Note to self:
Act your age. Relax-this won't hurt.

if you caught the HST reference give yourself a cookie.
I just think that section of it really applies right now.
Not in the negative sense the whole represents but as a postive motivation for myself.

It can't undo a lot of things or change a lot of habits (instantaniously anyway)
but i think it's a...
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sounds like an Irish wedding to me... but actually the Black & Tan started in England so i guess that makes it more of a English or British wedding.
but that's not nearly as fitting as the former. oh well.
It's hip & definitely more to my liking haha
New phone, i has it.
If i had your number previously it is safe and sound in the new one.
If i didn't well then it's staying that way. Just felt like sharing that i got a new toy.

oh and my doc's came today.
I'm gonna go chain smoke and break em in
But dose I dont have that number frown
Today for the sheer fuck of it i drove down to where my friend used to go to school and stopped by a farmer's market nearby. Got a few pumpkins and cider. mmmmm. It was more for the drive but what a bonus.

Unfortunately the rest of my day was an extreme bust.
And now my stomach feels totally ill.
I am not what you...
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So, i've had David Bowie's Space Oddity stuck in my head for about a week now (which i really don't mind it's one of my favorite songs) and i'm starting to notice it everywhere. Last night as i was lying down a car commercial actually used it (it was kind of surreal sounding and had female vocals, but still, same song). I woke up this...
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So we finally had the "The Economy Sucks" meeting at work today.
And while they said no one would be laid off, no more raises. Just before my review of course. And other such things. I suddenly have the feeling of a rat on a sinking ship. I need out.

So today i was looking at my options and changes in scenery. And that change...
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i finally beat silent hill 3!
two years ago prolly? the sad thing is, i tried when it originally came out in 2003. sooo it only took me five years!
I really love my friends.
They make me feel so loved and appreciated and tonight they go out of their way to make me feel so god damned beautiful when i'm simply not feeling my best. Just things that, not necessarily every girl, but every PERSON needs and needs to hear from time to time.

It's just outright inspiring.
Lots of weird little coincidences going on lately.
Usually i enjoy the occasional feeling of deja vu, but now things are getting too weird to ignore.
To the point of sending shivers down my spine. Spooky. But i guess thats the mystery of the season eh?

Still...it makes me a bit curious.
it was similar in that it was hilarious and i thoroughly enjoyed it smile it was not as true to the original material as evil dead was, but updated nicely so that the masses could enjoy it, particularly dirty jerseyians!
I've noticed the same thing....strange, indeed.
Dreaming of screaming
that's deep
Or is that something I should recognize like a song or movie or something?
yeah maybe he somewhat got what he deserved in the long run...

so i started reading that McCain thing you posted and stopped halfway thru because i knew that when he gets elected president i'll want to kill myself. that guy is an all-out douche.
It's about time someone put all this together.
Even if i am totally sick of the word "Maverick" thanks to this fucking campaign circus whatever

John McCain: Make Believe Maverick
ahhhh, waking up early on a sunday morning to the pitter patter of rain outside. And while usually i would be quite upset to be up so early on my day off, i'm unusually happy about it. I think i may have even woken up with a smile on my face. Just overall strange for someone who got as little sleep as i did last...
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Good morning there dose, I love to wake up to rain... I'm a desert dweller so rain is a gift from the gods ha ha. Sorry it can ruin things though...
they are spanktacular are they not. Glad you still enjoyed it too
Ah, my visits with boyo are too short sometimes. Always enjoyable. Drinks, some fucking kick ass lasagna, deep, stimulating

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introspective conversations. (haha, fooled you, you pervert)

and even though i said i wouldn't tell people..

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

I finally watched The Breakfast Club eeek

And good lord i love the cool weather because it makes for awesome snugglins wink

Today was...
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saw this on the web, apparently some guy at comic con. i think the actual guy is in the cape and the costume is strapped on top of him.