Greetings, all!
I have indeed renewed my membership (that Missy is a temptress, what with her "special price" offers!
) However, I'm afraid I haven't been on much. I've been working a lot, and post-divorce from my ex-wife, MausFrau, not much funny has happened to me.
For example: my hairline seems to be receding and I was thinking, on the plus side, that I'd have...
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I have indeed renewed my membership (that Missy is a temptress, what with her "special price" offers!

For example: my hairline seems to be receding and I was thinking, on the plus side, that I'd have...
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*runs up and smooches you while you're not looking*
There seems to be something of a minor exodus of longterm members and SGs from the site recently, so I think that I'll be going too. I'm not spending much time on the site lately; the SG sets, with a few exceptions (hello Rei
) are beginning to pall for me; and, given my current personal circumstances, I just don't much feel like being funny....
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You are still here!!
ummm HELLO!!

So . . . er . . . now that I'm a single man again, I've been giving some oblique thought to dating. Dating really doesn't much interest me right now, but I was thinking that it might some day and that, after 10+ years of marriage, I might be a bit rusty and need a little practice.
I had met a young woman a...
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I had met a young woman a...
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I'm sure we have a lot of getting used to to do when we move. Its only two states away as well, about 300 miles but I know its gonna be a change. Heck, its even a different time zone!
if you're interested in the young, religious type then i suggest you start a cult. you get to wear long flowing robes, sleep with your fellow cultists daughters and it's all fun and games until the ATF crashes your orgy amid a hail of bullets.
seriously though, keep at this dating caper. even if only to regale us with more stories like this.
your journal entries are always pure, unadulterated gold.
seriously though, keep at this dating caper. even if only to regale us with more stories like this.
your journal entries are always pure, unadulterated gold.
Late this evening, while I was walking home from work, just stompin' along and doin' the cowboy polka (i.e., when the weather gets uncomfortably warm, my manner of striding makes me look a bit like an angry, saddle-sore, and slightly constipated cowboy . . . intra-thigh chafing's no laughing matter, boys and girls)
Er . . . where was I?
Right! So I was walking...
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Er . . . where was I?
Right! So I was walking...
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ouch. that car crash must have been painful, huh?

Ahha, that's great. You always have th most amusing journal entries. We never had an LED scrollig sign but we did have the one where you had to put the letters up. Our problem was that people would randomly steal the letters or they bought some and would change it around at night. You never quite knew what the sign was going to say the next day. Some changes were quite obvious, some were very subtle.
So . . . er, I've got a bit of a manly dilemma, here. You see, I've got a cheap new office chair that's made of 107% artificial fibers and is apparently impenetrable at the molecular level, and while sitting on it, I just happened to fart . . . 'cause that's what men do when they're sitting in chairs.
My dilemma? Well, it now...
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My dilemma? Well, it now...
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Its good to post stupid shit everywhere. It is the internet, after all.
i really don't think i'm qualified to offer help on this one. sorry...
i really don't think i'm qualified to offer help on this one. sorry...
Sorry about the lack of updates and whatnot. I just moved out of my and my wife's old house and have just had my Internet hooked up, so I haven't been on for a bit.
Thanks to everyone for their well wishes and sympathy. I wish I had a funny story for you, but the story-telling portion of my brain's on hiatus.
I'm hoping I'll...
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Thanks to everyone for their well wishes and sympathy. I wish I had a funny story for you, but the story-telling portion of my brain's on hiatus.

I'm hoping I'll...
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Ha! It was totally personalized just for you
. Honest!

hey there. good to hear youre not letting bad shit get you down. its the mark of a good character.
hope things get better regardless.
hope things get better regardless.

A few days ago, the Mausfrau left a message on our machine asking me to bring her laptop and purse in to work for her (note: since I've been granted tenure, I sleep in a bit). After my usual morning ablutions, I put on my clothes for the day, which included a brown belt and brown shoes, and grabbed her laptop and her purse, which...
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Have a great Sunday!

I hope things are going well.

In a recent election, my current home state had one of those anti-gay-marriage/"Defense of Marriage Acts" pass rather handily. Local liberals weren't surprised that it passed -- the state's a traditionally red state, after all -- but they were dismayed that it passed so handily in our town.
The conventional wisdom in the state, at least among the local liberals, is that the most populous...
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I don`t understand why so many people care where other people ınsert theır penises for fun and profıt...
please excuse the Turkısh keyboard there are lıke 3 i`s on thıs bloody thing. Here`s my favourıte İ
please excuse the Turkısh keyboard there are lıke 3 i`s on thıs bloody thing. Here`s my favourıte İ
every year i take a bath in young ladies' blood hahaha that's how i manage to look so young
So . . . er, as those of you who frequently read this journal (hahahaha, ah-ha!) . . . as I was saying, some of you may remember that the MausFrau and I recently purchased a mansion (don't be impressed: property is cheap out here in the corn 'cause no one wants to live out here). Well, it turns out that the basement has a...
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warning taken.
but you made me pee
a little when I read your vices
but you made me pee
a little when I read your vices

Thanks for the birthday wishes.

At work last night, we had an opening ceremony for a Queen Elizabeth I exhibit, which was attended by a bunch of university administrators and a bunch of historians and literary scholars. It went really well. The exhibit was really nice, the library got to unveil a unique historical item that a donor had provided, and the caterers provided some mighty tasty snacks.
Unfortunately, I...
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Unfortunately, I...
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That would be cool. And what else are friends good for if not for causing all kinds of nonsense in your life.

You are so right about the Vegas buffet. Igo there enough times a year to know. My advice is to eat well, not cheap, but well in Vegas. It's the City of Sin and one of my favorite sins is gluttony, but please, a motherfucker's gotta have some taste. ya know? Besides, if I'm throwin' up, it's not because of bad food. It's because I was not thrown out of the bar when I started buying rounds of shots for strangers 'cause my friends got scared and left without me... Have I shared to much?
BTW I love checking up on you, your entries alway give me joy and chuckles. I hope you, the wife and the cats are well.
P.S. Do you have children? plants? fish? toys that you talk to? Am I leaving anyone out?
BTW I love checking up on you, your entries alway give me joy and chuckles. I hope you, the wife and the cats are well.
P.S. Do you have children? plants? fish? toys that you talk to? Am I leaving anyone out?
I was sitting on the couch this evening with my wife, M.F., and one of our cats, Fishfork, and fiddling with M.F.'s laptop while they watched a movie. I don't normally take much interest in the DSM IV, but I happened to take this Personality Disorder Test and actually thought most of my results were pretty accurate. However, I thought the result for Obsessive Compulsive...
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I am sooo special! ...Oh, and happy birthday!
ha ha ha. you're old. OLD!
anywho, i changed the form of the earl grey poem into i prose poem because i didn't really like any of the line breaks. the class really liked it (form and all) as did my prof. (the images and such but not the form) and on a paper she returned she said she thinks i have real promise as a writer, that she likes my "narrative voice" and style, and that she thinks i should persue a writing career...
did i ever mention that my depression distorts my sense of reality? because it does. sometimes it does a lot.
anywho, here's my score for that test. i think the results are pretty accurate....
Paranoid |||||||||||||||||| 74% 49%
Schizoid |||||||||||||||| 70% 53%
Schizotypal |||||||||||||||| 70% 53%
Antisocial |||||||||| 38% 47%
Borderline |||||||||||||||||||| 82% 47%
Histrionic |||||| 26% 43%
Narcissistic |||||||||| 34% 41%
Avoidant |||||||||||| 46% 39%
Dependent |||||| 26% 37%
Obsessive-Compulsive |||| 14% 40%
anywho, i changed the form of the earl grey poem into i prose poem because i didn't really like any of the line breaks. the class really liked it (form and all) as did my prof. (the images and such but not the form) and on a paper she returned she said she thinks i have real promise as a writer, that she likes my "narrative voice" and style, and that she thinks i should persue a writing career...

did i ever mention that my depression distorts my sense of reality? because it does. sometimes it does a lot.
anywho, here's my score for that test. i think the results are pretty accurate....
Paranoid |||||||||||||||||| 74% 49%
Schizoid |||||||||||||||| 70% 53%
Schizotypal |||||||||||||||| 70% 53%
Antisocial |||||||||| 38% 47%
Borderline |||||||||||||||||||| 82% 47%
Histrionic |||||| 26% 43%
Narcissistic |||||||||| 34% 41%
Avoidant |||||||||||| 46% 39%
Dependent |||||| 26% 37%
Obsessive-Compulsive |||| 14% 40%
Last Sunday, before I went to work, M.F., my wife, and I were having a desultory conversation, while dispiritedly choking down a tasteless fastfood meal at McDonalds, about how we really don't know many interesting people here or have many interesting experiences. Most of the people we know are people we work with, and they're mostly sticks in the mud.
So, later that day, while...
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So, later that day, while...
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Thanks for responding positively to my "Wanna be friends?" request.
yeah, but he's the only one i've got...