"So I guess I should start with the most obvious question. Why did you commit these heinous acts?"


"You don't believe murdering 25 people in cold blood is heinous?"

"Firstly, it was not in cold blood. Secondly, the people I have killed and the people I will kill in the future completely deserve it. There is no heinousness involved."

"You express no remorse for...
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Hey thanks so much for adding me!

What's up?
I haven't been getting much sleep lately. There have been too many things on my mind. In less than a month I will be graduationg from UW with my Bachelor's degree. I have been accepted to the MA program at Southern Illinois University. The fall semester begins in the middle of August, which means that I will have to move out there before then. Since...
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I'm finally giving my presentation at the research symposium on monday. It should be interesting. I've been working really hard all summer on this project and am excited to see it come to fruition.

The project is titled "On Environmental Ethic: Religious Perspectives" and the basic idea is that my partner and I tried to discern some sort of coherent envrionmental ethic within the religions...
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I never see you either. frown

You'll be happy to hear that I stopped drinking. Also that I'm going to go to school again soon.
I'll be there on the 17th!
I have an idea for a tv show or maybe a movie.

It should be a cop drama and the cop plays by his/her own rules.

THat's never been done before, I think it would be awesome.
The other night I left work like I usually do at about 12:55am and began to walk the short distance to the bus stop about a block away. There was little sound about except for the occasional passing car. This is a strange fact I've discovered about Seattle, after midnight in downtown, everyone dissappears. It is a strange thing ebcause I'm used to Portland where...
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do it!
it sounds too lovely not to.

ps. send some of that cool seattle air this way....
you are terrible in the pic.

seems the crhitmas pig with orange in the mounth..

ehheheheh tongue
Well, I finished Part 1 of the story I'm working on. As it stands right now, the first part could be a novella on its own. I might change the ending a bit to make it more accomadating to what I have in mind for the future. I'm not sure if I should try and get it published or not. I never really wrote it...
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I know how you feel, my friend, I know how you feel.......
I did not pay to go to Hawaii, and it was not for the video. The video was here in Portland. I will see you asap.
The weight of my burden was immense and I could feel them dragging behind me. With every step I took the weight only seemed to increase, as if there were anchors burrowing themselves into the ground. Had I looked behind me I would have seen them there sharp and barbed holding tight to the soft forest soil. As I struggled hard to continue forward, the...
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His words stuck with me and I knew that I would have to pace myself for the rest of the climb. I wasnt sure what it was that I would miss along the way (because I thought the goal was the most important aspect of the journey), but I knew that he was not one to be disregarded. The things he had told me were...
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"Like Don Quixote I had spent my time with my nose in books reading about adventure and never embarking on one. Luckily for me, I was not out jousting windmills; instead I was talking to strange men in caves and taking advice from a talking deer. "
Sounds like me, my dear. You are in good company.
nice username.
The plateau I was standing on at the top of the cliff was fairly large, it was like a giant step on a staircase up the mountain, and the next step was the top. Not wanting to waist anymore time I rushed toward the next slope leading up the mountain and began climbing as fast as I could. I leapt from boulder to boulder all...
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Sorry I did not come back to say hi again before I left. frown
Maybe next month!!!!! Miss ya.
The climb was simple at first because I was able to walk up the steep path, but as I ascended higher I was forced to begin climbing. Large boulders provided a good route for climbing and I found myself making my way up still fairly easily. Eventually I reached a point where I could not go any farther forward and up. In front of me...
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