. i guess it's up to me to call and pay for an electrician.