Today, at work, while my fat ass was pounding away on the keyboard like a crack-addled primate, a sudden, strong scent in my office of Banquet Salisbury Steak in a Boiling Bag caught at my attention and swept me back -- in the fashion of the famous tea-soaked madeline biscuit in Proust's Remembrance of Things Past, wherein taste prompts memory -- back to those...
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Last friday, my friend J.G. (last mentioned in the Sept. 03 entry) and I were giving ourselves jocular mafia-style nicknames [like "Albert (The Logical Positivist) Corillo"] when she told me that she is a really serious vegan and that maybe her name should be "PETA"-something, like "The PETA-fier".

Then she started asking me -- sort of aggressively and in a rather strident tone of voice,...
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My wife, M.F. -- who, incidentally, is co-editor of a book on problems in libraries -- and some friends were chuckling over the American Nudist Research Library and the sorts of problems that the librarians were likely to encounter there. Someone suggested that she ought to whip together another book on the problems to be faced at a nudist library. Several present, including myself, jocularly...
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Hello! I love this journal entry, and I love most of your comments on the boards. You could write a pamphlet about "The Air on your Spine" (I'll have to google for other bookbinding related terms).
Yesterday, as my wife and I were leaving work (she with her purse and bag and I with a book I've been reading held in my hand), I stopped and told her that I had to pee before we left.

Then, as I was starting off toward the men's room, she reached out her hand and said, "Do you want me to hold it for...
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Don't ever listen to anything Scopitone says. Ever.
My friend J.G. (who is a remarkably attractive woman, despite the fact that she's my age ... kind of like Maxi) and I were complaining to each other today about how old and decrepit we're rapidly becoming when she confided to me that she, believe it or not, is already taking Vioxx.

I told her that I couldn't believe it and that I...
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Did you not click your own links? They're both prescribed for arthritis. A girlfriend of mine took Vioxx while she was healing a broken elbow. She has all her own hair, too.
I spent a fair amount of time in the gentlemen's lounge today, collecting my thoughts. First, I stopped by for a bit and dropped off a few friends at the pool, and then, just a half of an hour later, I suddenly had to drop off all of my friends' friends at the pool ... with extreme urgency ... and they were all shouting, "Cannonball!"...
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Welcome, all of my nonexistent readers, to the second installment of my interview with Erac Saz, author of the poem in the August 4th, 2004, entry of this journal. The many of you who did not read the first installment may have noticed that it was marred by our not actually discussing the poem, an oversight that I hope to rectify here:


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Haha. A librarian that didn't know who Li Po was. Well, I guess it's not all that strange , come to think of it. I learned about Li Po originally from Harry Partch, he was the first composer in the West to start using other tuning systems other than the crap equal temperament that has been used for the last 200 years or so. And he created hundreds of his own instruments and composed with them. He made a couple of works based on and using the poetry of Li Po.
Actually, I came across some poetry that I thought was kind of good the other day here. Parts of it I really liked.
Well, as promised in the previous journal entry, I'm devoting the next entry or three to interviewing MFA (Creative Writing) dropout and avowed non-writer Erac Saz about the poem he contributed to my journal in said previous entry, which poem was titled "The Man from Nantucket". The following interview entries were cobbled from a series of e-mails that I've slightly edited so that they present...
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As a result of no one's reading this journal, I feel a certain freedom to do whatever I want with it, so, this week, rather than write about my less than interesting life, I've decided to turn things over for an entry or two to one of the fellows that I know, Erac Saz, an MFA (Creative Writing) dropout and generally bitter guy who'd mentioned...
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I was weeding my collection of books today and happened upon my old Little, Brown Handbook.

I was sidetracked for a bit by the intricacies of grammar and usage: the rules for commas, the subject and its following predicate, the subjunctive and indicative moods, etc.

I decided that if I were an editor at Little, Brown, I'd try to slip in that the portion of...
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A guy that I work with and I were eating lunch together today and considering our expanding paunches, libraries of recurrent aches and pains, receding hairlines, etc. . . . in essence, the old men that we're rapidly becoming (we're roughly the same age).

I have to say, as an aging white guy, that the future looks grim and the options narrow. I mean, what...
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I was in the "gentleman's lounge" at work today, taking a half an hour or so for personal reflection, and I have to say: I am amazed at how quickly corn moves through the human body.