> Finished taking my Law School Finals for my first semester...I apparently survived them, but I could have done much better. I guess getting sick, and missing two solid weeks of class did end up effecting my grades a bit....
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The Bad:
> I seriously think that my computer is more susceptible to the full moon than I am. My DVD drive just stopped recognizing DVDs...weird.
> Both my mother and my sister decided to call me yesterday morning in regards to a phone conversation that the two of them had had the previous morning. My mum's voice mail message was short, and terse,...
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I did get home last night, safe and sound.
Good luck on your finals! My dad always tells me "Knock 'em the fuck out".
I clicked the link half hoping to find a nicely animated clip of Bond getting the beatdown from a bunch of penguins, or at least a solid...
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how old are your children?
Sorry about the slow response, been fairly busy the last few days. My son is 9 and my daughter is 6. Rather, she will be on Friday, but what's a few days.
We broke the news to them last night and they were rather unhappy about it, but tht's to be expected. Picking up and moving is always a bit traumatic. In time, though, I'm sure they'll like it up there.
Other than the slight fear of taking my first set of Law School finals, I am...
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And hey, when are we gonna hang out again? Don't give me this whole "I'm too busy because I'm in law school" crap. That shit won't fly with me.
And remember, if you need outlines or study guides for any subject whatsoever, please let me know and I'll get them to you.
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One of the most interesting pieces of evidence supporting the notion of visual superiority over the other senses is that the original version of "Seeing's believing" was presumably "Seeing's believing, but feeling's the truth." That most Americans have dropped the second portion of the proverb does not seem to be an accident. Rather, it reflects a definite penchant for the visual in contrast to the...
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I have printed a lot of shirts. Never with the heavy duty oil based ink, but I have found a water based printing ink that if printed well works really good.
and thanks, i'm really thrilled on this job. and it's been too long since i've been able to say that.
also: i would normally try to do the giving space/time thing, we're just trying to figure out whether this crisis of his is indicative of something larger that precludes us from being together right now. *smacks head against table*
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By the way I was at the transfer station, the tansfer dump as it were and this van was unloading all of these giant photograpsh the size of cubicle walls, and graph that were just as big. So I went over to check it out after and it was thousands of square feet of legal illustrations. The art that goes into the court room. I had no idea! I think you would win everytime if you had one of these .
If it was a 3d model I might have had to break that rule.
I wonder if they used it to create a labyrinth that the jury had to walk through at the closing statements.