I legitimately COULD'NT go to work today. There was no coffee in the house. Plus, it's Jake's birthday.
Hello All you people out there in SG land. As those of you who know me personally are aware, I am getting married. I had not planned to have a wedding. I'm a broke Grad Student attempting to support two young adults on a meager stipend after all. Then, I began to want one. More and more I kept thinking about how I wanted to...
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aww, i so wish i could donate! i am indeed not making ends meet in the slightest, but your ceremony sounds amazing. i hope you guys are able to do it.
Sorry I never update this thing. Between work and Grad School I usually prioritize my time on the site to the ladies. It's not because I don't love you.
Not much is new except that my profile is active again. Yay naked girls!
Officially moving to Wrigleyville as of May. Met with Graduate advisor today to pick out my classes, and all looks well except for securing a job (but I'm working on it.) Who wants to help me move? Yeah... I know.. none of you (except I already goaded undeserving into it for which he is a total prince.)
hello, i saw your intro in the sg chicago group and just wanted to welcome you to the group and such.
where are you going to school? i so miss being in school. i'm a big dork. i want to go to grad school someday, but not for the next couple of years.
so welcome! even tho everybody seems to hate wrigleyville these days, i kinda like it. it's right by boystown, so how can you go wrong with lots of giant rainbow phallic sculptures all over the place?
where are you going to school? i so miss being in school. i'm a big dork. i want to go to grad school someday, but not for the next couple of years.
so welcome! even tho everybody seems to hate wrigleyville these days, i kinda like it. it's right by boystown, so how can you go wrong with lots of giant rainbow phallic sculptures all over the place?
greetings & welcome fellow chicago newbie!

Long time no...well anything. Still working on graduating, and then moving, and then going to grad school. Still no wedding date as I am riding out my dad's insurance like a jerk. However my wedding dress still fits so I think I have a ways to go on the grace period. Well this is about as long an entry as my guilt will cover. So...
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I'm in paris but all I can think about is you. You should stow away on a ship or something. We could get married while people were rude to us.
you have no idea how much I miss you!
I don't wanna stow away, you just come home!
And I was serious about the court house thing...
I don't wanna stow away, you just come home!
And I was serious about the court house thing...
So I bought my tickets and Summer plans officially include London and Paris. I keep having to force myself not to buy things for my trip so I can afford to buy things ON my trip. I just wish someone I actually knew was coming with me. If anyone's been around and has advice let me in on it.
B. You haven't updated this since March, wtf?
C. Are you aware that your profile still has you listed as single? Is this a sign? Are you trying to tell me something? You're hooking up with every French guy you see, aren't you?!?!
[less than three]
B. You haven't updated this since March, wtf?
C. Are you aware that your profile still has you listed as single? Is this a sign? Are you trying to tell me something? You're hooking up with every French guy you see, aren't you?!?!
[less than three]
As of 23 hours and 10 minutes ago I can now legally enter a bar and not drink.It was a pretty good birthday, most of it spent lying in bed watching movies and then going out to dinner, but it was really uneventful. I didn't really get calls from anyone I wanted to, only jake kevin and my sister, and one from my ber creepy...
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you'll break.
kidding! happy birthday. sorry it's late.
so...you know how they say that, like, the camera adds ten pounds or whatever...yeah...totally that fucking huge in real life!
damn...i love you.
damn...i love you.
^^ insert requisite penis joke here.
do brahs look at suicide girls???
this is a debate i am in. thoughts?
this is a debate i am in. thoughts?