My cat is now completely insane! shocked He's playing fetch with me over and over. And when I throw the toy he'll bring it back, but won't let go until he drops it in my hand. It's the strangest thing to see! smile

Wouldn't it be nice if you could just go to the airport, pick a flight, and get on just like you would a bus? And only have to show em your pass. It could cost you like 58 bucks a year! Damn! I think I'll write my congressman! surreal

Oh and I just decided, I'd fly to Finland and try and find Pihka and Ingrid to...
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Why thank you.*blush* Personally I prefer bus, train or hitch-hiking- but the idea is right. And traveling is one of the bestest things I know.smile
I need to get out of the sticks!!!!!!!! There isn't one freakin thing to do around here on a Sunday. Except sleep. But I can't sleep much on a Sunday cuz I live across the street from a church with a giant belltower!!!!! eeek
Regarding your note: Hah, you're right, he DIDN'T! He didn't work today... but his dad did come in, and was generally creepy, as usual. smile
Thanks for the words of encouragement. Actually she's been my best friend for years now. Her hubby had everyone fooled that he was such a nice guy. And what his fucking problem is I have NO idea.. she said today she's leaving monday.. which means tomorrow, which means we'll be moving her. Another friend of mine will house her for a couple of days but no more than that.. I figure that will give her a couple of days to make a few calls, get a restraining order... you know, all that cool shit. IF she does it. Unfortunately, the abused people tend to stay in the situation out of fear. I hope she's strong enough to leave.

Thanks again.
btw, glad you're out of a crappy situation too.
Back from seein Manson last night! I had the best time of my life! This week has just been amazing. His show was alot better then his Ozzfest set. Played so many more songs. And he was alot more into then he was at Ozzfest too. I got trashed! Pretended to be a security guard and let a whole shit load of people up to...
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I plucked them off my kitties and chucked them in.
Tick, tock, tick, tock. Four hours and counting till I leave for the show! I can't wait. What a week. Start off with Ozzfest. End it with Manson. Why can't all my work weeks go like this. Hmm, maybe I should be a roadie. hahaha skull Who cares if a square meal on the road consists of choclate milk, a bag of fritos, and some beef...
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Oo Ozzfest, sounds like a blast! Wish you alot of fun biggrin
You be careful with the ARRR!!! too smile.. well i know of course you will havea blast tonight !!! see you monday... have agreat weekend! and take care
Just got back from Ozzfest!!!!!!!
It poured almost all day but the whole show kicked ass. I don't think I've ever had a better time in a downpour in my life then when Cradle of Filth played there set and it dumped on us. But the pit rocked anyway! mad No matter though. We had seats under the roof for the main stage.

Some bands to...
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Sounds like tons of fun, get some pictures. smile
But of course Manson will always out do himself! he is just great!! I would kill to be there tonight! lucky lucky Dresden... I may not be a pisces, but i am still emotionally unstable...smile... hope you have a great time tonight
come on Tuesday!!!! I'm goin to Montage for Ozzfest!

and Friday I'm goin to the electric factory for Manson!!!
Alright, I guess it's time I put something in here. My weekends been the usual nothing to do or noplace to go. But I guess I could entertain you all with a question. What does it mean when the last freind you know from school finally gets too busy with *life*, to hang out with you? Do you just let it be or do you...
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