The trip starts out with carla failing to eat a very large sandwich.
There was some breakneck driving and we made it to Calgary in one piece. There was a quick stop to visit Cilantro to pick up my new...
Tank safely stowed in my trunk it was off to visit Michele. And the adventures begin.
We spent some time browsing through cookbooks in preparation for baking madness. But more on that later... First, dinner at the all-you-can-eat sushi/Korean BBQ.
carla seems to forget that straight-from-the-grill barbeque food is hot.
Michele seems to find something amusing. Likely something silly I did.
And then a battle broke out! Tongs vs chopsticks! CLASH OF THE TITANS!!
A quick adjustment...
This is what our table looks like.
I stare intently at my prey. And by "prey" I clearly mean "piece of tuna".
Michele leaves us.
And I look sad.
Then she returns!
And I'm clearly pleased.
It's at this point in writing this entry that I figure out you can only attach 12 pictures to an entry so if everything is a different size... that's why. I had to upload them and link them from my pictures.
Of differing sizes.
To grease the ramekins and allow COCOA POWDERING!
Like so.
And the resulting gooey cakes. If you think they look good, you're right. They tasted a million times better than mere pictures can convey.
And only improved by the addition of delicious frozen cow product.
danny_g (our lovely recipe narrator) cowers in fear of my soul stealing picture machine.
The next day we went out to see some of the sights in Calgary. Those sights began with breakfast and the Phantasic Panankoek Haus (forgive my god awful misspelling).
Nothing starts off a good breakfast quite like a cookie.
And coffee.
Or in my case...
*Not pictured: the equally delicious looking breakfasts of carla and Michele. I was too busy eating. Leave me alone.
We wandered around Kensington Market for a few hours.
I literally squealed and danced when I found this.
We must have spent an hour (possibly more) wandering around a fantastic used book store.
I walked away with all this good stuff.
carla got a book on sex and relationships written by a reverend in 1936. It's actually not as fucked up as one would imagine.
Michele got this sweet tattoo.
From a toy store.
These were purchased at the lovely Phoenix Comics.
While it's not the worst tasting beer I've ever had, Romulan Ale still scares the fuck out of me.
These do not.
We stayed up until retarded hours watching Dogma, doing the most painfully difficult Flash quiz and being generally awesome. Sadly we had to return to Edmonton the next day. I was THIS close to being late for work and I'm totally blaming Michele. Because I can.
A lot of fun was had and we'll likely make a return visit. And you know, maybe actually see some other people.
Man... this took way longer to write than I thought. I'm pretty sure I forgot to add a bunch of stuff but if I remember I'll put it in later!