Well there it is, I failed, she did it. She ODed on anti-depressants after a night of getting blind drunk for the occasion. I'm still waiting to hear from the hospital.

I never thought I could feel so helpless, there's nothing I can do anymore...

I'm sure I did something wrong...
It sucks about your friend but you did your best and there's nothing more you can do, hope you're ok.
Shit mate, i'm so so sorry to hear that. Really.

I came to say happy birthday, but i don't think that's the right thing to say.

Someone close to me tried to hang themselves before, and it was so hard. Cuz you want so desperatly to help, and you just can't. And it's so hard to come to terms with that. If you want to talk, anytime, day or night, you know where to find me.
UL Vikings 36 - Cork Admirals 20

Good lord I had seven heart attacks, two conniptions, 4 anyeurisms and I may have given birth at one stage but it's a win. A hell of a hard fought game, but a win for the us and a clawback of some respect after the forfeit we had to the Admirals a couple of weeks back. I'm dead...
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So there it is, my day off just ended. This has probably been the first day off in months that I haven't actually had anything to do. I sat about all day (despite it being about 22 degrees outside) in my apartment. I did some cleaning and some washing but spent most of it lazing about. Nothing was on tv so I decided to read...
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It happens sometimes, people pull out and meets fall apart. Not that the meet is dead, maybe other people want to go still, but I'll be in Leitrim. Maybe you can convince everyone else to go?
Yup, the secret is to give looooots of notice! Like two months! SG Irelanders can be quite lazy sometimes.

The now infamous G36k Buck Rogers dance. Taken by a mate of mine while I hadn't realised (obviously). Pretty much everyone else I know has seen this so you lot may as well, plus it's a marked improvement on my previous video blog! At least it's more entertaining!

Warning, includes massive amounts of air guitar and making me making a tit of myself

Phrase of...
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Video blog 2: This time it's personal (and worse)

Conclusions from this blog:

1) Brendan loves the Rebels.
2) I should probably make a list of things I'm gonna talk about rather than charge into it like a rabbit with a rocket up it's hole.
3) Brendan loves the Rebels.
4) I don't seem to be able to look at the camera for longer than...
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Right so basically I'm plagerising iannnnnn's idea for a video blog but I'm doing this for two reasons.

1) I was bored last night.
2) I got a digital video camera that records to memory cards I wanted to try out before.

I've drawn a few conclusions from this little experiment.

1) I can't improvise on camera, I can when there's no camera, much...
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the last Cork v Limerick match, ye langball. 30-0 I do believe?
ah ha, just found out that was a walkover cause you guys couldn't sort out a pitch. that sucks donkey balls.
The big weekend off...

Day 1

The original plan was this.

1) Get up at a reasonable time. It is a day off after all so I fancied a sleep in. 11am or so would have been a big sleep in for me so I set alarms for then

2) Get my hair cut. It's gotten beyond a joke now. Someone at work asked if...
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Rough synopsis of my weekend.

9:00pm - 21st party in Limerick

3:00am - left party for home
6:30am - left home for work
3:30pm - left work for train station
4:00pm - boarded train for Dublin
4:40pm - inexplicable delay between connecting trains
4:45pm - delay caused by approximately 150 trainspotters on the platform apparently
7:00pm - arrive in Dublin
8:00pm - found...
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You didn't seem ignorant at all, it's really hard to meet a group of new people who all know each other. I'm sorry I didn't talk to you more, I hope you had a good night anyway.
Thanks dude smile I've wanted the Dali clock for yonks but never could figure how to apply it to my skin. I was going to have it draped over a tree at one point on my back but the design never worked out.
Happy Easter! smile
What retail shop is providing the housing of your personal hell?

The exposure time was 20 seconds at f22 and at ISO 100. All on a tripod and all late at night when there were fewer cars. Those trails are from just one car going each way so they deviate less.
But that way you just have to be lucky with the traffic and the like. Plus put up with drunk people trying to acost you and your camera heh.
Maplin Electronics. Though if I have my way, it won't be for much longer.
So I went airsoft the other day. Holy hand grenade it was fun. I was expecting everyone there to be really serious about it but it was quite informal (apart from the safety stuff). It was probably one of the most enjoyable days of my life and I met a few people there that I can see becoming good friends. All I need now is...
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Hey, i'll show you all around Dublin, so you'll be in good(ish) hands. Get somewhere to stay in teh city centre, and i can meet you there if you like, but i guess we'll sort all that out closer to the date.

But it'll be good to meet you.
TWO DAYS!!! I have just two more days to wait until my G36k airsoft rifle arrives and I am actually salivating at the prospect of seeing it for the first time. Hopefully it'll arrive in time for the skirmish in Dublin this weekend as I'd like to put it through it's paces as soon as I possibly can.

I know a lot of you really...
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