Tell me exactly how i spent the entire day at cape may and i'm still the whitest motherfucker on the east coast. Absurd! Seriously, i'm so sick of all my scars standing out like neon signs of clumsiness! But still it was a glorious day, i'm fucking exhausted. Even got to stop at stockton and see the rest of the crew for a little bit....
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Very weird past couple of days. Can't complain, variety keeps me on my toes and is more than welcome.

Had a good productive talk today with someone about something that I've needed to vent about for a long time. A year and a good cry later, I do feel a bit of the guilt and the grief lifted off my shoulders, but it'll take time,...
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Surprisingly, I'm still alive. This is more of a public service announcement than anything (or a bit of bad news depending on who you are wink ) but let it be known that a good time was had, and i kinda miss it already.

There's something very humbling about starting to drink at 10 am and being beyond sloshed by 6 pm. Beantown just needs to...
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yes 23 was a shitty age and a great age for me.. got divorced..and found a great girl..
umm.. signed up to sg.. lol
changed my look.. :/
was pretty cool age.. i guess? lol

hope things are good with ya tongue
I totally forgot that Crank 2 comes out today! It looks so over the top absurd (even more than the first one) that i have to see it. I was supposed to (and i use the term loosely, nothing was set in stone) see it with the person i saw the first one with but well..that's not happening anymore. I need to go with someone...
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ah, after 4 months of planning tomorrow is the day I ship off to Boston.
I've spent most of that time booking a hotel and figuring out how to get myself and 4 other people there without conflicting with people's work schedules and geographical limitations (we all kinda live in different places) so i haven't had tons of time to look up things to do...
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I think that I'm going to start a goal for myself.
I'm going to relearn how to play Jessica by the Allman Brothers by christmas.

Just a thought to entertain my time smile
A noble goal, to be sure
instead of posting the usual awesome zombie jeebus pictures i find throughout the year like i usually do, i'm going to go nurse a hangover and leave you with this

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

and this just because i can relate confused

Everyone have fun doing what you do and/or don't do! wink

So before i head out again for the night, i'm watching the Sarah Connor Chronicles.
And i remember a conversation i had with TRe when we went to go see the Last House on the Left remake (which was good imo)

But's right, shirley manson DOES look like hell these days.
And watching the guy who played Krug in the lhotl remake(Garrett Dillahunt) as a...
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So very much in the mood to sing..

In the mood for a lot of things lately, but thing at a time, folks.
Also need to get up and out very badly this weekend, or all the marbles may be lost.

Today's not friday? Fuuuuuuuuuuck
Oh man, I loooooooooove learning new skills.
I feel like it makes me a better and more rounded person.

I'm becoming a bigger and better person all the fucking time now. Gaining some hindsight, foresight, present-sight, 3rd AND 5th dimension sight. Too bad i can't like everything i see. Shame shame shame.

But hey, not my loss right? Fuck no!
The right people can find...
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The world is full of fair weather friends. You dont hear from them in forever, and then all of a sudden its all, "Buddy, where have you been?" whatever
The friends I have had for a long time are like that, they are there thick or thin regardless of the situation.

Nice guys/girls always finish last, I have been battling the notion to just start being more of an asshole to people for the simple fact that I keep getting burned when I try to do nice things for them. Or at the very least to prioritize my best interests ahead of others. People suck lol
I think i broke a comment record with a whopping 5 yesterday...
No seriously that's a lot for me. Who reads this garbage anyway?! confused

I'm so mad that i can't watch the new Red Dwarf episodes when they start on friday. Who knows if and when they'll get to the states. Although there's apparently a lot of spoilers out on the web already. Do not...
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my dad's gonna dvr it!
haha, sorry for the random blog commenting - just made it back to SG. anyway. #3! haha.