Hoo-ray, another journal no one will see!
<sarcasm>And how important an update it is! If you did happen to stumble upon this roadblock in the information superhighway, have a seat dear reader, you're in for some REAL excitement </sarcasm>
Whats the deal with this dude? ----->
Is he supposed to be stoned, or drunk, or insane, or what? I find myself hypnotized by it on...
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<sarcasm>And how important an update it is! If you did happen to stumble upon this roadblock in the information superhighway, have a seat dear reader, you're in for some REAL excitement </sarcasm>
Whats the deal with this dude? ----->

Is he supposed to be stoned, or drunk, or insane, or what? I find myself hypnotized by it on...
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Holy fuck, 3 updates in less than a month? Only like 3 people read the last one. I hope I don't overload the servers, or we'll all be looking at that old pic of Mary and reading the comment about going out for hot chicks, whilst furiously clicking reload.
Anyway, it would seem that I've been "tagged" by Tarnish and, as I have nothing better...
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Anyway, it would seem that I've been "tagged" by Tarnish and, as I have nothing better...
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hmmm, it says ur not found too...
sure ur on horde hellscream??
sure ur on horde hellscream??


Got a huge tax return, which is paying for a laptop for me and a bitchin' (does using that word make me instantly uncool? I kinda hope so, being the grumpy outsider is what I'm used to) chest piece for Tarnish
I'm going to try to update more, but I bore myself, so I don't know that it's fair to subject any of you people...
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I'm going to try to update more, but I bore myself, so I don't know that it's fair to subject any of you people...
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thanks...I appreciate the comment
happy v-day!!
awesome. wish my man even briefly would think about spending money on me insted of himself. oh well. I'm claiming rent this year so he can F-off! ahahaha.
Two little potatos are standing on the street corner. One is a prostitute.
How can you tell which one is the prostitute?
It's the one with the little sticker that says...
I - DA - HO
awesome. wish my man even briefly would think about spending money on me insted of himself. oh well. I'm claiming rent this year so he can F-off! ahahaha.
Two little potatos are standing on the street corner. One is a prostitute.
How can you tell which one is the prostitute?
It's the one with the little sticker that says...
I - DA - HO
I would make some mildly amusing comment about dusting myself off, but i think i did that last time, and I would hate to be repetitive. I figure if I'm only gonna update once in a blue moon, I should try to keep things fresh. So yeah, I'm alive, and the "i" key on my keyoard is all fucked. Let's see, since my last update,...
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well i think youre aces.

you're such a silly pants. You and your duel meanings and self deprivation. I lurve you.

I haven't updated in forever.
Got a POS car that RUNS!!
So no bus...until this one dies
Work still sucks; I should probably look for a new job if this ass is going to be my DM for long...
Tarnish is still awesome, as you all know
WoW still consumes me. I'm level 58 for those that care. For those that don't, I'm a level...
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Got a POS car that RUNS!!

Work still sucks; I should probably look for a new job if this ass is going to be my DM for long...

Tarnish is still awesome, as you all know

WoW still consumes me. I'm level 58 for those that care. For those that don't, I'm a level...
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HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!! Wishing you brightest blessings for 2006.
So by now anyone who's reading this has probaly read Tarnish's journal about it, but my grandfather passed away about a week ago yesterday. He was a really nice guy, the one person I could always count on to be calm and mellow at my wacky family's gatherings, and my main regret is that I didn't get to know him better while he was around....
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I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Grandfather's are so important, and the precious ones are few and far between.
When my one and only passed, I was unable to tarnish my memories of him healthy and happy.
Here is a big dose of love and good thoughts for you and your family.
When my one and only passed, I was unable to tarnish my memories of him healthy and happy.
Here is a big dose of love and good thoughts for you and your family.
So I realize that this is unbelievably soon for me to update my journal again, (especially since no one read the last one) but I actually got out of the house and did stuff, which warrants an update. Yesterday, the lovely Tarnish and I went out to my mom's house to feed her cats while she's out of town. We did some laundry and watched...
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much love derek, it's never easy n i know it hurts
*gives you a comforting hug*
So my birthday actually turned out pretty cool. We went to this "family fun center" type place near my mom's house called Scandia. It turned out to be pretty ghetto there, but we played some videogames and miniature golf, and Tarnish hit a few in the batting cages. Then we went back to my mom's house where they gave me my gift: a friggin' PSP!!...
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facist dms suck

WTF?! you didnt tell me that he told nate to write you up. Does this guy have his head up his fucking ass or what. thats a rhetorical question. heh.
I love you babe, fuck that guy, if he keeps making nate write you guys up for such menial shit he's going to be in a world of hurt when everyone quits.
I love you babe, fuck that guy, if he keeps making nate write you guys up for such menial shit he's going to be in a world of hurt when everyone quits.
*dusts himself off*
Whoa hey, I'm not dead. WoW consumes my being, shitty comp or no. If I could only get the lovely Tarnish to play alongside me, I'd be an even happier man, but she takes one look and is bored to tears. Hypnosis didn't work, she just slapped the pocketwatch away from her face. Whispering in her ear that she should like WoW...
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Whoa hey, I'm not dead. WoW consumes my being, shitty comp or no. If I could only get the lovely Tarnish to play alongside me, I'd be an even happier man, but she takes one look and is bored to tears. Hypnosis didn't work, she just slapped the pocketwatch away from her face. Whispering in her ear that she should like WoW...
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Nothing wrong with being a Mama's boy. If you've got a good mom, you should love her for all she's worth.
Reservoir Dogs was good. Not Pulp Fiction good, but good still.
I just saw Hero. It was AWESOME!!!! I love all that spectacle shit. Yay! Pretty stuff!!!
Reservoir Dogs was good. Not Pulp Fiction good, but good still.
I just saw Hero. It was AWESOME!!!! I love all that spectacle shit. Yay! Pretty stuff!!!
you should dust yourself off again.
I work in pasadena now! I finally got transferred out of the store I was at and am at a much better one now. Other than that, not a whole lot going on. Tarnish's birthday was fun, though I never would've guessed that 2 rounds of bowling would leave me so sore. My back hurts just thinking about it (no wait, it hurt anyway). What's...
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congrats on your 1st anniv
seriously! Take five minutes from your WoW extravaganza and update you journal!!

Running out of weed sucks!!
For those that can't relate...
I hate people who, well...well generally, I just hate most people
Yay or nay, should I get a nirvana-related tattoo?
The little smiley face guys are distracting me, but I think I've been playing lots of halo 2 lately. Cheesy bastards can just look at my profile pic for further instructions
EDIT: I'm thinking...
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For those that can't relate...
I hate people who, well...well generally, I just hate most people

Yay or nay, should I get a nirvana-related tattoo?
The little smiley face guys are distracting me, but I think I've been playing lots of halo 2 lately. Cheesy bastards can just look at my profile pic for further instructions

EDIT: I'm thinking...
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I think that would make a nice tat, but my theory is that if you have to debate it, don't get it. I still am tattooless. I keep finding my money better spent elsewhere. That's just my opinion. I'm more into shoes than tattoos.
My hubby's been playing a lot of Halo these days.
Running outta weed does suck. I'm right there with you.
I'm TarNish's friend, BTW. Just sayin' hi.
My hubby's been playing a lot of Halo these days.
Running outta weed does suck. I'm right there with you.
I'm TarNish's friend, BTW. Just sayin' hi.
helloooooooooooo....You need to boot me off your comp so you can update your journal you sexy mutha fucka.
Thanks for spoiling me so much for my birthday! You are so awesome! I love you SO much!
Thanks for spoiling me so much for my birthday! You are so awesome! I love you SO much!

Come tax time, I love not making that much money. I just e-filed our taxes and it turns out our federal return is going to be like 1200 bucks, which is awesome. I think we might be able to resolve our car issues with that money, which is even more awesome. I just need to figure out how I can get my truck to a...
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Oh i agree with Tarnish that would be good. as i love Guitars. lol as for choda boy up there
I agree with Ash! lol.

choda boy.... what a fun guy.. ill tell ya...
I am a virgin to your profile..... I guess you can add me as a friend, now that I'm used meat.