No one said life was easy.
Yeah, well no one said that nothing's s'posed to happen right. . .

DId I tell y'all that I have a mouse? Oh yeah. . . I have a mouse.

Not a pet.

He is a furry little cutie, though.

I just don't like finding mouse turds on my countertop.

The messy-ass roommate and his filthy-ass dog don't help...
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yeah... gotta take the good with the bad.
what kills me is the fact that everytime nickelback is played a puppie dies. i dont want the puppies to die. so we must kill nickelback instead. biggrin
that sucks! You really need to get out of there!! Good luck!! Hope your friends get there soon!
I really need to wash my hair. I just don't have the time.

And I really don't care that much, either. You're not supposed to wash curly hair anyway.

So my puppy has a new home. We moved her today. The people are really nice and really responsible. Mensa Bear now has a huge backyard to play in, a twelve-year-old boy who is completely smitten...
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And apperantly I'm wrong.
A little.
Regular gatorade has sodium and some potassium, but they DID change the formula a few years ago to be more of a drink drink than a athletic supplement or whatever.
I'm glad your dog got a good home, and I'm sorry it was sad for you. I can sympatize and empathize. wink
I'm lonely. That's all.
Its never fun, sorry to hear, U can tell me a storywith ninjas in it...or pirates ARRR!!!
lonely sucks
it'll pass
(and come back and pass and come back)
Yeah... Fortunately I am not in the crowd that much, so its not that bad. I admit though that if I had to be out there all day I, too, would probably feel the exact same way.

I've been looking online for that onesey. I will definately have to get one (and the matching t-shirt for the daddy)!!
Ah, this one takes me back:

sorry to be mean
but you need some listerine
not a sip, not a swallow
but the whole damn bottle

Just picture it being delivered with the neck swivel and the hand on the hip. Ooo, and the eye roll and *tsk* at the end. whatever

I have to get rid of my puppy. My fucking roommate keeps leaving her in the backyard alone. My neighbor's dogs are fucking aggressive as hell and keep attacking her through the fence. SHe doesn't back down when challenged and i trying to get to them. She's dug under the fence once already and starting to chew through it. Poor Gopal got chewed up again....
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Sounds shitty, I only made 46 in tips today myself, and I'd be pissed as hell if someone said I couldn't have them.
when do u get out of training, anyway u could grad a extra shift serving or something. Only shitty part about restraints. What kind of puppy is it? Do u have a home yet? Marylands not that bad either......hopefully he will like it up here. Good luck.
I'm so fucking tired. I slept like a brick last night. I actually went to bed before 1am. This NEVER happens. I slept through my first alarm (9am), hit the snooze on my second alarm (10:30am) and stayed in bed until 11am. It was still hard to get up.

WHy am I so tired? Uh. . . I work 32 hours this weekend and got...
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u r fresh fresh fresh teach me the ways
I just wanted to thank you for the add! Stop by any time. skull
Matt's coming home.
love kiss
A "homecoming" is always nice. Congrats. Felix isn't really worried, just still trying to get used to the new format. wink
Children of the god. Spawn of the devil.

In our daily experiences and exposures to life, we see it. In my role as a student of sociology, I read and study the great inequalities and inequities, the tensions and conflicts between us, the breaks in the dams that lead to floods of blood and hatred.

In our daily experiences and exposures to life, we see...
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Who's "Sui f'rills"?
And so sorry about your continuing PI battle.
It took a long time for me, too.
We found this soap, though, which if you use it immediately after noticing the first PI bumps, will actually stop the spread.
At least it worked for me a couple times.
And I'm WAY allergic.
I'll get the info for you.
Not that it'll help now....
You have to use the the soap like the first day you are exposed.
And Zui is very attractive.
Thank you for clearing that up!
And my why do I bother thing was more about not feeling like putting up a new post and wondering why I felt like I should anyway.
So my poison ivy is back. My left arm was covered in weeping blisters and was swollen up to twice its normal size. I ahd another spot in my armpit and all over my chest, and one on MY FACE. Neither of the doctors at the campus health clinic could tell me what it was. I had to go to a specialist and pay ninety...
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Do you feel like smashing stuff?
Prednisone will do that.

And it's spelled "repartee".
Arg. What a bad spot of luck you've had with the poison ivy!

One time, my ex-boyfriend and I were traipsing around in Riverside Park on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. We were crawling through bushes to get to some blackberries (and to get a closer look at a mysterious homeless peoples' shantytown set up in a hidden part of the park). A Parks Department employee came up to us and said, "Uhhhh. All that stuff you're walking around in is poison ivy. This stuff here, that stuff, over there, and over there." He was probably imagining us after we got home, writhing in agony and scratching all over whilst sobbing. It was a miracle we never were affected, or that we managed to avoid touching it altogether. It's some insidious stuff as you've shown!
I love school.

I have a 2-3 page essay on Mary Wolstonecraft's "Vindication of the Rights of Man" due on the 30th.

Rent and a $105 bill due on the 1st. $6 in my checking account.

Hung out with Prof A. a little today, then went a visited with one of my favorite profs from my first semester at UD. I'm totally obsessed with her...
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sigh, i miss school and those kind of papers. i just finished nursing school but it was completely different. like trade school, not at all creative, just rote learning.
sometimes when i ride my bike uo a hill, i go so slow i fall off and then i have to walk it the rest of the way ... to hard to get the momentum going uphill and that sucks
i would like a sugar daddy too.
maybe we could split one......
Hey, hey - I'm the only sugar daddy around here!

In Vermont we live almost at the top of a BIG ass hill, and the school I hope to go to next year is almost at the bottom (2 miles away).
Town is another mile down at the bottom.
I look forward to the biking challenge!

Oh right, Mr. A!
I don't have a story, but he was my algebra (!) prof a couple years ago.
I loved him.
I got 100 on the final.
No story, but he had a saying that I stole from him:

"I'm Mr. A and I don't cheat and I don't lie."

He would say that when students complained about stuff they hadn't paid attention to and then accused him of it being his fault somehow...
Oh, you have to say it in a heavy (slurpee not casino) Indian accent.

Poison ivy came back huh?
I'm sorry.
Did they put you on Prednizone yet?

I need a sugar momma.
From Philip Roth's American Pastoral

"You fight your superficiality, your shallowness, so as to try to come at people without unreal expectations, without an overload of bias or hope or arrogance, as untanklike as you can be, sans cannon and machine guns and steel plating half a foot thick; you come at them unmenacingly on your own ten toes instead of tearing up the turf...
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Re: the Phillip Roith quote...

I've known plenty of people who conduct arguments in this manner. They misconstrue their opponent's argument, turning it into a convenient man-of-straw argument. Some people will argue for an hour or more seemingly without listening to a word that their opponent is saying. I am sure that some people do this deliberately for no better reason than that they love the sound of their own voice.
Thank you!! I hope to see you go pink soooon! I started reading Roth's the plot against america a while back but it was too dense and i had too much on my mind...i think this is a sign for me to read it now wink
I'm stressed out.

I might be looking for a new home for Claymensa soon. I just don't think I'll have the time to give her what she needs. I feel like a horrible person.

Artemis (my kitty) has adjusted well to her new home. She's very happy living with my friend Kierston. And Kierston loves the kitty to death! It's hard not to like that...
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Man I wish I could help you out in so many ways.
Well, the non-boyfriend ones anyway.
Not that you wouldn't make a swell girlfriend.
I mean I AM married.
But I'm not assuming you'd go out with me.
We'd have to meet, and you'd have to be into me and all that.
And we live so far apart.
Well. not THAT far, but far enough.
But I'm HAPPILY married.
Not that you were asking.
Or interested.

If it were 1 year in the future I would totally consider adopting Claymensa.
But I live in manhattan.
So you chose to answer NONE of the questions.
You don't get answers till I get answers!
And yes, Rocky Horror is so 1979, but it's referring to someone else's decorating silliness.
Not mine.
No way.